
Google | Forvo | +
ambient. kaart
cienc. opmeten
IT tec. opgelegde betrekking
micr. toewijzing; toewijzen
ambient. kartering
cuid. cienc. in kaart brengen
hidr. kaartering
IT tec. opgelegde betrekking
jur. prod. in kaart brengen
| and
micr. EN
geophysical | interpretation
gen. het tolken
| computer
econ. computer
- se han encontrado palabras individuales (hay algunos valores en el tesauro que no tienen traducción en el diccionario)

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mapping ['mæpɪŋ] s
cuid., cienc. in kaart brengen
hidr. kaartering f
jur., prod. het in kaart brengen
mat. afbeelding f
map [mæp] v
ambient. kaart
arte landkaart
hidr. kaarteren; karteren
IT adressenlijst
IT, proc. kaart met verkorte referenties; shortref-map
IT, tec. opgelegde betrekking
micr. toewijzing (A path in a system that defines the transfer of data from a source location to a destination location); toewijzen (To associate data with a specified location in memory)
mapping ['mæpɪŋ] v
estad., mark. kartering
IT, tec. opgelegde betrekking
to map [mæp] v
cienc. opmeten
mapping The process of making a map of an area; especially the field work necessary for the production of a map ['mæpɪŋ] v
ambient. kartering
map in general [mæp] v
ambient. kaart
 Inglés tesauro
mapping ['mæpɪŋ] s
IT Diagramming data that are to be exchanged electronically, including how they are to be used and what business management systems need them
mil., abrev. map
MAPPING ['mæpɪŋ] abbr.
abrev. Management And Planning Projects Involving Nonmetropolitan Groups
MAP [mæp] abbr.
abrev. Austronesian; Management of an Accounting Practice; Media Access Project; Minimum Advertised Price; Minimum Advertised Pricing; Modified American Plan; Musicians Assistance Program; Linker Map (File Name Extension Alex Lilo); Machinist Apprentice Program (Alex Lilo); Macro Arithmetic Processor (Alex Lilo); Macro Assembly Program (Alex Lilo); Macroassembly Program (Vosoni); Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (Alex Lilo); Madagascar Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (Alex Lilo); Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure (Alex Lilo); Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars Alex Lilo); Main Audio Program (Alex Lilo); Mainframe Acquisition Project (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Activation Plan (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Activity Pirmasens (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Administration Panel; Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM); Maintenance Analysis Procedures (Alex Lilo); Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel Alex Lilo); Major Accounts Processing (Alex Lilo); Major Sync Point (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Making Action Plans (Alex Lilo); Management Achievement Plan (Alex Lilo); Management Application Protocol; Management Assistance Program (Alex Lilo); Management Process (Alex Lilo); Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe (s Alex Lilo); Manifold Absolute Pressure (Alex Lilo); Manpower Analysis Paper (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Application Protocol (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Assembly Procedure (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Automated Protocol (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Automation Profile (Alex Lilo); Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor Alex Lilo); Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (Alex Lilo); Marine Advisory Program (Alex Lilo); Marine Animal Productions (Alex Lilo); Maritime Airborne Patrol (Alex Lilo); Market Access Program (Alex Lilo); Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF Alex Lilo); Market Analysis Portfolio (Alex Lilo); Market Area Planning (Alex Lilo); Marketing Association of Pakistan (Alex Lilo); Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory Alex Lilo); Mass Air Pressure (sensor Alex Lilo); Master Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Master Amino Acid Pattern (Alex Lilo); Master Attack Plan; Master of Applied Politics (Alex Lilo); Materiel Acquisition Plan (Alex Lilo); Materiel Acquisition Process; Maximum A Posteriori estimate (Alex Lilo); Maximum A Posteriori Probability (Alex Lilo); Mazda Advancement Plan (Alex Lilo); Mean Airway Pressure (Alex Lilo); Mean Annual Precipitation (Alex Lilo); Measure of Academic Progress (Alex Lilo); Measurement Adoption Process (Alex Lilo); Media Accelerated Processor (Alex Lilo); Media Access Procedure (Alex Lilo); Medical Advantage Plan (AARP Alex Lilo); Medical Aid for Palestinians (Alex Lilo); Medical Assessment Process (Alex Lilo); Medical Assistance Plan (Alex Lilo); Medicare Advocacy Project (Alex Lilo); Medication Access Program (Georgia Alex Lilo); Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea Alex Lilo); Membrane Associated Protein (Alex Lilo); Memory Address Print (Alex Lilo); Memory Algorithm Processor (Alex Lilo); Memory Alliance Program (Alex Lilo); Memory Allocation Map (Alex Lilo); Merchant Account Provider (Alex Lilo); Merit Award Program (education Alex Lilo); Message Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Message Application Part (Sprint Alex Lilo); Message Application Programming (Alex Lilo); Messaging Application Protocol (Alex Lilo); Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Program (Alex Lilo); Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket Alex Lilo); Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan Alex Lilo); Michigan Advocacy Project (Alex Lilo); Michigan Airglow Payload (Alex Lilo); Microprocessor Applications Project (Alex Lilo); Microtubule-Associated Protein (Alex Lilo); Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA Alex Lilo); Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants Alex Lilo); Midrange Alliance Program (Alex Lilo); Military Advisory Panel (Alex Lilo); Military Aeronautical Pentathlon (Alex Lilo); Milstar Advanced Processor (Alex Lilo); Miniature Array Package (Alex Lilo); Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian Alex Lilo); Minimum Audible Pressure; Minimum-Advertised Pricing (Alex Lilo); Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada Alex Lilo); Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation Alex Lilo); Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR); Minnesota AIDS Project (Alex Lilo); missed approach procedure (US DoD Alex Lilo); Mission Area Plan/Planning (Alex Lilo); Mission Assurance Plan (Alex Lilo); Mission Automation Plan (Alex Lilo); Mitigation Action Plans (Alex Lilo); Mitogen-Activated Protein (Alex Lilo); Mitsubishi Assistance Package (Alex Lilo); Mixed Activation Products (Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Platform (Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Mobile Agp Packet (Alex Lilo); Mobile Anchor Point (Alex Lilo); Mobile Antenna Platform (Alex Lilo); Mobile Assistance Patrol (Alex Lilo); Mobility Anchor Point (Alex Lilo); Modern Aids to Planning (Alex Lilo); Modernization of Administrative Processes (Alex Lilo); Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Alex Lilo); Modular Architecture Platform (Alex Lilo); Modular Avionics Package (Alex Lilo); Moisture, Ash and Protein (Alex Lilo); Mold Array Package (Alex Lilo); Monitored Asynchronous Protocol (Alex Lilo); Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey Alex Lilo); Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA Alex Lilo); Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology Alex Lilo); Montana Advocacy Program (Alex Lilo); Montreal Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Morbidity and Performance Assessment (Alex Lilo); Morning After Pill (Alex Lilo); Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM Alex Lilo); Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material Alex Lilo); Morton Area Players (Alex Lilo); Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University Alex Lilo); Motorist Assistance Patrol (Alex Lilo); Motorist Assurance Program (Alex Lilo); Mouse Antibody Production (Alex Lilo); Mouse Atlas Project (Alex Lilo); Move Assistance Program (Alex Lilo); Movement And Position (tracking system Alex Lilo); MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Best Buy; Performance Service Plans Alex Lilo); Multi Access Portal (Alex Lilo); Multi Agent Planning (Alex Lilo); Multi-Agency Profiler (Alex Lilo); Multi-Agency Project (Alex Lilo); Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank Alex Lilo); Multicultural Achievers Program (Alex Lilo); Multidimensional Assignment Problem (Alex Lilo); Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape Alex Lilo); Multiple Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Multiple Aim Point System (Alex Lilo); Multiplexed Access Point (Alex Lilo); Multiplexer Access Point (Alex Lilo); Multiservice Access Platform (Alex Lilo); Municipal Airport (Alex Lilo); Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project Alex Lilo); Mutualized Access Point (Alex Lilo); Mutually Agreed Positions (Alex Lilo); Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis (Alex Lilo); NATO Membership Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Monoammonium Phosphate agrochemistry (Alex Lilo); mesh access point (сетевые технологии, точка доступа к ячеистой сети) nikolkor); multiple antigenic peptide
abrev., agric. mean aortic pressure; modified atmosphere packing
abrev., agric., quím. monoammonium phosphate
abrev., astron. Mediterranean Action Plan; Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)
abrev., audit. matters for the attention of partner (вопросы на рассмотрение партнера TUT)
abrev., automóv. manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil Schnappi); manifold absolute pressure sensor; maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil Schnappi); Maintenance Awareness Program; intake manifold absolute pressure
abrev., avia. ground mapping; maintenance aid processor; management analysis program; manufacturing action request; master annunciator panel; military assistance Aid program; missed approach phases; missed approach procedure; missed approach program; missed approach segment; mission application program; mission audio panel; multiple aim point; aeronautical maps and charts; main apron
abrev., biol. methyl acetoxyprogesterone
abrev., biot. medroxyprogesterone
abrev., burs. Maine Public Service Company
abrev., comun. maintenance alarm panel
abrev., defens. military aviation plan
abrev., educ. Missouri Assessment Program; Music, Art, Physical Education; Measures of Academic Progress (индивидуальное тестирование знаний с коррекцией уровня сложности заданий в процессе выполнения теста OLGA P.)
abrev., educ., cient. Measures Of Academic Progress
abrev., electr. machine analyzer package; macro assembly program; main arithmetic processor; maintenance analysis program; manageability, availability and performance; management application process; manual access port; mapping of FET array performance; Markovian arrival process; mask analysis program; mathematical analysis project; matrix algorithmic processor; maximum a posteriori probability; measurement assurance program; medium access protocol; memory access protection; memory address port; memory allocation and protection; microelectronics application project; microprocessor analysis package; microprocessor assessment system; microprogrammed array processor; microtubule associated protein; missile assignment program; mobile antenna platform; mobile application protocol; modular acoustic processor; modular arithmetic processor; modular avionics packaging; multiassociative processor; multimedia access protocol; multimedia application platform; multiple access protocol; multiservice access platform; mix and preheat (pro-cess)
abrev., escoc. Membership Action Plan (NATO); Military Aid Program (USA); MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA); Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia); Modular Acoustic Processor; Multiple Aim Point (USAF); Mutual Assistance Programme
abrev., extens. Map file (usually created by compilers Vosoni); Message Acceptance Pulse
abrev., fin. G-20 Mutual Assessment Process
abrev., fisiol. Managing Anxiety And Panic
abrev., fisiol., med. Mean Aortic Pressure
abrev., ingl.brit. Ministry of Aircraft Production
abrev., IT Linker map file; Mobile Application Part; Manageability, Availability, Performance; Microprocessor Analysis Package
abrev., kárat. Panel on Aeronautical Charts
abrev., med. Maturation-activated Protein; Metabolic Assistance Program (ННатальЯ); Mapputta; M-associated protein; mean arterial pressure; Medical Aid Post; monophasic action potential; Mean Arterial Pressure; Medical Assistance Program International; Mercapturic Acid Pathway; Methyl Acceptor Protein; Microtubule-associated Protein; Mitogen-activated Protein; Monitoring The AIDS Pandemic. Pandémie Mondiale De VIH/SIDA; Medical Assistance Program; microtubule-associated proteins (inspirado); malignant atrophic papulosis (Игорь_2006); mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях Dimpassy); Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (ННатальЯ); mitral annuloplasty (harser); Medical Assistance Plans
abrev., medios. Media Awareness Project
abrev., mil. Membership Action Plan; Management Action Plan; Manufacturing Automation Protocol; Military Assistance Program; Mission Area Plan; missed approach point; mutual assistance program map
abrev., mil., avia. aeronautical maps and charts
abrev., nanot. magnetic-abrasive polishing
abrev., nombr. Millennium Africa Renaissance Programme
abrev., petról. maximum allowable pressure
abrev., polím. manifold air pressure
abrev., red d. mesh access point (точка доступа в ячеистой сети nikolkor)
abrev., sajal. Master Approvals Plan (Sakhalin Energy)
abrev., segur. market assistance plan
abrev., tec. macro-assembly program; minimum audible sound pressure; International Development Association
abrev., transp. Missed Approach Point
abrev., ópt. measurement assurance program
agric. Monoammonium Phosphate
genét., abrev. microtubule-associated proteins (dimock)
industr. maintenance analysis program; manufacturing activity protocol; market-aimed products
med. microtubules associated proteins
meteorol. aeronautical map and charts
mil. management analysis program; management assessment program; manpower allocation procedure; mechanical ambush patrol; medical aid post; military aid program; military aptitude predictor; military audit project; military automatic pistol; missile and package tester; modular avionics packaging; multiple aim point; munitions acquisition plan; mutual aid program; mutual assistance pact; mutual assistance plan; mutual assistance program
tec. maintenance action plan; maintenance assessment package; maximum posteriori; memory allocation and protection; memory allocation and protection unit; message administration procedures; methodology assessment program; mitigation action plan; multiassociative processor; multiple-access processing
map [mæp] abbr.
abrev. mapping
mil., logíst. A graphic representation, usually on a plane surface, and at an established scale, of natural or artificial features on the surface of a part or the whole of the earth or other planetary body. The features are positioned relative to a coordinate reference system. (FRA)
.map v
extens. Linker Map (file name extension)
mAP [mæp] v
matem. mean average precision (Alex_Odeychuk)
mapping and geophysical interpretation computer
: 4 a las frases, 3 temas
Ciencias de la vida2
Cuidado de la salud1