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gen. opdagelse
ambient. opsporing; opsporing
comun. detektering; informationsdetektering
electr. demodulation
| action
cienc. handel
estud. industr. constr. bælganlæg
| response
micr. svar
| technique
mús. teknik
- se han encontrado palabras individuales (hay algunos valores en el tesauro que no tienen traducción en el diccionario)

a las frases
detection [dɪ'tekʃ(ə)n] s
gen. opdagelse
ambient. opsporing
comun. detektering; informationsdetektering
electr. demodulation
med. påvisning
detection The act or process of discovering evidence or proof of governmental, legal or ethical violations [dɪ'tekʃ(ə)n] s
ambient. opsporing
 Inglés tesauro
detection [dɪ'tekʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abrev. detn
estados. In tactical operations, the perception of an object of possible military interest but unconfirmed by recognition. véase también hazard; In surveillance, the determination and transmission by a surveillance system that an event has occurred. véase también hazard; In arms control, the first step in the process of ascertaining the occurrence of a violation of an arms control agreement. véase también hazard; In chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environments, the act of locating chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards by use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear detectors or monitoring and/or survey teams. (JP 3-11) véase también hazard
mil. Discovery of the presence of a person, object or phenomenon of potential military significance
mil., abrev. det; detec
mil., logíst. The discovery by any means of the presence of a person, a unit, an item of equipment or the existence of an adversary activity. Detection does not necessarily imply reconnaissance, identification or precise locating. 2. Electromagnetic detection: detection of an electronic asset by the interception of his emissions (FRA)
detection, action response technique
: 2 a las frases, 1 temas
Cuidado de la salud2