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spg sacentos
med. губка (sponge I. Havkin)
mil.,artill. самоходная артиллерийская установка (Andrey Truhachev)
SPG abbr.
gen. член сети первоклассных отелей Starwood Hotels and Resorts (Starwood Preferred Guest; вкл. Sheraton, W-Hotels, etc. Raxwell)
mil.,artill. самоходка (self-propelled gun Andrey Truhachev); САУ (self-propelled gun Andrey Truhachev); самоходное орудие (Andrey Truhachev)
ocean. Северный субполярный циклонический круговорот (Volosha)
prot. Настройка одноэлементного управления (Shmelev Alex); установка состояния одноэлементная (Shmelev Alex)
 Inglés tesauro
spg abbr.
abrev. specific gravity; sponge
petr. spring
SPG abbr.
abrev. Sarong Party Girls; Software Product Group; Starwood Preferred Guest; Strategic Placement Group; Strategic Product Group; Super Price Guarantee; Sarong Party Girl; Softcopy Products Group; spooling; steel plate gage; streptococcal protein G
abrev., burs. Simon Property Group, Inc.
abrev., cine Spelling Punctuation And Grammar
abrev., com. Strategic Planning Guidance
abrev., comp. sort program generator
abrev., dep. South Park Game; shot past goal
abrev., educ., cient. Student Predicted Graph; Students Programming Group; Study Planning Guide
abrev., electr. scan pattern generator; short pulse generator; simple precedence grammar; single-pass gain; source power gain; standard pulse generator
abrev., electr., cient. Sync Pulse Generator
abrev., espac. single point ground
abrev., fisiol., med. Sponge; Standardized Potency Guaranteed
abrev., ingl.brit. special patrol group
abrev., IT Sprint Glossary; Standard Procedure Guide
abrev., jueg. sport game
abrev., marc. Superior Pack Group
abrev., mil. Self- Propelled Gun; Software Process Group; Special Patrol Group; Supplementary Planning Guidance
abrev., negoc. steel plate galvanized
abrev., náut., cient. Submersible Pressure Gauge
abrev., petról. sapphire pressure gauge; seabed pressure-gauge (measurements)
abrev., publ. Survey Research Group
abrev., red d. Service Protocol Gateway
abrev., sist., IT Sequence Password Generator
mil. scientific projects group; self-propelled gun; special project group; Stinger project group; stockpile planning guidance; support group
plant. synthetic pipeline gas
tec. sync-pulse generator; synchronizing pulse generator
Spg abbr.
abrev., petról. spigot
SPGFP abbr.
abrev., áfric. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
spg: 5 a las frases, 3 temas
Jerga militar1
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