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defense responseacentos
biol. защитная реакция (A group of Japanese scientists has successfully filmed plants communicating and warning others about potential dangers in real-time, making a breakthrough in an observation first documented in the early 1980s. What they observed: Published in the journal Nature Communications in October 2023, the research team, led by molecular biologist Masatsugu Toyota from Japan's Saitama University, successfully captured undamaged plants sending defense responses to nearby plants after sensing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are produced by other plants in response to mechanical damages or insect attacks. -- передавали сигналы защитной реакции в направлении соседних растений yahoo.com ART Vancouver)
hort. защитный ответ (typist)
defense response
: 10 a las frases, 6 temas
Petróleo y gas2
Sajalín r.1
Tribunal ley1