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bad debt reserveacentos
gen. резерв на сомнительные долги (An account set aside by a company to account for and offset losses that arise as a result of defaults from futures loans. This figure may be calculated based on historical norms or other known information about the relative safety of the debt. Also known as a "loss reserve". investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
cont. резерв по сомнительным долгам (VLZ_58)
econ. резерв на покрытие безнадёжных долгов; резерв на возмещение безнадёжной задолженности
fin. резерв на покрытие возможных потерь по кредитам (Incognita)
impuest. резерв по безнадёжным долгам
bad debt reserve: 4 a las frases, 3 temas
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