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MMT abbr.acentos
abrev. заставляет задуматься (stands for "Makes Me Think" – Internet slang armida)
automóv. ММТ (sashkomeister); трикарбонил-пи-метилциклопентадиенил-марганец (марганцесодержащая присадка для увеличения октанового числа бензина sashkomeister)
mat. теорема о минимаксе (minimax theorem)
med. мануальное мышечное тестирование (manual muscle test MashaTs)
mil. млн. т (Million Metric Tons Alexander Demidov)
petról. средняя продолжительность технического обслуживания (mean maintenance time)
savia. МПВ
MMt abbr.
gen. миллионов тонн (О. Шишкова)
 Inglés tesauro
MMT abbr.
abrev. Internal Technical Memos; Magical Mystery Tour; Merchandise Movement Team; Meyer Memorial Trust; Mobile Meals of Toledo; metal mount
abrev., armas. Molten Metal Technologies
abrev., astr., cient. Multiple Mirror Telescope
abrev., automóv. multi-mode manual transmission
abrev., burs. M F S Multimarketing Income Trust
abrev., cienc. marine minerals technology
abrev., com. Manufacturing Methods Technology
abrev., comun. Mobile Maintenance Terminal
abrev., dep. manual muscle testing
abrev., electr. maritime mobile telegraphy; mercury manganese telluride; merged match-line test (architecture); Microelectronic Manufacturing and Testing; Microelectronics Manufacturing Technology; miniaturized munition technology; multimedia terminal
abrev., escoc. Miniature Mobile Target
abrev., espac. missile maintenance team; multiple mirror telescopes
abrev., fant. Might and Magic Tribute
abrev., fisiol. Manual Muscle Testing; Medial Meniscus Tear
abrev., IT Multimedia Multiparty Teleconferencing
abrev., marc. Mitsubishi Machine Tools
abrev., med. Alpha-methyl-m-tyrosine; Manual Muscle Test; Microcephaly-mesobrachydactyly-tracheoesophageal Fistula (syndrome); Mouse Mammary Tumor; Methadone Maintenance Treatment
abrev., medios. Malik's Muwatta Translation
abrev., mil. Manufacturing Methods and Technology; Military Medical Technology; Mission Management Team; Miniaturized Munitions Technology (program)
abrev., mil., avia. maintenance mark track
abrev., mús. Media, Music, and Technology
abrev., negoc. Material Movement Ticket (fa158)
abrev., petról. marine mineral technology; monomethyl terephthalate; monomethyl thiourea
abrev., plást. Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl
abrev., sajal. materials management tool
abrev., transp. Million Metric Tons
industr. minimum metal temperature
mil. mean maintenance time; military mail terminal; mini-mobile target; missile maintenace technician; missile mate test; mobile maintenance team
tec. multimode tonotron; multiple mission telemetry
MMt abbr.
abrev., petról. million tons
MMT: 4 a las frases, 2 temas
Argot relacionado con las drogas1
Biología molecular3