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AFU abbr.acentos
automóv. система помощи при экстренном торможении (разработанная Renault ВВладимир)
tec. Допущен к применению (Approved for Use John White)
 Inglés tesauro
AFU abbr.
abrev. All Fucked Up; air force units; autonomously fold unit
abrev., agric., econ. agricultural family unit
abrev., automóv. alternative fuels utilization
abrev., avia. actual fuel used; artificial feel unit
abrev., biot. autonomously folding unit
abrev., constr. Approved For Use (S. Manyakin)
abrev., dep. All Fired Up
abrev., electr. autonomous functional unit; auxiliary function unit
abrev., escoc. Air Filtration Unit
abrev., intern. Alt Folklore Urban
abrev., med. Association Française D'Urologie; arbitrary fluorescence units (MariaFuraeva)
abrev., mil. Ammunition and Fire Unit; Armed Forces of Ukraine
abrev., mil., avia. airborne fixed-wing unit
abrev., textil AATCC Fading Unit
abrev., trib. After First Unlock state of evidence for forensic examination, the first time the item is unlocked from the sealed bag) (bregman)
mil. advanced flying unit; assault fire unit; auxiliary functional unit