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te [tiː] abbr.
abrev., cienc. teallite; tierce
medid. tonne (igisheva)
TE [tiː] abbr.
abrev. Telugu; Top Executive; Total Expenditure; Total Expenses; Electron Temperature; Table Expression; tables of equipment; Tacoma Eastern Railway Company; Tactical Exploitation; Tank Economy; tax exempt; Technical Commission; Teileinheit (Единица ширины. 1 TE = 5,08 мм eugene02130); Temperament Edit; Terminal Exchanges; Termination Enable; test and evaluate; testing; Thermal Eagle; thermal element; Thoroughly Educated; Throat Erosion; Tilt End; totally enclosed; Trace Evidence; Tractor England; trade expenses; Transmission Encryption; Transposon Excision; Treachery Element; Triggered Effects; Trunk Encryption; Trunk Equalizers; Tutor Evaluator
abrev., apar. Echo time (Sagoto)
abrev., armas. Technical escort; Temperature Element
abrev., automóv. thermal expansion; test; thermactor emission; tractive efficiency; transmission efficiency; trapping efficiency
abrev., avia. technical exchange; test engineering; tool engineer; tooling equipment; transporter emplace; turbine engines; turbofan engines; turboprop engine; twin engine
abrev., biol. transposable element
abrev., bioq. tocopherol equivalent (igisheva)
abrev., biot. Tissue Equivalent (Игорь_2006)
abrev., burs. TECO Energy, Inc.
abrev., camp. TurboExpander (Yakov)
abrev., cienc. terrace
abrev., comun. terminal equipment; terminal or terminating equipment; terminating exchange
abrev., defens. transverse electro
abrev., dep. Team Effort; Team Efforts; Tournament Edition; testosterone enanthate (bigmaxus)
abrev., educ., cient. Technology And Engineering
abrev., electr. table entry; telecommunications entity; telemetry event; telepresence environment; terminal emulation; terminal emulator; terminal endpoint; terminal extender; termination exchange; test execution; testing envelope; text editing; text editor; thermal electric; thermal emission; thermionic emission; threshold element; time edit; time error; timing error; tracking equipment; transferred electron (cathode); transition equation; transmission enable; transmitted electrons; transparent electrode; transversal equalizer; trigger error; trunk equipment; trunk expansion; tuning eye; transverse electric (mode)
abrev., electr., cient. Top Electrode; Total Efficiency; Transverse Electric
abrev., escoc. Tactical Evaluation; Trailing Edge
abrev., farmac. tuberculin unit (ProtoMolecule)
abrev., fisiol., med. Tamper Evident
abrev., genétic. jumping gene (MichaelBurov); transposable element (a mobile genetic element MichaelBurov)
abrev., impl. Tapered Effect (MichaelBurov)
abrev., ingen. telemetering equipment
abrev., IT Terminal Equipment; Type Entry
abrev., med. Transesophageal Echocardiography; Tissue Engineering; tissue equalization (harser); alpha-tocopherol equivalent; test ear; threshold energy; tooth, extracted; total estrogen; transverse; Toxoplasmic encephalitis
abrev., medios. Text Element
abrev., mil. Technical Evaluation; Test Edition; Test Equipment; Third Eye; Tracking Error; table of equipment; test and evaluation; transporter-erector; transaction editor
abrev., náut. task element
abrev., petról. twin-engined
abrev., polít. Tromelin Island
abrev., progr., IT Table Editor
abrev., quím. Toxicity Equivalent (Leya-Richter)
abrev., quím., cient. Tellurium
abrev., sajal. transit exchange
abrev., serv. Transitional Employees (USPS, 2008)
abrev., tec. trailing edge
abrev., telecom. terminal equipment
abrev., transp. Traffic Engineering; Tunnel Endpoint
abrev., ópt. thermoelectric
comp. traffic efficiency
fisiol. Therapeutic exercises
industr. target emission; test exception; tissue-equivalent; trace element; transient event; treated effluent
mil. tactical element; tactical employment; tactical environment; tangent elevation; tank element; target elevation; target evaluation; task evaluation; telecommunication engineering; terminal exchange; test equipment; threat evaluation; topographical engineer; training equipment; training establishment
tec. telemetric equipment; thermal efficiency; timing electronics; tractive effort; transducer efficiency; transferred electron; transversely excited
Te [tiː] abbr.
abrev. Teylor criterion
abrev., cienc. tetrahedrite
abrev., electr. telluride
abrev., med. tellurium; tetanus; tetanic contraction
tel [tiː] s
segur. Telegram
TE [tiː] abbr.
abrev. time-to-echo (coltuclu); transverse electric wave; telegraphic engineer; topographic engineer; trial and error (method)
abrev., avia. tool engineering
abrev., cienc. tectonic extension; temperature-efficiency index; time and events; total earning; total error; transverse-electric; trap efficiencies; trial and error method; turboelectric drive
abrev., dep. Tennis Europe
abrev., educ. tertiary education (igisheva)
abrev., electr. trial and error (method)
abrev., med. treatment-emergent (iwona)
abrev., metal. threaded ends (Киселев)
abrev., negoc. tax exemption; telegraphic exchange; time-expired; total earnings; Train Express; transport empty; turbine engine; twin engines
abrev., petról. early Tertiary; echo spacing; echo timing; echo train; tax exemption; tech service engineer; thermal effluent; thread end; throughout efficiencies; time expired; top eroded; total enclosed; total energy; transportation and exchange; transverse-electric (wave); truncation erosion; reservoir thickness after erosion
abrev., quím. tetracyanoethylene
abrev., telecom. transverse electric mode
TE [tiː] abbr.
abrev., med. transient elastography (spanishru)
té: 1 a las frases, 1 temas