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probe [prəʊb] v
IT Inspect a network or system to find weak spots
PROBE abbr.
abrev. Plainly Runs Only By Exception; Plankton Research On The Bay Environment
abrev., cienc. pilot radioaction observation experiment; portable remote observation of the environment system
abrev., educ., cient. Personal Research On Basically Everything
abrev., electr. profile resolution obtained by excitation
abrev., ensayo cl. prospective randomized open blinded end-point (проспективное рандомизированное с заслепленной конечной точкой (дизайн исследования) kat_j)
abrev., petról. proto-rifts and ocean basin evolution
mil. performance review of base supply effectiveness; program optimization and budget evaluation
ocean., náut., cient. Pilot Radiation Observation Experiment