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SEG [seg] abbr.
abrev. Select Employee Group; sealing
abrev., armas. Scientific Ecology Group
abrev., avia. Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania USA; system evaluation group; serving
abrev., cine screen extras guild
abrev., educ. Sex Education Graduate
abrev., electr. security experts group; semiconductor equipment group; sequence of events generator; silicon epitaxial growth; sliding electron gun; system engineering group
abrev., electr., cient. Selective epitaxial growth
abrev., geof. Society of Exploration Geophysicists (MichaelBurov)
abrev., geol., cient. Society Of Exploration Geophysicists
abrev., higiene ind. Similar Exposure Group (group of employees who have common risks and similar exposure profiles (AIHA) _Ann_)
abrev., ingl.brit. Segregator (machine to separate packets - parcels - from letters)
abrev., med. sonoencephalogram
abrev., medios. Special Effect Generator
abrev., mil. Segment
abrev., nombr. Supervisory Expert Group; Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd
abrev., petról. Society of Economist Geologists
abrev., polic. Special Escort Group
abrev., publ. Screen Extras' Guide
abrev., sajal. shareholder expert group
bols., burs. Seagate Technology
mil. standardization evaluation group
mil., abrev. systems engineering ground rule; systems engineering group; systems evaluation group
SEGS abbr.
abrev., cuid., med. Society To Expose Government Secrets
abrev., energ. solar electric generating station (MichaelBurov); solar power station (MichaelBurov); solar electric generation system (Evgeniya M); SPP (MichaelBurov); SPS (MichaelBurov); solar power plant (MichaelBurov); Solar electric generation systems
abrev., fisiol., med. Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil
abrev., geol., cient. Sustainable Energy Geophysical Surveys
abrev., numism. Sovereign Entities Grading Service
seg [seg] abbr.
abrev. segment; segregate
seg. abbr.
abrev. segment
segs [seg] abbr.
abrev., lab.eq. segmented neutrophilic white blood cells
segs abbr.
abrev., med. segmented neutrophils
SEG [seg] abbr.
abrev. special effects generator
abrev., cienc. strong echo gradient; system expansion generator
abrev., med. Scientific Expert Group (peregrin)
abrev., petról. Society of Economic Geologists; Society of Exploration Geophysics; system engineering geology