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SOPS abbr.
abrev., espac. satellite operations squadron
abrev., nombr. Singapore Offshore Petroleum Service Pte. Ltd.
SOP [sɔp] abbr.
abrev. soda pulp; study organization plan
abrev., avia. specification of operation
abrev., comun. signalling opportunity pattern
abrev., econ. standard order of procedure
abrev., espac. simulated operating procedure; simulated output program; symbolic optimum program; system operations panel
abrev., fin. Finish Options Exchange
abrev., gest. Site Operating Procedures (ixtra)
abrev., petról. safety operating plan; southern petroleum organization; special observing period; suspensions of production
abrev., polic. Sex Offender Program (Val_Ships)
abrev., red d. simultaneously operating piconet
SOPs abbr.
abrev., fin. stock option plans
abrev., petról. standard operating procedure
ensayo cl. standard operating procedures («стандартные операционные процедуры, СОП» (standard operating procedures; SOPs) – подробные письменные инструкции, предназначенные для достижения единообразия при осуществлении определенной деятельности; eaeunion.org 'More)
SOPS abbr.
abrev., medios. Sony Optical Picture Stabilizer
abrev., mil., avia. servo optical projection system
abrev., náut., cient. Select Committee on Ocean Policy
mil. Space Operations Squadron
SOP [sɔp] abbr.
abrev. Sale Of Purchase; Standard Operating Procedures; scope of practice (Karabas); Shown on Plans (blueprints greyhead); Special Order Parts (materials procurement greyhead); Statements of Position (Lavrov); scavenging oil pump; stock option plans
abrev., agric., quím. sulphate of potash
abrev., avia. SITA operating procedures; system operator pilot; shop order planning; spares ordering program; standard off preparation; standard operating plan; synchro output
abrev., canad. Special Occasion Permit (ckasey78)
abrev., contr. Standard Operation Procedure (Лорина)
abrev., econ. Sales and Operations Planning (Ася Кудрявцева)
abrev., educ. State-operated Program
abrev., educ., cient. School Of Pharmacy
abrev., electr. safety operating procedure; self-organization packet; solution output processor; spin-on polymer; station operation plan; system on a package
abrev., electr., cient. Small Outline Package
abrev., escoc. Special / Standard Operational Procedure
abrev., fisiol. Sleep Onset Period
abrev., gest. standard operation procedures
abrev., gost. signal output part (IEC 60601-1, ed. 3.0 (2005-12) harser)
abrev., IT Shared Object Parser
abrev., lab.eq. Standard Of Performance
abrev., meteorol. Scope Of Practice; sterilization outside place (harser)
abrev., mil. standard operating procedure
abrev., mil., avia. SITA operating procedures
abrev., nacion. standard operating procedures; standard operational procedure
abrev., náut., cient. Ship-of- Opportunity Program
abrev., petr. settle-out pressure (MichaelBurov); soaker outlet pressure (olga garkovik)
abrev., progr. single-objective programming (ssn); Single-Objective Programming (ssn); subject oriented programming (ssn); sum-of-products (ssn); subject-oriented programming (субъектно-ориентированное программирование ssn); standard operating procedure (ssn)
abrev., red d., IT Start Of Packet
abrev., tec. standard operation procedure, standard operational procedure (система контроля качества EgorNM); Supplier's Original Promise (Date, MatMan system dmipec); standing operation procedure
abrev., vet., med. Society of Protozoologists
abrev., ópt. state of polarization
ecol., abrev. surface oil pickup
invers., abrev. standard operations procedure; stock ownership plan
IT, abrev. super operator
mil., abrev. secondary operation; senior officer present; standing operating procedure; standoff platform; station operating plan; strategic objectives plan; subsystem operating procedure
tec., abrev. selective oxidation process; supervisory orientation program
tuber., abrev. stepped O-forming
SOPs abbr.
abrev., aceit. Standard Operating Procedures (standard operating procedures СОП стандартные операционных процедуры 4uzhoj)
abrev., avia. standard operating procedures
abrev., organ. standard operating procedures (igisheva)
SOPs [sɔp] abbr.
abrev. Standard operating procedure (s)
abrev., armas. Standard operating procedure (s)
SoP [sɔp] abbr.
abrev., mat. sum of products (ssn)
sop [sɔp] abbr.
abrev. surgical outpatient
sop. abbr.
abrev. soprano