
Términos sobre el tema Microsoft que contienen метка | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
веб-метка безопасностиMark of the Web (A comment added to the HTML markup for a Web page. When a user opens the Web page from their local machine, Internet Explorer references this comment to determine the security zone in which it should run the page)
временная метка высокого разрешенияhigh-resolution time stamp (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
генерация временных метокtimestamp generation (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
голосовая меткаvoice tag (A sound the user records to associate with a telephone number)
голосовая меткаvoice shortcut (A voice command that can be executed by the user at any time and performs an action that typically saves a lot of clicks)
добавить метку времениAdd Time Stamp (A button in the Comments section that the user can click to add a date or time stamp)
добавление метки датыdate stamping (A software feature that automatically inserts the current date into a document. Rori)
метка версииversion label (Andy)
метка времениtimestamp (A data type that is automatically updated every time a row is inserted or updated)
метка даннdata label (A label that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a single data point or value that originates from a datasheet cell microsoft.com)
метка данныхdata label (microsoft.com bojana)
метка значка интерфейса без описания операцийinterface lollipop label (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
метка носителяon-media identifier (A label that is electronically recorded on each medium in a Removable Storage system. Removable Storage uses on-media identifiers to track media in the Removable Storage database)
метка перекрытияoverlap mark (A mark that indicates the overlap area for lining up adjacent pages in a large publication, such as a poster or banner. Rori)
метка порядка байтовbyte order mark (A Unicode character used to indicate that text is encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. vlad-and-slav)
метка разделаchapter point (An internal marker used to mark the beginning and the end of a chapter to help navigate DVDs or videos)
метка реального времени высокого разрешенияhigh-resolution time stamp (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
метка редакцииversion label (Andy)
метка системы управления версиямиversion control label (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a snapshot of a set of files at a specific point in time. It is often applied by an automated build process. It can be used to view, build, or even roll back a large set of files to the state they were in when the label was applied)
метка состоянияstate label (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
метка столбцаcolumn label (Andy)
метка языкаlanguage label (Andy)
метка языка операционной системыoperating system language label (Andy)
метки вариантовVariation Labels (Sets of language collections with user-defined, language-specific formats and behaviors that can be applied to page layout. CMS supports up to 50 different labels)
метки веб-настройкиWeb Setup Captions (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
метки печатиprinter's marks (marks printed outside the printable area on each page of your publication to help you or your commercial printing service trim, align, and control color in your publication)
метки точек данныхdata point labels (microsoft.com bojana)
получить временную метку высокого разрешенияacquire high-resolution time stamps (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
служба меток времениtime stamp authority (A service acknowledging that the data existed before a particular time. The service is typically a trusted third party)
счётчик метки времениTime Stamp Counter
счётчик метки времениTSC
счётчик меток времениTime Stamp Counter (A program that tally and records the number of cycles that occurs on a central processing unit)
установка меток времени в конечный файлTime-Stamping Destination File (Windows 10 Rori)
установка меток времени в папку назначенияTime-Stamping Destination Directory (Windows 8 Rori)
фигура меткиLabel Shape (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)