
Términos sobre el tema Microsoft que contienen крупный | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
блокировка крупных фрагментов данныхcoarse-grained lock (A lock that applies to a large amount of code or data)
кадр крупного размераjumbo frame (An Ethernet packet sent from a network adapter using a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) greater than Ethernet standard 1,500 bytes)
крупная организацияlarge organization (An organization with more than 1000 employees and more than 500 personal computers)
крупная организацияLORG
крупный размерlarge view (Andy)
крупный торговый посредникlarge account reseller (stachel)
очень крупныйlarger (An item on the Text Size menu, which is opened from the Edit menu. Larger is one of the text size choices for the user's instant messages)
решение по управлению крупными проектамиenterprise project management (The generic field of organizational development that supports organizations in managing in an integrated fashion and adapting to changes)
самый крупныйLargest