
Términos sobre el tema Geofísica que contienen | todas las formas
中—medium-high frequency
美国中大陆重力Mid-continent gravity high
中部磁异常central anomaly magnetic high
中频和甚频测向器medium and VHF direction finder
中频和甚频测向站medium and VHF direction finding station
井下压快环路downhole high voltage fast loop
井下增益升downhole gain boost
井温测井最读数temperature maximum reading log
交流一alternating current high frequency
修正压力basic pressure altitude
分数相对斯噪声fractional Gaussian noise
单端电平high level single ended
原波prototype wave height
可加斯噪声additive Gaussian noise
可加斯白噪声additive Gaussian white noise
可加性斯白噪声additive white Gaussian noise
可能最频率highest possible frequency
合成孔径空雷达synthetic aperture high altitude radar
固定基准程elevation of perm datum
国际地磁学与超层大气物理学协会International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
地台分辨干涉仪探头geoplatform high-resolution interferometer sounder
地震基准面至地面seismic reference datum to ground level
基准压力标basic pressure altitude
声波通滤波器允许一不允许标志sonic high pass filter allow/disallow
多次关闭式压取样器multiple closed-in pressure sampler
high altitude
带油基泥浆仪的分辨率地层倾角仪high-resolution dipmeter tod with oil base mud kit
带油基泥浆仪的分辨率地层倾角仪HDT with oil base mud kit
序贯斯同时模拟sequential Gaussian cosimulation
序贯斯模拟sequential Gaussian simulation
应变压力计端偏差strain gauge high offset
应变压力计端增益strain gauge high gain
数字程模型digital elevation models
数字程模型digital elevation model
数字地貌度数据digital topographic elevation data
数字地貌度数据digital terrain elevation data
数字式分辨率地层倾角测井仪high-resolution digital dip logging tool
峰值辐射剂量率peak dose rate
extra-high voltage
extremely high-frequency
检波器阻滤波器high-cut geophone filter
正切tangent elevation
水泥返位置cement top location
ultrahigh energy
分辨率辐射仪very high resolution radiometer
灵敏度very high sensitivity
频全向无线电测距very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range
频波very high frequency wave
频滤波器very high frequency filter
电容型仪用压装置potential device
相对relative height
实际true altitude
离地above ground level
程控短源距programmable short spacing high voltage
窄带斯随机噪声narrow band Gaussian random noise
线间距vertical interval
温元件high-temperature component
脉冲度分析器pulse-height analyzer
脉冲度检测pulse height detection
脉冲式频无线电波电磁辐射pulsed radiowave-range electromagnetic radiation
视频密度video high density
计算height calculated
加速计very high accelerator
extra-high tension
模数extra high modulus
电压ultra-high voltage
真空泵ultrahigh vacuum pump
300〜3000兆赫ultrahigh frequency
super high frequency
频发生器ultrahigh frequency generator
频干扰发生器ultrahigh frequency jammer
频测向仪ultra-high frequency direction finder
频测向仪UHF direction finder
频滤波器ultrahigh frequency filter
超压一supper pressure high temperature
距离—度指示器range-height indicator
距离、方位与range, azimuth and elevation
长源距电压井下电缆通信系统long spacing high voltage cable communication system downhole
长源距电压井下电缆通信系统long spacing high voltage CCS downhole
阵列感应成像测井仪深度响应值AIT array induction imager tool answer product level
阵列感应成像测井仪暂停标响应处理array induction imager tool suspend answer product processing
阵列感应成像测井仪暂停标响应处理AIT suspend answer product processing
顺序斯模拟sequential Gaussian simulation
介电high dielectric type
high position
保真模拟装置high-fidelity simulator
信息增量调制high information delta modulation
倍定位器high-power locator
准确度远程脉冲导航系统long-range-accuracy system
分辨电法勘测highly resolution electrical (survey)
分辨力侧向测井high-definition laterolog
分辨力感应测井high-definition induction log
分辨力数据流high-resolution data stream
分辨力磁法high-definition magnetics
分辨干涉仪探头high-resolution interferometer sounder
分辨成像频谱仪high-resolution imaging spectrometer
分辨核磁共振high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance
分辨率地层倾角仪high-resolution dipmeter
四臂分辨率地层倾角测井4 arm high resolution diplog
分辨率四臂地层倾角测井high-resolution 4-arm diplog
分辨率中感应测井high-resolution induction medium
分辨率井温仪high-resolution thermometer
分辨率侧向测井laterolog, high resolution
分辨率侧向测井阵列组合high-resolution laterolog array
分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with high-resolution dipmeter tool or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量或地层学高分辨率倾角测井仪定向测量directional survey with HDT or SHDT stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
分辨率可视系统high resolution visible system
分辨率地层倾角测井high resolution dipmeter tool log
分辨率地层倾角测井仪stratigraphic high-resolution dipmeter tool
分辨率地层倾角测井仪high-resolution dipmeter tool
分辨率地震high resolution seismic
分辨率定时器high-resolution timer
分辨率感应测井high resolution induction logs
美国,国家天气服务处分辨率数据服务中心High-resolution Data Service
分辨率方位侧向测井探头high-resolution azimuthal laterolog sonde
分辨率时域反射计high-resolution time domain reflectometer
分辨率流量计high resolution flowmeter
分辨率温度测井high-resolution temperature log
分辨率红外辐射探测器high resolution infrared radiation sounder
分辨率红外辐射探测器high-resolution infrared radiation sounder
分辨率航空磁测high-resolution aeromagnetic (surveys)
分辨率跟踪仪high-resolution tracker
分辨红外辐射仪high-resolution infrared radiometer
分辨能力红外辐射计high resolution infrared radiometer
分辩率温度测井high resolution temperature tool
功率high capacity
功率放大器high-power amplifier
电源装置high voltage unit
压交变电流high voltage alternating current
压伏特计high-tension voltmeter
压开关high-voltage switch
压测井标准化频率high pressure normalized frequency
压测井标准化频率HP normalized frequency
压测井的校正压力high pressure corrected pressure
压测井的校正压力HP corrected pressure
压电源high-voltage power supply
压电源high-tension supply
压电火花high-voltage spark
压直流high voltage, direct current
压直流high tension direct current
压缩挤压high compression
压设备high voltage device
压调节器high-voltage regulator
压集成电路high voltage integrated circuit
可见度图像high visibility image
品位纯度锗晶体high-purity germanium crystal
密度多道记录high-density multitrack recording
密度数字磁带记录录制high-density digital tape recorder
密度数字记录录制系统high-density digital recording system
密度数据系统high density data system
密度数据记录录制系统high-density data recording system
密度激波管high-density shock tube
密度电子组装high-density electronic packaging
密度记录high-density recording
导无氧铜oxygen-free high conductive coper
射孔密度high shot density
度差difference in height
high tension
强度噪声high-intensity noise
强度测深系统high intensity sounding system
强度磁性滤波器high intensity magnetic filter
抗压能力强度high compression
振幅high amplitude
振幅连续相high-amplitude continuous facies
效地球物理观测highly usable geophysical observation
效射孔枪系统high-effciency gun system
效能喷射器射孔perforating, ultrajet
斯射线束偏移Gaussian beam migration
斯序贯模拟Gaussian sequential simulations
波散滤波器highly dispersive filter
清晰度图像传输high resolution picture transmission
温井温仪high-temperature thermometer
温孔隙度high-temperature porosity
温应变计elevated temperature strain gauge
温延迟high-temperature delayed
温时间temperature time high
温电缆high-temperature cable
温紫外线ultraviolet, high temperature
温自然伽马能谱测井high temperature natural gamma spectral log
温衰减全反射high-temperature attenuated total reflectance
灵敏度流量计high-sensitivity flowmeter
爆穿透high explosive penetrating
电导率high conductivity
电导率层high conductivity layer
电流密度high current density
程校正因子elevation correction factor
稳定振荡器high stable oscillator
空红外传感器系统high altitude infrared sensor system
精度井温测井temperature log, precision
精度数据high accuracy data
精度数据传输系统high accurate data transmission system
精度磁化率测井high-precision magnetic susceptibility logging
精度组合式磁性探测器combination high accuracy magnetic probe
级中分辨率红外辐射仪advanced medium resolution infrared radiometer
级伽马射线定向探测advanced gamma directional
级信号处理advanced signal processing
级信号处理器advanced signal processor
级光导摄像管摄影系统advanced vidicon camera system
级图像判读技术advanced technique interpretation for imagery
级地震计算机advanced seismic computer
级实时距离控制系统advanced real-time range control system
级微波探测单元advanced microwave sounder unit
级数字测距系统advanced digital ranging system
卢森堡级测井技术公司Advanced Logging Technologies
级测量装置advanced measurement system
级照相系统advanced photo system
级生产测井advanced production logging
级电子成像系统electrical imaging advanced system
级视觉系统公司Advanced Vision Systems Inc.
级解释模拟系统advanced interpretative modeling system
级记录系统advanced record system
能地震调查high-energy seismic survey
美国国家航空航天局能天体物理学分部High Energy Astrophysics Branch
能射线high energy ray
能核转变high-energy event
能激光系统测试设备high-energy laser systems test facility
能炸药high energy explosive
能离子散射high energy ion scattering
衰减低速层high-attenuation low velocity zone
输入阻抗high input impedance
通滤波器filter-high pass
声纳测井中的通路3high pass 3 amplitudes from 1000 〜 1 0000Hz
声纳测井中的通路4high pass 4 amplitudes from 2000 ~ 1 0000Hz
声纳测井中的通路2high pass 2 amplitudes from 600 ~ 1 000Hz
声纳测井中的通路1high pass 1 amplitudes from 200 ~ 1 000Hz
速信号控制设备high-speed signal control equipment
速光度计high-speed photometer
速回路high velocity loop
速地层波至层fast formation arrivals destination
速层high velocity layer
速数字滤波器high-speed digital filter
速数据high-speed data
速数据通道high-speed data channel
速数据采集high-speed data acquisition
速断路开关high-speed circuit breaker
速模数转换器high-speed A/D
速编码器high-speed encoder
速计算机high-speed computer
速转换 开关high-speed switching
速输入— 输出high-input/output
速适配转换high-speed adapter
速通道high-speed channel
速通道选择器high-speed selector channel
阈值逻辑high threshold logic
阶弹性抛物线方程higher-order elastic parabolic equation
阻抗high impedance
阻滤波器high-cut filter
频介电测井high-frequency dielectric tool
频介电测井high-frequency dielectric log
频噪声high-frequency noise
频带high band
频扼流圈high-frequency choke
频振荡器high-frequency oscillator
频探头high-frequency probe
频放大high-frequency amplification
频测向high-frequency direction finding
频测深仪high-frequency sounder
频电流high-frequency current
频电磁high-frequency electro-magnetic method
频电阻器high-frequency resistor
频疲劳high cycle fatigue
频调幅amplitude modulation high frequency
频谱分辨率的激光雷达high spectral resolution lidar
频通量high-frequency flux