
Términos sobre el tema Negocio que contienen 票据 | todas las formas | sólo en el orden indicado
一等商业票据最佳商业票据first-class commercial paper
一级票据first-class note
一级票据first-class paper
一级商业票据first-class commercial note
一级商业票据first-class commercial paper
一级商业票据first-class commercial bill
一般团体票据general corporate bond
三名票据three name paper
三等商业票据指出票人资力及商誉较差的票据third-class commercial paper
上等票据指信用可靠gilt-edged bill
下午的票据交易afternoon clearing
不兑现票据inconvertible paper
不兑现的票据bad paper
不可议付票据not negotiable bill
不可转让票据nonnegotiable instrument
不可转让票据not negotiable note
不可转让票据nontransferable note
不可转让票据non-negotiable instrument
不合格商业票据ineligible commercial paper
不完全票据incomplete bills
票面记载不详的不完全票据incomplete bill
不洁票据foul bill
不洁票据dirt bill
不能兑现票据inconvertible paper
不能转让票据bill payable to a specified person only
不记名票据blank letter of bill
不记名票据billet payable aux porter
不记名票据即未填受票人的票据blank bill
不足填补票据deficiency bill
不附单据汇票clean draft
不附货物所有权单据的汇票clean bill of exchange
专用票据special note
两个付息日期间发行的票据issuance between interest dates
中央银行开出的票据bill drawn by central bank
为出售而开出的票据bill drawn for sale
买进本国币票据home currency bills bought
买进本币票据home money bills bought
二等商业票据second-class commercial paper
交换票据指银行在票据交换所提出本行持有的他行票据进行交换,实为本行应收款。见 in-clearingsoutclearings
交换票据incoming clearings
交换票据又称 incoming clearings, 系指银行从票据交换所兑回本行票据,此为本行的应付款in-clearings
交换票据登记簿clearing book
交换中交入与提出的票据incoming and outgoing clearing exchange
从属票据subordinated notes
付款票据汇票bill for payment
代客贴现应收票据bill receivable discounted on accounts of customers
代收票据佣金commission for collecting bills
代收票据的收款collection on bills of collection
以公债为保证的票据贴现discount on bills with government bonds as collateral
以市价付款票据bill payable in market
优先贷款票据prefinance bill
优先资金融通票据preferential bill
优等票据prime paper
优等票据prime bill
优等票据指有声望的大银行、大公司承兑的票据fine paper
优等商业票据prime commercial paper
优等商业票据fine trade bill
优良票据fine bill
伦敦票据交易所London clearing house
伦敦银行票据交换所清算所London Bankers' Clearing Houses
伪造票据forged note
保证票据guaranteed note
信托票据trust instrument
信用票据credit instrument
信誉好的票据respectable bill
借方票据debtor note
借项交换票据debit exchange
债券预期票据bond anticipation notes
债权人开出票据creditor's bill
票据factitious paper
票据bad paper
光票,不附单据clean draft
兑付票据bill of payment
兑现票据clear a bill
公司票据company bill
公司间内部票据inter-company notes
再贴现合格票据eligible paper for rediscounting
再贴现合格票据eligible bill for rediscounting
农业票据互助基金mutual aid fund for agricultural bills
农业交易中的票据agricultural paper
准可转让票据quasi-negotiable instrument
票据against documents
凭票即付票据bill to bearer
凭签章验付票据bill to order
分期付款票据息票installment note payment coupon
分期股票收据installment scrip
利用现金票据instrument for utilizing cash
到期票据fall due bill
到期票据matured bill
到期票据mature bill
到期票据登记簿tickler file
到期票据记录簿maturity tickler
到期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
加速票据收取程序lock-box plan
单名票据one-name paper
只有开票人背书的单名票据single name paper
卖方远期票据seller's usance
即付票据见票即付note on demand
即期票据sight note
即期票据note of hand
即期票据多指本票demand note
即期应付票据note payable on demand
双名票据two-way out
双姓名票据double name paper
双签名票据指除发票人签名外,还有承兑人或背书人签名two-name paper
双记名票据two named paper
发出票据issue of notes
发票单据簿outward invoice book
票据法保障的执票人protected holder
可拒付票据protestable bill
可按面值收取的票据par item
可议付票据note negotiable
可贴现票据discountable notes
可贴现票据discountable bill
可转让可流通票据negotiable paper
可转让票据negotiable bill
可转让票据交易exchange of negotiable instrument
可转让的信用票据证券negotiable credit instrument
可靠票据good paper
可靠票据good note
合格票据eligible bill
合法票据just bill
合法票据指再贴现票据eligible bill
合法商业票据即中央银行可贴现或再贴现的票据eligible commercial paper
合法的票据juridical bill
同区票据交换local clearing
同域票据local bill
票据前手追索recourse to a remote party
票据间接人追索recourse to a remote party
售出票据sold bill
售出外国票据foreign bills sold
售出外国票据汇票foreign bill sold
售出本国币票据home currency bills sold
售出本币票据home money bills sold
商业票据trade notes
商业票据business paper
商业票据借款人commercial paper name
house商业票据公司commercial paper company
商业票据利率commercial paper rate
商业票据市场commercial bill market
商业票据托收collection of commercial papers
商业票据承销公司commercial paper houses
商业可流通票据commercial negotiable instrument
商业可流通票据commercial negotiable bill
商业可转让票据commercial negotiable instrument
商品票据如汇票、提单、期票等commodity paper
商用票据business paper
票据上背书back a bill
票据上背书担保backing a bill
外国票据汇票、期票的议付negotiation of foreign bill
外埠票据交换out-of-town clearing
外埠票据清算额out of town clearing
外汇借款的长期远期票据long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money
外汇贷款远期票据long bill issued in the operation of lending foreign money
大量票据lot note
大陆票据continental bill
失窃票据stolen bill
定期票据date bill
定期票据fixed bill
岀口票据outward bill
巡回票据circular notes
干预票据intervention paper
应付票据和账款bill and accounts payable
应付票据账册note payable-book
应付票据账户note payable account
应付票据贴现discounting a note payable
应付票据贴现discount on notes payable
应付公司票据note payable to company
应付公司票据note due to company
应付合伙人票据partner's note payable
应付国际贸易票据international trade note payable
应付抵押票据mortgage note payable
应付本国币票据home currency bills payable
应付本币票据home money bills payable
应付联营公司票据note due to affiliated company
应付背书票据endorsed notes payable account
应付购货票据note payable-trade
应付银行票据note payable to banks
应付银行票据note due to bank
应付长期票据long-term note payable
应付长期信用票据long time notes payable
应付长期抵押票据long-term mortgage note payable
应付附属机构票据note payable to subsidiary
应向负责人、股东、及雇员收款的票据note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees
应收商业票据指买主所开的期票trade notes receivable
应收票据账款bill receivable
应收票据上的延付利息deferred payment of interest on notes receivable
应收票据与应收承兑汇票贴现discounting notes and acceptance receivable
应收票据与应收承兑票据note and acceptance receivable
应收票据业务分录entries for note receivable transaction
应收票据和账款bill and accounts receivable
应收票据的现值摊提present value amortization on note receivable
应收票据bill receivable account
应收票据账户note receivable account
应收票据账户bill receivable account
应收票据贴现bill receivable discounted
应收票据贴现收益gain from discounting notes receivable
应收出口商票据note receivable from exporters
应收商业票据note receivable from commerce
应收国际贸易票据international trade note receivable
应收客户票据notes receivable from customer
应收拒付票据note receivable protested
应收未收票据doubtful bill receivable
应收本国币票据home currency bills receivable
应收本币票据home money bills receivable
应收股东票据notes receivable from stockholder
应收背书票据endorsed notes receivable account
应收账款和票据accounts and notes receivable
应收贴现票据note receivable discounted
应收贴现票据与承兑汇票discounted note and acceptance receivable
应收贸易票据note receivable from trade
应收过期票据note receivable-past due
应收销货票据note receivable-trade
应收长期票据long-term note receivable
开立票据issuance of a note
弥合票据bridging over bill
成套票据bills in a set
成套票据set of bills
成套流通票据negotiable instrument draw in set
成套流通票据negotiable instrument drawn in set
或有票据负债contingent liability incurred by note
托收票据collection of the instrument
托收票据bill sent for collection
托收票据collecting bill
托收票据指卖方或债权人签发以买方或债务人付款的票据,如汇票或支票,委托银行向买方或债务人收取款项的一种清偿方迭,缩写为 B/Cbill for collection
托收无承付票据bill without charge
承兑票据汇票acceptance bill draft
承兑票据acceptance of bills
承兑票据accept a bill
承兑票据honour a bill
承兑票据accept a bill of exchange
承兑拒付票据acceptance supra protest
承担票据上的义务be liable for a bill of exchange
承担票据上责任liable on the bill
把出口信贷票据贴现refinancing of export credit papers
抵押票据bill with collateral securities
以票据为贷款抵押品抵押票据bill as security
抵押借款所附的合格票据eligible bill for collateral for a loan
抵押商业票据collateral surety
抵押空头票据交易kiting transaction
担保票据secured bill
拒付票据bill of dishonour
拒付票据dishonour bill
拒付票据dishonoured note
拒付的应收票据notes receivable dishonoured
指示付款票据bill drawn to order
提出对票据的付款保证guarantee by avail
提前交付的票据bill for premature delivery
支付票据payment of the note
支付票据款项payment of note
支付到期票据meet a bill
收到托收票据bill for collection
放款及贴现票据账户loan and bill discounted accounts
无价值票据nonvalue note
无价值票据nonvalue bill
无息票据noninterest-bearing note
无抬头银行票据banker's clean bill
无抵押票据bill without collateral securities
无担保票据uncovered notes
无效票据invalid bill
无法兑现的票据uncollectible notes
无法收现的票据uncollectible bills
无记名票据bill to bearer
无记名票据bearer certificate
无记名票据见票即付票据bear bill
无面值票据non-par item
普通票据ordinary bill
最佳商业票据prime commercial paper
有保证支付出口票据guaranteed export papers
有信用的票据fine bill
有抵押品的票据bill with collateral securities
有抵押品贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
有担保的票据collateral note
有条件票据conditional bill
有条件票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
有条件应付票据和款项bill and accounts payable with terms
未到期票据current paper
未填完票据uncompleted negotiable instruments
未岀示票据failure to present
未支付票据failed to pay the bill
未附单据的汇票bill unaccompanied documents
本期票据current paper
来人票据bearer bill
根据旅行信用证开的汇票draft drawn under travellers letter of credit
根据票外关系提起诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
检查票据examination of the documents
次等票据second-class paper
汇寄票据收款remit a bill for collection
注销遗失票据cancellation of lost instruments
注销遗失票据cancellation of a lost instrument
流通票据期票negotiable note
流通票据negotiable instrument law
流通票据law relating to negotiable instrument
流通票据law of negotiable check (instrument)
流通商业票据negotiable commercial paper
浮动利率票据floating sate instrument
浮动利率票据floating rate notes
清理逾期票据cleanup past-due bill
热门票据hot bill
现金票据cash items department
用出口信贷票据贴现筹资refinancing of export credit papers
用抵押空头票据进行交易kiting transaction
真实票据主义real-bills doctrine
短期票据call loan dealers bill
短期票据bill short
银行承兑的票据bank paper
票据上指定付款处domiciliation of an instrument
票据上的保证人giver of an aval
票据上的记载事项statements in the instrument
票据上的责任liability on the instrument
票据业务bill business
票据交换exchange of negotiable instruments
票据交换clearing of cheques
票据交换exchange of notes
票据交换clearing of bill
票据交换中心clearing centre
票据交换代理人clearance agent
票据交换工clearing labour
票据交换所clear house
票据交换所余额clearing house balance
票据交换所控制账clearing house in-book
票据交换所结算表clearing house proof
票据交换所结算表clearing house settlement sheet
票据交换所自动收付系统Clearing House Automated Payments System
票据交换所贷款证clearing house loan certificates
票据交换所贷款证clearing house loan certificate
票据交换所贷款证账clearing house out-book
票据交换所项目条款clearing house item
票据交换结算余额基金fund for clearing balance
票据交易市场market for bill exchange
票据交结所banker's clearing house
票据产生的义务obligation arising out of the instrument
票据付讫通知advice of bill paid
通融票据保证人accommodation party
票据信用bill credit
票据到期拒付分录entry if note is dishonored
票据到期日maturity date of a note
票据到期通知书note maturity notice
票据number of bill
票据外责任liability outside the instrument
票据契约contract of bill
票据延期extension of note
票据当事party to an instrument
票据打字员invoice typist
票据承兑acceptance of bill
票据承兑通知advice of bill accepted
票据承兑银行acceptance house
票据投机bill jobbing
票据抵押放款loan on bill
票据抵押贷款loan on note
票据抵押贷款loan on bill
票据拒付dishonour of bill
票据拒付证书protest for bills
票据持有人holder of bill
票据收妥bill collected
票据收款人payee of a note
票据收款人bill collector
票据收讫通知advice of bill collected
票据本金principal of a note
票据law of negotiable instrument
票据法上的抗辩权defence upon the bill
票据流回circuity of action
票据流通期间currency of a bill
票据清偿payment of a note
票据清算clearing of bill
票据清算公司clearing corporation
票据用作通货note in substitution for currency
票据的有效兑现currency of a bill
票据签发日date of bill
票据簿bills book
票据经纪人note broker
票据结算差额bill clearing balance
票据议付documentary negotiation
票据议付参阅 negotiationnegotiation of bill
票据记录簿note of register
票据调整bill adjust
票据调整人bill adjuster
票据bills account
票据贴现discount of bill
票据贴现discount of notes
票据贴现discount on check
票据贴现discount on bill
票据贴现bill discount
票据贴现bill discounted
票据贴现业者bill discounter
票据贴现收益gain from discounting note
票据贴现收益gain from discounting notes
票据贴现率bill rate
票据贷款加收利息additionally collected interest on loans on bills
票据转期renewal of bill
票据附件addition part of a bill
票据附件additional part of a bill
票据面值face value of a note
票据面额face of the note
私人票据private bill
税收预期票据tax-anticipation note
空头票据支票accommodation paper
空头票据支票accommodation kite
空白票据如汇票或支票inchoate instrument
空白票据承兑acceptance in blank
签署不全的票据inchoate instrument
经执票人出具收据的支票check receipted by the holder
经注明的票据noted paper
经背书的贴现或转让票据note thus discounted or transferred by endorsement
统一流通票据Uniform Negotiable Instrument Law
缴存票据bill lodge
美元承兑票据dollar acceptance
联运票据inter-modal bill
自动票据交换所Automated Clearing House
被拒付的应收票据notes receivable protested
被窃的票据stolen bill
见票付款票据期票note after sight
见票即付票据bill payable on demand
见票即付票据instrument payable on demand
见票即付票据note at demand
见票即付票据bearer paper
见票即付票据bearer instrument
见票后付款票据note after sight
见票后…天付款票据bill at... days after sight
计算票据compute a bill
记名票据special bill
记名式票据special note
诉讼中票据bill of interpleaded
详细票据itemized bill
负责兑付票据back a bill
货币市场票据money market note
贴现票据discount a bill
贴现票据discount note
贴现票据分类账discount ledger
贴现票据市场discount bill market
贴现的应收票据note receivable discounted
资金长期融通票据banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money
赎回票据retired bill
赎回票据指进口商在汇票到期时向押汇银行兑回汇票retire bill
跟单票据document bill
转期票据note renewal
转让票据law of negotiable check (instrument)
英国转账票据bank bill
过期票据past due paper
过期票据past due bill
过期票据past due note
过期票据psst-due bill
运输部门票据transportation sector paper
远期票据long-dated bill
远期票据bill at the long run
退回拒付票据return item
适于再贴现的商业票据commercial bill eligible for rediscounting
逐张票据检查note-by-note examination
通融票据汇票finance bill
通融票据指由其它资信好的人在汇票或期票上背书或承兑的票据accommodation bill
通融票据资金供应的金融业务financing of accommodation bill
遗失票据lost bills
遗失票据作废注销cancellation of a lost instrument
遗失的票据lost notes
金融票据financial paper
金融票据交换Financial Instrument Exchange
金融市场票据money market paper
金边票据gilt-edged bill
长期票据long-dated paper
长期票据long-dated bill
长期票据long bill
长期票据与债券long-term bills and bonds
长期浮动利率票据long term floating rate note
长远期票据long-time bill
附仓单票据bill accompanied by warehouse receipts
附单票据bill with attached documents
附属票据发行便利Collateralized Note Insurance Facility
附息票据interest bill
附条款票据clause bill
附证券担保的票据贴现bill discounted with collateral security
附证券担保的贴现票据bills discounted with collateral securities
非指定票据not to order
定到期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
预付票据汇票advance draft
预付票据bill of imprest
预付票据imprest bill
预付票据发货前开岀的票据advance bill
预支票据advance note
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