
Términos sobre el tema Negocio que contienen 特征 | todas las formas | sólo en el orden indicado
一般特征general characteristic
下降特征dropping characteristic
不利经济特征unfavorable economic features
不安全特征unsafe feature
习惯特征测验test of habitual characteristics
二项分布律特征函数characteristic function of the binomial law
产品特征product features
人性特征characteristic of human nature
人格特征personal trait
人际反应特征interpersonal response trait
作业特征分析job diagnostic analysis
作业特征研究job diagnostic research
作为市场经济特征的竞争competition as a feature of the market economy
保存特征survival characteristic
充电特征charge characteristic
冲击特征characterizing impact behavior
分期付款销售特征distinguishing features of installment sales
反馈特征feedback characteristic
可变特征variable characteristic
可测质量特征measurable quality characteristic
合成特征composite character
品质特征qualitative characteristics
商业企业外部特征trade dress
垄断性竞争特征characteristic of the monopolistic competition
基本特征basic feature
增扩特征向量augmented feature vector
复合特征composite attribute
外观特征face sheet
存储特征storage characteristic
工作特征working characteristics
工作特征模式job characteristic model
市场特征characteristics of market
平方律特征square-law characteristic
广义贝塔统计量特征latent root of the generalized beta-statistic
特征total characteristic
总体特征overall characteristic
所得税征收特别专员special commissioners of income tax
技术特征检查technical characteristics review
故障时间特征time-to-failure characteristic
数值特征numerical characteristics
无故障特征trouble-free characteristic
时间特征time characteristics
最简单特征函数simplest characteristic function
本期特别征收额current special assessments
标准特征standard characteristic
样本特征sample characteristics
正面特征positive attribute
泊松分布特征函数characteristic function of the Poisson distribution
消耗特征wear characteristics
消费市场一般特征general characteristics of the consumer market
消费者特征consumer characteristics
游客特征visitor characteristics
物质特征physical characteristics
特征位中断flag bit interrupt
特征值的渐进分布asymptotic distribution of eigenvalue
特征函数式对策game in characteristic function form
特征函数的超加性superadditivity of a characteristic function
特征分析feature analysis
特征分类classification of characteristics
特征变量latent variable
特征度量measure of characteristics
特征抽样sampling of attributes
特征指数characteristic index number
特征映射proper map
特征曲线网络network of characteristic curves
特征根的极大值maximum characteristic root
特征检验characteristic test
特征模糊集eigen fuzzy set
特征/益处销售法features/benefits approach of selling
特征税捐指美国地方政府为提供劳务或改进公共服务,如整顿街道清洁, 改善照明设施而向受益人征收特别税捐special assessment
特征税捐债券指美国政府为筹集改进公共设施的资金而发行的公债special assessment bond
特征税捐基金special assessment fund
特征线包络envelope of characteristics
特征线素characteristic line element
特征characteristic theory
特征设定set of characteristics
特征设计characteristic design
理想运算特征曲线ideal OC curve
直系组织特征feature of line organization
直线特征straight characteristic
磨损特征wear characteristics
稳态特征steady-state characteristic
系统特征system characteristic
系统效能属性特征system effectiveness contributing characteristic
特征negative attribute
质量控制特征曲线quality control versus
转移特征transfer characteristic
运算特征Operating Characteristics
运算特征抽样检验sampling inspection based on operating characteristics
邓恩-布雷兹特里特征信公司Dun and Bradstreet Inc.
静止特征static characteristic
非典型特征atypical characteristic
项目特征project nature
频率特征frequency characteristic
频率响应特征frequency response characteristics