
Términos sobre el tema Consultante que contienen | todas las formas
世界就业world employment programme
信贷supplier’s credit
位安装all-direction installation
制造面要求事项make-to requirements
信贷supplier’s credit
可供选择的预测alternative projection methods
各种不同的建议alternative proposals
国际多种式联运集装箱标准特设政府间小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards of International Multimodal Transport
国际统计案和协调工作Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Coordination
工程earth work
水利局regional water authorities
金融机构local financial institution
地理geographical orientation
multiple alternatives
多科性interdisciplinary program
工作work design
工程engineering phase
工艺process program
工艺案评价evaluation of a process program
建筑building design competition
建筑工程承包building contracting
技术案的评论technical review of alternation
技术程式technical equation
技术获得means of technology acquisition
新产品开发案评价evaluation of development program of new products
案和假设的验证verification of alternatives
法标准method standard
guide line
根据获得的资料制定活动的developing method of action based on available information
特别行动special action programme
特殊式的简要研究short study on a particular method
现有的生产existing process
生产manufacture form
由于经营面的原因而保留的储备reserves due to operational reasons
研究试制R&D program
简捷设计short-cut design methods
经济发展案资料中心Reference Center Economic Development Programs
统计statistical techniques
联合国案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery
联合国案和预算机构特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
行销marketing programs
设计面要求事项design-to requirements
财务及支付financial and form of payment
项目project alternatives
项目project orientation
预定能行动prearranged course