
Términos que contienen 垫带 | todas las formas | sólo en el orden indicado
calz.两个可调式扣环加上隐藏式松紧带,让鞋子真正舒适服帖。后跟垫可以缓解冲击Two adjustable buckles and hidden elastic stretch material let you find your true fit The cushioned heel pad absorbs shock
tec.刮刀垫带涂布机knife-on-blanket coater
textil吊带胸垫strap bra pads
textil吊带胸垫strap bra pad
quím.垫带protecting band
quím.垫带tube flap
quím.垫带rim tape
quím.垫带felloe band
automóv.轮胎垫带中部厚度thickness of flat center
automóv.轮胎垫带中部厚度centre thickness of flap
tec.垫带刮涂blanket coating
automóv.轮胎垫带带身不正irregular flap
plást.垫带式刮刀涂布knife-on-blanket coating
plást.垫带式刮涂blanket spreading
plást.垫带式刮涂blanket coating
plást.垫带式刮涂机blanket spreader
tec.垫带式刮涂机blanket coater
automóv.轮胎垫带最小展平宽度minimum width of flatting flap
automóv.轮胎垫带松弛flap looseness
automóv.轮胎垫带残缺不全flap incompleteness
quím.垫带硫化机flap curing press
automóv.轮胎垫带缺胶light stock of flap
automóv.轮胎垫带豁边torn flap
automóv.轮胎垫带边缘厚度edge thickness of flap
automóv.轮胎垫带边缘厚度thickness of flat edge
automóv.轮胎垫带边缘厚度edge thick of flap
tec.帆布带保护垫圈canvas grommet
automóv.带不脱落弹性垫圈和平垫圈的六角头螺钉hexagon screw with captive spring and plain washer
plást.带圆盘弹簧垫的夹紧装置用于胶黏clamp with dish-shaped spring-washers
automóv.螺钉带垫圈的with washer
telecom.带垫圈的螺帽grommet nut
automóv.螺栓带垫圈的螺钉头washer head
automóv.带垫块车身敲击用来敲平车身凹坑的钣金技术on-the-dolly panel beating
automóv.带垫平连接车轮螺母wheel-nut with pressure head
expos.带垫座椅cushion seat
tec.带垫木的岩栓rock bolt with timber
plást.带垫衬片材supported sheet
plást.带垫衬胶黏膜supported film adhesive
plást.带垫衬薄膜supported film
tec.带密封垫圈的管子gasketed pipe
perf.带抗磨垫的稳定器wear pad stabilizer
automóv.带框架的座垫座椅下部总成seat bottom assembly
tec.带楞胶垫ribbed rubber matting
tec.带槽孔轨枕垫板slotted tie plate
constr.带橡皮垫圈的钢筋混凝土管reinforced rubber gasket concrete pipe
automóv.带毡垫的接头felt joint
tec.带气垫的板簧pneumatic spring
compr.带油垫轴承pad bearing
tec.带液压枕垫的板簧hydropneumatic spring
metal.带状垫板滚对焊机tape butt-seam welding machine
electr.带状衬垫tape spacer
IT带缓冲垫的四侧引脚扁平封装quad flat package with bumper
avia.带耳止动垫圈tab lock washer
tec.带耳止退垫片lug washer
tec.带胶垫摆式止回阀cushioned swing check valve
avia.带软垫的upholstered backrest
automóv.带锁止垫圈的螺钉screw w/lock washer
tec.带鼻防松垫圈pawl washer
automóv.带齿垫圈teeth washer
automóv.带齿垫圈toothed washer
automóv.带齿垫圈claw washer
automóv.带齿锁止垫圈tooth lock washer
automóv.带齿锁止垫圈toothed lock washer
maquin.带齿锁紧垫圈fan type lock washer
textil席垫镶边带mat-border cloth
tec.枕垫雕饰带cushioned frieze
tec.橡胶垫履带板rubber pad shoe
tec.氯丁橡胶垫带neoprene gasket
plást.涂布垫带coating blanket
tec.特制垫带specially made gasket
tec.皮带盘垫套packing carrier
tec.空心垫缝带hollow gasket
tec.空心垫缝带hollow extrusion gasket
automóv.轮胎垫带narrow flap
tec.管型垫带tubular gasket
textil缝合纽扣和纽孔垫带attaching button and button hole tape
textil缝纽孔垫带attaching buttonhole strip
tec.聚氯乙烯垫带polyvinyl chloride gasket
tec.聚氯乙烯带垫污水管件polyvinyl chloride gasketed sewer fitting
automóv.轮胎垫带tire flap
automóv.轮辋内胎垫带rim flap
automóv.轮辋垫带rim band
metal.金属箔带状垫板滚对焊tape butt-seam welding
automóv.防磨损卡住垫带antichafing strip