
Términos sobre el tema Espacio que contienen | todas las formas
三通道脉冲three channel monopulse
三通道脉冲雷达接收机three-channel monopulse radar receiver
不对称asymmetrical monomer
不对称asymmetric unit
专用存储mailbox memory
业务数据service data unit
中央central terminal unit
中央处理central processing element
中央终端central terminal unit
中央逻辑central logic unit (装置)
中心central unit
主动式脉冲雷达寻的制导系统active mono-pulse radar homing guidance system
主要求清master requirements list
主要零件号码master parts-number list
优先需求目标priority requirement objective list
优选机械零件清preferred mechanical parts list
优选零件清明细表preferred parts list
传送业务数据transport service data unit
传送协议数据transport protocol data unit
站雷达横截面pseudo-monostatic radar cross section
脉冲系统pseudo-monopulse system
脉冲雷达接收机pseudo-monopulse radar receiver
低噪声变频low noise block
先进接口元 AIUS-Agroresursy 全俄农业资源自动信息控制系统科学研究中心advanced interface unit (俄罗斯,俄文缩写英译)
先进的脉冲雷达导引头advanced mono pulse seeker
分数测量submultiple unit (of measurement)
分析基本essential elements of analysis
分段segmenting unit
制外测量off-system unit (of measurement)
前向位辐射强度forward specific intensity
前向通路K-band, single access forward
前向空间链路数据forward space link data unit
包交换packet switching unit
包装协议数据encapsulation protocol data unit
包装规约数据encapsulation protocol data unit (具有 CCSDS 分格格式的经包装业务处理得出的数据单元)
千天文thousand astronomical units
千天文位探测器thousand astronomical unit (美国一种预计将飞行一千个天文单位距离的行星际探测器)
千天文位探测器thousand astronomical unit (美国研制中的将飞行一千个天文单位距离的行星际探测器)
千计算kilo accounting unit
一一体化空间图像single integrated space picture
一制导与推进系统single guidance and propulsion system
一失效点single failure point
一失效点分析single failure point analysis
一失效点总计single failure point summary
一工作状态发动机single-regime engine
一指令single command
丝连续编织continuous monofilament, braided
丝连续缠绕continuous monofilament, spun
个接地点single ground point
个敏感元件single sensor
个目标single target
个突击single attack
个线圈single coil
个脉冲的最小冲量minimum impulse bit at MEPW (火箭发动机的)
传感器测量single-sensor measurement
伪卫星系统single pseudolite system
XX-unit (非公制的波长单位,等于10-11 厘米)
N N-unit
位元素unit element
位冲激函数unit impulse function
位刚度specific stiffness
测量位制system of units (of measurement)
6位制码six bit code
位剩余功率specific excess power
位功率unit horsepower
位反馈unit feedback
位取样响应unit sample response
位取样序列unit-sample sequence
位圆unit circle
位局域网unit local area network
位应变unit strain
位抗拉应力unit tensile stress
位推力specific thrust
位数one-figure number
位权weight unit
位权unit weight
位权方差variance of unit weight
位湿度specific humidity
位生产成本unit production cost
位矢量向量unit vector
位矢量法unit vector method
测量位符号symbol of a unit (of measurement)
位脉冲功率power per pulse
位识别符号unit identification code
位边elementary edge
位过载的力force per g
位过载的杆力stick force per g
位间线路interfacility line
位阶跃响应unit step response
位面积纤维质量fiber weight of unit area
位面积质量mass-area ratio
位马力unit horsepower
building unit
体太阳电池single solar cell
体用量amount of monomer
体电池single cell
体电池的有效光照面积active area of a solar cell
体计算机all-in-one computer
倍长实值single length real value
值函数single-valued function
值操作monadic operation
值测向sense finding
值非线性single value nonlinearity
unit element
铷蒸汽磁强计one-cell magnetometer
元体结构en-block construction
天线元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix
元剪切试验block shear test
元因子element factor
元尺寸cell size
元平均恒虚警率检测cell average constant false alarm rate detection
元库cell library
元探测器single-element detector
元推进剂发动机monopropellant rocket engine
元推进剂燃气发生器mono-propellant gas generator
元推进系统monopropellant propulsion system
天线元方向性图element pattern
元晶格unit lattice
元机single chip microcomputer
元栅格element grid (天线辐射单元的)
元校准single unit calibration
元检测设备unit checkout equipment
元测试unit test
元测试unit level test
元测试台unit test bench
元测试程序program of unit test
元测试设备unit test equipment
元测试软件software of unit test
元燃料monergol (法文,尤指肼,缩写为 M)
元燃料推力器monopropellant thruster (单组元燃料小推力液体火箭发动机)
元磷光体single-component phosphor
天线元配相element phasing
元间通信intercell communication
n 元阵列n-cell array
天线元阻抗element impedance
刀单掷single-pole single throw
刀双掷single-pole double-throw
刀双掷开关single pole double throw switch
刀多掷single-pole multiple-throw
分子层底物monolayer substrate
分时系统single time-shared system
分量天平one-component balance
剂加注single-propellant filling
包信息single packet message
无线电测向器unidirectional radio direction finder
止回check valve
向信号流unilateral signal flow
向信息流unidirection flow of information
向信标方程one-way beacon equation
向元件unidirectional element
向受控式传输one-way controlled transmission
向变换换能unilateral transducer
向固化unidirectional solidification
向多普勒定位one way Doppler location
向多普勒测量one-way Doppler measurement (值)
向扫描single directional scanning
向推力器mono-directional thruster
向无穷带one-way infinite tape
向时间同步one-way time synchronization
向流unidirectional flow
向电话通信simplex voice communication
向纤维复合材料unidirectional fibrous composite materials
向网络unilateral network
向联调one direction integration and test
向脉冲链unidirectional pulse train
向跟踪one-way tracking
向路由unidirectional route
向输入one-way input
向连接路由unidirectional link routing
向通信系统simplex system
向通道simplex channel
向链接one-way linkage
向门unilateral gate
向预浸带unidirectional prepreg tape
向飞行single heading flight
地址信息single-address message
地址指令形式single-address instruction format
地址指令码single address order code
地址码single-address code
地址计算机single-address computer
single access (卫星通信中,单波束天线构成的点对点的通信)
single destination
址业务single access service (卫星通信的)
址通信链路single access link (卫星通信中,单波束天线构成的点对点的通信链路)
整体结构one-piece construction
块式微计算机single board microcomputer
块式火箭monolithic rocket
块式风挡single-piece windshield
块组件monolithic element
处理机操作系统uniprocessor operating system
失效点分析single failure point analysis
子句unitary clause
孔管状药柱cylindrical monoperforated grain
层拦截one layer interception
幅黑白图像single image mono chrome
开缝的single slotted
异质结激光器single heterojunction laser
式风洞unitary wind tunnel
弹头single warhead
弹头导弹single warhead missile
态簇single manifold
指令single instruction
指令单数据流Single instruction, single data stream (计算机)
指令多数据single instruction multiple data
指令多数据结构single instruction multidata organization
指令多数据计算机SIMD computer
指令执行single instruction execute
指令执行时间single instruction execution time
指令格式single instruction format
指令装置single-order device
收地面站receive-only ground station
收地面站receive-only earth station
收控制receive only control
收数据终端receive only data terminal
收电视TV reception only
收站receive only station
收终端receive only terminal
收终端receive-only terminal
故障工作的single-fail operative
星定位制single satellite positioning system
星导航single star navigation
星形结构single-star topology
机型可视电话stand-alone video phone
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbal control moment gyroscope
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbaled control moment gyro
框架控制力矩陀螺single gimbal control moment gyro
模光纤single mode optical fiber
模光纤single mode fiber
模光纤monomode fiber
模光缆single-mode fiber cable
模发生器single-mode generator
模喇叭single-mode horn (天线)
模工作single mode operation
模振荡器single-mode generator
模激光器single mode laser
模行波激光器travelling-wave single mode laser
模行波激光器traveling-wave single mode laser
次交战杀伤概率Pk/shot probability of kill for one engagement
次卫星过境single satellite pass
次放电single discharge
次放电损耗量electrode wear per discharge
次试验single-run tests
汇流single-sink flow
流路燃烧室single flow combustion chamber
流路燃烧室monostream passage combustion chamber
single chip
整体陶瓷monolithic ceramic
片主存储器monolithic main memory
片式数模接口monolithic D/A interface
片微处理机monolithic microprocessor
片微处理机chip microprocessor
片微波集成放大器monolithic microwave intergrated amplifier
片放大器monolithic amplifier
片机single-chip computer
片机single chip processor
片焦平面monolithic focal plane
片电路技术monolithic circuit technique
片相控阵天线monolithic phased array antenna
片计算器calculating chip
片计算机single-chip computer
片计算机computer on-chip
片计算机monolithic computer
片阵列逻辑monolithic array logic
片陶瓷电容器monolithic ceramic capacitor
球安装点monoball mount
球座架monoball mount
眼视觉monocular vision
眼调节monocular accommodation
码位误差single-bit error
single pass
程增益single-pass gain
程序启动single program initiation
程序的启动程序single program initiator
稳态触发器monostable flip-flop
筒光电立体扫描仪monocular electro-optical stereo scanner
簧挠曲single spring flexure (风洞内测定单支点模型受力的一种天平形式)
缝热管mono-grooved heat pipe
联装导弹发射装置single-missile launcher
脉冲二次监视雷达monopulse secondary surveillance radar
脉冲卡塞格伦天线monopulse cassegrain antenna
脉冲和差信号monopulse sum and difference signal
脉冲天线monopulse antenna
脉冲定向辐射single-pulse directional radiation
脉冲射频敏感探测monopulse RF sensor
脉冲技术monopulse technology
脉冲技术single-pulse technique
脉冲技术monopulse technique
脉冲接收机monopulse receiver
脉冲波束形成monopulse beam formation
脉冲测向monopulse direction finding
脉冲激光器single pulse laser
脉冲角跟踪monopulse angle tracking
脉冲跟踪monopulse tracking
脉冲跟踪天线monopulse tracking antenna
脉冲跟踪接收机monopulse tracking receiver
脉冲跟踪雷达monopulse tracking radar
脉冲逻辑块single shot logic block
脉冲雷达monopulse radar
脉冲雷达寻的系统monopulse radar homing system
脉冲雷达导引头monopulse radar seeker
脉冲雷达导引头monopulse radar homing head
脉冲雷达接收机monopulse radar receiver
脉冲雷达跟踪系统monopulse radar tracking system
脉冲频率捷变雷达导引头monopulse frequency-agile radar seeker
脉冲馈源monopulse feed
脉冲馈电器monopulse feed
舰演习individual ship exercises
舱式空间站single-module space station
monotony (性)
调布尔函数monotonic Boolean function
调背景monotonous background
调谐电路single-tuned circuit
谐波失真single-harmonic distortion
谱分光双星single-line spectroscopic binary
谱分光双星single spectrum binary
赋值语句single assignment language
透镜simple lens
通路K-band, single access
通道仿真single channel simulation
通道单脉冲single-channel monopulse
通道单脉冲雷达接收机single channel monopulse radar receiver
通道应答机single-channel transponder
通道控制系统single-channel control system
通道脉冲调宽放大器single-channel PWM amplifier
通道自跟踪结构single-channel autotrack configuration
通道跟踪体制single-channel tracking system
逻辑元件simple logical element
道分析器single-channel analyser
锥进气道single awl inlet
陀螺电罗经mono-gyro compass
合格材料清qualified materials list
合格硬件清certified hardware list
合格零件清qualified parts list
圆锥脉冲雷达conical monopulse radar
在轨替换orbital replacement unit (装置,航天器的)
地球角速度earth rate unit
缩写 eru地球转速earth-rate unit (每小时15°)
地球转速earth rate unit
地面ground element
地面分辨ground resolution cell
地面接口terrestrial interface unit
地面接口terrestrial interface module
处理和控制processing and control element
复路规约数据multiplexing protocol data unit
外围处理peripheral processing unit
元聚能装药弹头multi-unit shaped-charge warhead
多指令数据流multiple instruction, single data stream
多普勒点定位Doppler point positioning
多路载波multichannel-per-carrier (卫星通信中的一种频分多址方式)
多路载波multiple channel per carrier
多路复用协议数据multiplexing protocol data unit
大功率边带通信large power single-band telecommunication equipments
大规模集成片阵列计算机large integrated monolithic array computer
太阳中微子solar neutrino unit
奇数存储odd location
射电太阳色仪radio spectroheliograph
射频radio frequency unit
射频接口RF interface unit
局部local element
居住resident unit
frame unit
常规导弹火力conventional missile fire unit
幅度压扩边带amplitude companded SSB
幅相转换脉冲雷达接收机amplitude-phase con versi on mono pulse radar receiver
开放式存储open memory location
引信元测试fuze unit test
引向器director element
性能赋值评估performance evaluation element
总功率分配bus power distribution unit
战场协调battlefield coordination element
指令存储location of instruction
指令核目标清command nuclear target list
指令译码command decoder unit (航天器数据管理分系统的)
指令链路传输command link transmission unit
指挥控制command and control element
按需分配路单载波网demand assignment SCPC network
按需分配信令交换demand assignment signalling and switching unit
振幅压扩边带amplitude companded side band
支出expenditure unit
收/发receiver/transmitter unit
政府提货运货government bill of lading
敏感器终端sensor local terminal unit (航天器的)
救援rescue unit
显示控制功率display control power unit
显示选择display menu
最小允许导弹毁伤概率minimum tolerable single-shot kill probability
最小替换lowest replaceable unit
最左leftmost cell
有效分辨effective resolution element
有效半字effective half-word location
有效双字effective double-word location
有效字effective word location
服务数据service data unit
未来战略目标清strategic future targets list
材料清bill of materials
标准standard cell
标准部件standard block
标准元法standard cell method (超大规模集成电路库单元的一种设计方法)
标准存储standard memory location
标准格式数据standard format data unit
stack cell
树脂resin monomer
欧洲货币计算European Accounting Unit
欧洲货币European currency units
欧洲货币计算accounting unit
tritium unit (水中氚的浓度单位)
向阀hydrogen check valve
氦气向阀helium check valve
活性activated monomer
流率clusec (等于在 0.133 帕压力下每秒流出 0.01 升气体)
测距跟踪range tracking element
测量metric unit
测量点清list of measurement points
checklist (核对用的)
理论位蚀除量theoretical specific metal removal
用于地区威胁评估的简工具simplified tool for assessment of regional threats (RAND theater-level campaign model, 兰德公司战区级战役模型)
电力electric power unit
电子电荷electron unit
电子节目electronic program guide
电气设备清electrical equipment list
电源保护和分配power protection and distribution unit
电源分配元[装置power distribution unit
电热式肼组元推进系统electrothermal monopropellant hydrazine system (肼由电加热器加热分解成高温高压气体经喷管排岀产生推力的装置)
卫星电视收站television receiver only
电视收站TV receive only
脉冲处理full mono pulse processing
程序program unit
程序位计数器program unit counter
程序元监控program element monitor
程序元说明program element description
等效简网络equivalent simple network
紧急通信contingency communications element
编码虚拟信道数据coded virtual channel data unit
编码虚拟信道数据coded virtual channel date unit
缺货通知back-order (尤指军事订货的)
网格grid cell
网络共同接口network common interface unit
网络接入network access unit
网络接口network interface unit
网络控制net control unit
老主顾订货first buy (美国洛克希德公司对可靠订货单的用语)
脉冲多普勒个目标跟踪方式pulse-Doppler single target track mode
组元推进剂火箭monopropellant hydrazine rocket
舱内活动替换IVA replacement unit
调度dispatch set
谐振resonant element
负载load unit
货物清cargo manifest
货运cargo manifest
质量合格产品清qualified products list
费用expenditure unit
通用元法general cell method (超大规模集成电路库单元的一种设计方法)
通用寄存器general register unit
通用解码器存储universal decoder memory unit (通用自动测试系统的)
通用译码器存储universal decoder memory unit
通路信息path information unit
通路信息path information unit
逻辑部件logical unit
逻辑logical block (如"与"门、"或"门等)
键盘Keyboard Unit
防空火力air defense fire unit
array element
陆军备份指挥控制army alternate command and control element
Las primeras 500 frases mostradas