
Términos sobre el tema Espacio que contienen | todas las formas
一体化海监视系统integrated undersea surveillance system
制导up-down guidance
文内关键字key word in context
文外关键字key word out of context
文的关键短语key phrase in context
文管理context management
方向above-below direction
配置one-above-the-other layout (多级火箭的)
上升/降飞行器ascent/descent vehicles
一个核大国Nth country
一代气象雷达next generation weather radar
一代空间望远镜next generation space telescope (美国,又称詹姆斯-韦伯空间望远镜)
一代适用卫星next generation serviceable satellite (美国空军)
一动作next move
一地址汇编寄存器next address assembly register
一语句next statement
中天lower culmination
中天lower transit
中天inferior transit
体负压lower body negative pressure
体负压试验lower body negative pressure test
体负压试验low body negative pressure test
倾角angle of dip
downflow (气流)
凹控制notching control (航天器振动试验采取的一种振动输入技术)
半模negative die
反角negative dihedral
变换器down converter
变频器block down converter
变频器down converter
口间隙exit lateral gap
inferior conjunction (天文学名词)
吸式汽化器downdraft carburetor
吹式推进系统blow down propulsion system (推进剂与挤压气体共用一容器的热气推进系统)
地幔lower mantle
垫面反照率albedo of underlying surface
天极depressed pole
导向器lower guide
层节点lower level node (软件用)
last quarter
third quarter (月相)
decrescent (月)
弯偶极子drooping dipole
投式测风探空仪dropwind sonde
折定向天线fold-down directional antenna
挂式导弹发射装置hitch-type missile launcher
推存储器push-down storage
推存储器push-down memory
推有效地址push effective address
推表push-down list (按后进先出原则存储信息项的一种表)
标值subscript value
标语句subscript statement
downwash (流,来自飞机或导弹翼面得气动干扰)
洗流down wash
洗角downwash angle
洗诱导速度downwash induced velocity
滑时间gliding time
滑比gliding ratio
滑比glide ratio (下滑水平距离与损失高度之比)
滑特性gliding characteristics
滑航迹轨道glide path
滑角glide angle
滑角angle of glide
滑距离gliding distance
滑轨道glide trajectory
滑速度gliding speed
滑错觉glide illusion (飞行错觉的一种)
滑飞行gliding flight
subpoint (人造地球卫星的)
点轨迹subpoint track (人造地球卫星的)
现蜃景inferior mirage
线架lower guide frame
天体lower limb
肢负压leg negative pressure
肢顺应性leg compliance
节点lower node
数据传送downlink communication (航天器到地面)
行交互通道forward interactive path
行信号down link signal
行数据链down data-link
行通信downlink communication
行通信downlink communications
行链路downlink (从航天器向地球站传送信号的无线电链路)
行链路热噪声downlink thermal noise (地球站天线接收到的噪声和地球站接收机产生的热噪声)
行链路热噪声down link thermal noise
行链路配置down link allocations
表面bottom face
俯视雷达head-down radar
视相机downward-looking camera
视红外downward looking infrared (装置)
视角look-down angle
视雷达look-down radar
边带lower sideband
边带通信LSB communication
边缘lower edge
部仪器舱lower equipment bay
lower-level threshold
推进系统descent propulsion system
火箭descent stage
降入轨descent orbit insertion
降升降舵lowered elevator
降发动机descent engine
降后休克postdescent shock
降弹道descent trajectory
降弹道控制descent trajectory control
降推进系统descent propulsion system (行星登陆舱或登月舱的)
降曲线down curve
降最低点top of descent
降段descent phase
降段轨迹descent trajectory
降段轨迹descending path
降盘downthrow block
降结束end of descent
降舱descent module
飞机降角angle of descent
降角descent angle
降距离descent range
降路径descent path
降路线descending path
降轨道drop-off orbit
降轨道descent path
降轨道descent orbit
降转移轨道descent transfer orbit
降速度descent velocity
降速率rate of descent
降飞行downward flight
限偏差lower limit error
限寄存器lower limit register
限尺寸low limit of size
限截止频率lower cut-off frequency
限时间戳lower bound time stamp
限横偏距离low cross range
限横向航程low cross range
限状态lower limit state
面级lower stage
面级固体火箭发动机lower-stage solid rocket motor
靶场器材需求downrange material requirement
靶场时统站down-range timing station
靶场测量站down-range station
靶场计算机输出系统downrange computer output system
靶场计算输入系统downrange computer input system
靶场跟踪站downrange tracking station
严格strict lower bound
中层lower medium range
二级变频two-stage down conversion
发射in-silo launching
发射out-of-silo launch
发射in-silo firing
瞄准设备in-silo aiming equipment
从井发射攻击地面或海面目标的导弹LGM (美国武器种类的代号)
仰角lower elevation limit
任务上task context
俄罗斯地核试验Russian underground nuclear test
充气再入降技术系统inflatable re-entry and descent technology system (俄罗斯,可用于从国际空间站送回有效载荷,或进行航天器的回收)
先进水武器advanced underseas weapons
全变差降格式total variation diminishing scheme
全变差降格式total variation decreasing scheme
全变差降法total variation diminishing
全黑条件darkened conditions
关键字和上key word and context
切割cutting stock
初始搜索initial search lower bound
加固和深地目标hard and deeply buried target
加固地发射upgraded silo
加固地隧道hardened under tunnel
加固的地发射井upgraded silo
动力降段power descent phase
半地发射semi-underground launch
半地固定发射semi-underground fixed launch
半地导弹阵地semi-ground missile position
半地硬式发射阵地Hollywood hard emplacement
卫星行链路satellite downlink
卫星星satellite subpoint
原子武器地爆炸atomic underground burst
原子武器水爆炸atomic underwater burst
反水战争anti-underwater warfare
drop-out (面罩)
从发射架上unload (导弹)
受攻击发射launch under attack
受限上文无关文法restricted context-free grammar
可调变频器tunable down converter
加速度tailward acceleration
机载反装甲武器发射的vertical ballistic
大气温度downwelling atmospheric temperature
弹射downward ejection
弹射座椅downward ejection seat
运动downward movement
式供应系统blow-down feed system
underground silo
井发射underground silo launching
井发射战略导弹silo-launched strategic missile
储罐underground storage tank
升降发射设施underground elevating launch facility
发射underground launch
发射井underground launching silo
导弹发射井加固hardening of silos (防核的)
发射装置underground launcher
导弹发射设备silo launching equipment
导弹发射试验silo launching test
固定发射underground fixed launch
underground room
导弹阵地under ground missile position
指挥所under-ground post
指挥所underground command post
控制underground control
控制室underground control room
掩体underground shelter
掩体buried shelter
掩体内的导弹buried missile (口语)
机动发射underground mobile launch
核爆炸nuclear underground burst
核爆炸underground nuclear explosion
核爆炸nuclear subsurface explosion
核爆炸景像image of underground nuclear explosion
核试验underground nuclear test
水分水岭groundwater divide
水污染groundwater pollution
水网络groundwater network
爆炸underground burst
电源间underground power room
设施underground facility
试验underground test
贮存underground storage
隧道underground tunnel
雷达目标subsurface radar target
地平线以below the horizon
地平线以under the horizon
垂直vertical lower
基准的benchmark lower bound
复合行链路信号composite downlink signal
大地测量卫星星geodetic sub-vehicle point
大气向辐射downward terrestrial radiation
大气层中atmospheric descent
天体sub-celestial point (地理位置点)
密集地井基地close silo basing
导弹missile sagging
导弹沉量missile sinking amount
导弹沉量missile sinkage
导弹降限位器missile descend limiter
导弹地missile silo
导弹地发射装置missile launching silo
导弹地发射装置missile launch silo
导弹水发射missile underwater launching
导弹水发射场underwater launch site
导弹水发射装置underwater missile launching device
峰值冲电压peak undershoot voltage
个别部件发生故障时工作可靠但性能softly fail
序列inferior limit of a sequence
应急emergency descent
开伞open parachute descent
线drop wire
线downlead (天线的)
sub-missile point
弹道ballistic descent
微重力条件有机物结晶crystallization of organic substances in microgravity application
急剧dip down
性能performance depreciation
惯性降段coasting-descent phase
抗核地发射井导弹hardened silo missile
指挥控制属系统command and control subordinate system
按飞行剖面profile descent
推力thrust lapse
推力降时间thrust decay time
数字变频器digital down converter
数字式数据行链路Digital Data Downlink
数据行链路data downlink
无制导unguided glide
无动力最小沉率Pomros power-off minimum rate of sink
subsolar point
日光可读sunlight readable
sub-satellite point (人造地球卫星与地心连线在地球参考椭球面上的交点)
subastral point (卫星的)
点参数sub-satellite point parameters
点参数sub-satellite parameters
点轨迹sub-satellite point track (星下点在地面上移动形成的轨迹)
点轨迹satellite ground track
星图starmap down load
最快降航迹path of quickest descent
sublunar point
月球降轨道lunar descent trajectory
月面星sub-satellite point for moon (月球探测器的)
航天器有动力powered descent
极限降速度limiting descent velocity
核威慑的局部战争local war under nuclear deterrent
梯队式laddering down (突破末段反导防御的一种攻击方式)
椭圆形的降段轨迹elliptic descent path
主动寻的装置underwater self-homing device
冲压式喷气发动机underwater ramjet
分离电连接器underwater separation connector
制导导弹underwater guided missile (水下发射的攻击地面或海面目标的导弹)
力学underwater mechanics
动力设计underwater dynamic design
发射underwater firing
发射underwater launch
发射underwater launching
发射submerged launch
发射submarine firing
发射段underwater launching phase
发射的导弹underwater missile
发射的导弹系统undersea-launch missile system
发射的远程导弹系统undersea long-range missile system
发射装置submerged launcher
发射试验underwater launching test
发射试验场underwater launch-test range
听觉under water audition
呼吸underwater breathing
固定发射underwater fixed launch
天线submarine antenna
导弹发射设施underwater missile facility
导弹试验场underwater missile test range
导航underwater navigation
弹道underwater trajectory
.弹道测量underwater ballistic measurement
弹道试验underwater trajectory test
undersea warfare
推进剂underwater propellant (用于水下推进系统的)
摄影机underwater camera
机动发射underwater mobile launch
机械学underwater mechanics
核爆炸underwater nuclear explosion
核爆炸景像image of underwater nuclear explosion
核试验underwater nuclear test
核试验nuclear underwater explosion
武器underwater ordnance
武器射击控制underwater battery fire control
激光雷达underwater laser radar
火控系统under water fire control system
火箭subsea underwater rocket
爆炸underwater burst
窗口window in the water
自动导航装置underwater self-homing device
导弹的自导引装置underwater self-homing device
视觉under water vision
触发试验underwater percussion test
警戒和定位submarine alerting and locating
跟踪系统underwater tracking system
运载器发射launch vehicle underwater launching
逃生训练underwater escape trainer
遥测underwater telemetry
阶段减压法under water stage decompression
音响信号signal,underwater sound
污染的地polluted groundwater
沿弹道轨迹ballistic descent
浅水水发射导弹shallow underwater missile system
浮点floating-point underflow
放射性同位素电源undersea radioisotope power supply
深地deep underground
深地目标deeply buried target
漩涡沉速度vortex sink rate
潜-舰导弹水发射装置系统submarine-to-ship missile underwater-launched launcher
激光水测距仪laser submarine range finder
火星降成像仪Mars descent imager
对中centring under point
爆炸low explosive limit
理论theory lower bound
用仪表着陆系统降的最低高度ILS minimum altitude
电缆地cable vault
登月舱降发动机lunar module descent engines
登月舱降发动机lunar module descent engine
登月舱降发动机lunar excursion module descent engine
直接行发送direct downlink
直接对地行链路direct down link
硬式地指挥所hardened underground command post
福布什Forbush decrease
稳定steady-state descent
稳定降速度stabilized descent velocity (降落伞的)
空对水目标导弹air-to-underwater missile
空对水导弹air-to-underwater missile
空对水目标导弹air-to-underwater guided missile
产品under size
精确水导航precision underwater navigation
系统上up-down limit of system
紧急emergency descent
置信lower confidence bound
脉冲降时间pulse drop-off time
腐蚀sub-surface etching
而上测试bottom-up testing
而上研制bottom-up development
而上评审bottom up review
自上而探讨研究top-down approach
自上而测试top-down testing
自上而研制top-down development
自上而设计top-down design
潜艇自动潜装置automatic dive gear
自推进水导弹self-propelled underwater missile
自由free fall
自由落式核武器nuclear gravity weapon
自由落控制系统free-fall control system (控制空投导弹的)
自顶向选择selective top-down
舱压降警告灯cabin pressure warning light
药柱grain slump
式冲击试验机drop shock test machine
视频行链路video down link
平视显示器视频lower limit of video
数据data under voice
超硬度地发射upgraded silo
距离捕捉minimum acquisition range
距离跟踪minimum tracking range
轨道orbital decay
进入、降与着陆entry, descent and landing
进入、降及着陆系统entry, descent and landing system (月球/行星着陆探测器的分系统)
进入降轨道descent orbit insertion
透镜弯曲lens sag
通气地管道kanat (有地面通气管的地下液体管道)
部分在地partially underground (导弹发射状态)
防爆地掩体blast bunker
阴影功率degradation from shadowing power (航天器太阳电池电源系统的)
陆上视技术overland downlook technology
随机推自动机stochastic pushdown automaton
雷达面点subradar point
面对水弹道导弹ballistic surface-to-under water missile
预先达的战斗任务prebriefed missile
进气道low jaw inlet
飞向令转弯点的时间time to go
高级水搜索系统advanced underwater search system