
Términos sobre el tema Baile que contienen turn | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
Alemana turn阿娜玛娜右转
amount of turn转度
amount of turn转身角度
basic reverse turn基本左转
chasse reverse turn并步左转步
chasse reverse turn左转并步
chasse turn并步转身
close turn闭位旋转步
commence to turn R开始转向右
continuous Voltas spot turn to L R连续原地左转沃达斯步垫步
cross hesitation after open impetus turn分式激转步之后的交叉踌躇步
cross hesitation preceded by open impetus turn以分式激转步为前导的交叉踌躇步
cross turn交叉转
fallaway natural turn并退右转
half turn180° 转
half turn¹⁄₂转
heel turn足跟转
heel turn足跟旋转
heel-ball twist turn脚跟-脚掌拧转
impetus turn激转步
inside of a turn内转圈
inside turn内转
left cross turn左交叉转
natural lock turn右锁步转
natural pivot turn右轴转步
natural promenade turn侧行右转
natural promenade turn to rock turn右侧行转步至摇摆转步
natural rock turn右摇转步
natural spin turn右旋转步
natural spin turn at the corner角落上之右转步
natural spin turn at the corner右旋转在角落里
natural turn右转
natural turn back lock running finish右转后退锁步跑步结束
natural turn & natural turn with hesitation finished右转及右转踌躇步结束
natural turn with hesitation踌躇右转步
natural turn with outside swivel右转接外侧回旋步
natural twist turn右扭转
natural twist turn右拧转
natural twist turn feather finish右扭转步接羽步完成
open impetus turn分式激转步
open reverse turn分式左转步
open turn分步转
outside of a turn外转圈
outside swivel after 1 and 2 of reverse turn外侧回旋步在左转 1,2 步之后
outside turn外转
overturned natural spin turn强度右旋转步
passing natural turn穿越右转步
progressive side step reverse turn行进侧步左转
quarter turn90° 转
quarter turn¹⁄₄转
quarter turn to left直角左转步
quarter turn to right直角右转步
reverse turn左转
RF & LF rock turn左、右摇转步
rock turn摇转步
running natural turn跑步右转
running right turn跑步右转
running spin turn跑步旋转
slight body turn to L身体稍向左转
spiral turn螺旋转步
spiral turn to fan pos螺旋转至扇形位置
spot turn原地转
spot turn to L and R原地左转和右转
spot turn to left原地左转步
spot turn to right原地右转步
stab reverse turn刺出左转步
turn around in circles转圈
turn one's head well to the L将头部向左转
twist turn扭转步
underarm turn臂下转
underarm turn to L and R臂下转向左和右
underturned natural spin turn减弱右旋转步
Voltas spot turn to L for lady女士原地左转沃达斯步
Voltas spot turn to R for lady女士原地右转沃达斯步
waltz turn华尔兹的转
weave from PP after open impetus turn侧行纺织步在分式激转步之后
whole turn360° 转
whole turn全转
whole turn整周转
wing after open impetus turn翼步在分式激转步之后
wing preceded by open impetus turn翼步前导步分式激转步