
Términos sobre el tema Diplomacia que contienen the | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
away from the point不对题的
away from the point离题
away from the point不着要点的
be a step in the right direction朝正确方向迈出〔前进〕了一步
be on the carpet被训斥
be on the carpet受责备
be on the carpet在审议〔研究〕中
clear the way for为…让路
clear the way for为…扫清道路
find out how the wind blows观望形势
find out how the wind blows看风向
find out how the wind lies观望形势
find out how the wind lies看风向
get into the saddle就职
go against the tide反〔逆〕潮流
have the initiative有主动〔优先〕权
have the upper hand of比…有利〔占优势〕
have the upper hand of胜过
hold out the olive branch建议讲和
hold out the olive branch伸出橄榄枝
know how the wind blows知道风向
know how the wind lies知道风向
lie at the root of是…的根据〔基础〕
on the nod有默契的
on the nod未经正式手续的
on the table公开地
on the table尽人皆知的〔已成为公开讨论的〕事
on the table在桌
see how the wind blows知道风向
see how the wind lies知道风向
shake off the yoke反抗
shake off the yoke拒绝服从
shake off the yoke摆脱枷锁〔束缚〕
stop the gap弥补缺陷
stop the gap弥合差距
stop the gap填平补齐
stop the gap填补空缺〔空白〕
stop the gaps弥合差距
stop the gaps弥补缺陷
stop the gaps填平补齐
stop the gaps填补空缺〔空白〕
supply the gap填平补齐
supply the gap弥补缺陷
supply the gap弥合差距
supply the gap填补空缺〔空白〕
supply the gaps填平补齐
supply the gaps弥补缺陷
supply the gaps弥合差距
supply the gaps填补空缺〔空白〕
the same that...与样的
the same that...和…相同
throw off the yoke反抗
throw off the yoke拒绝服从
throw off the yoke摆脱枷锁〔束缚〕
to the best advantage以最好的方式
to the best advantage最好地
up to the hub被完全缠住
up to the hub深深地陷人