
Términos sobre el tema Gobierno corporativo que contienen payment | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
advance payment预付款项
advice of payroll payment工资付款通知
automated payment自动付款
blanket payment arrangement一揽子支付安排
claim and payment索赔与付款
claim payment索赔款
daily rate payment每日支付率
deferment of payment延期付款
deferred payment延期付款
equalization payment平衡支付
ex gratia payment优惠给付
ex gratia payment通融赔款
ex gratia payment通融付款
expenditure payment multiple general ledger费用支付
fellowship payment进修金付款
field payment authorization实地付款授权
field payment order实地付款通知
final net payments due最后应付净款额
flexibility payment弹性支付 联合国开发计划署后继规划安排
indemnity payment补偿付款
indemnity payment赔偿付款
make up for a late payment对拖欠付款作出赔偿
multilateral payment system多边支付制度
non-contractual travel payment非合同旅费付款
payment advice付款通知
payment by results按时计件超产有奖
payment of benefits upon separation离职福利付款
payment of benefits upon separation离职养恤金支付
payment of contributions会费缴付
payment order付款通知
payment voucher支付凭证
payment voucher付款凭单
payments authorization付款授权
payments deficit支付赤字
payments deficit支付差额
payroll payment工资付款
quarterly payment request按季付款申请
questionable payments问题款项
registration fees payment注册费付款
regressive payment递减付款
retroactive payment补发款
retroactive payment追补付款
rules and salary limits of payment付款的规则和薪金限额
separation payments离职付款
Separation Payments Scheme离职偿付计划
supplementary payments追加付款
tax payment税款
terminal payment离职付款
termination of service payment离职付款
travel advance payment旅费预付款
travel agent payment旅行社付款