
Términos sobre el tema Finanzas que contienen PAY | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
ability to pay偿债能力
ability-to-pay basis支付能力基准
ability-to-pay principle支付能力原则
absolute order to pay简单支付指示
absolute promise to pay绝对无条件付款
account pay clerk出纳员
account pay supervisor出纳主管
A/cs. Pay应付帐款
advice and pay通知付款
advise and pay通知付款
authority to pay支付授权书 (A/P)
authority to pay付款授权
authorization for bank to pay付款委托书
bond interest of pay date债券付息日
certified to pay保付
choose to pay and be paid in the Chinese currency选择使用人民币支付和接受付款
danger pay危险工资
discharge pay退役金
disposition for failure to pay滞纳处理
disposition for failure to pay无力支付的处理
dividend pay-out ratio股利支付比率
effective pay rate实际工资率
endorsement to pay "payee only""收款人亲收"的付款背书
final average pay plan最后平均支付方案
final pay plan最终支付方案
guarantee pay保证支付
idle time pay空闲时间工资
liability to pay compensation补偿责任
net pay实付工资
pay a bill付帐
pay a cheque into the bank将支票解入银行
pay a person in kind以实物付给某人
pay a price付出代价
pay a ransom付遗散费
pay a retaining of guaranteed wage保留工资
pay a supplement额外付款
pay…after date... 天后付款
pay after tax扣除税后支付
pay agent付款代理人
pay an indemnity给予赔偿
pay an instalment分期付款
pay another's debts代垫债务
pay another’s other's pay代垫债务
pay another’s other's pay垫债
pay-as-you-go basis逐步结清式
pay attention to social effect讲求社会效益
pay back付还
pay back偿付
pay by T/T at time of shipment装船时电汇付款
pay card工资卡片
pay card薪饷卡片
pay cash in renminbi用人民币现金支付
pay cheque薪金
pay cheque付薪用的支票
pay clerk出纳员
pay…co. not negotiable付某公司、不准流通
pay…co. not transferable付某公司、不得转让
pay…co. or order付某公司或其指定人
pay date结算日
pay date支付日
pay day结算日
pay day付息日
pay day分红日
pay…days after date票据签发后过天付款
pay-days after date过 天付款自签发日起算
pay dividends发放股息
pay down付现
pay down即时支付
pay one's dues还帐
pay extra付额外费用
pay in cash用现金支付
pay in check用支票付款
pay in instalments分期付款
pay in kind以实物支付
pay-in slip存款单
pay in the Chinese currency用人民币支付
pay-later option迟付型期权
pay list工资名册
pay list薪水帐
pay master出纳主任 (head cashier)
pay master工薪员
pay...month after sight见票后... 月付款
pay off付清工资解雇
pay off赔偿债务,发工资
pay off a debt清欠
pay or wipe off a score还债
pay or wipe off a score付帐
pay office偿付局尤指公债利息的
pay office付款处
pay office出纳室
pay on application申请付款
pay on delivery货到付款
pay on demand见票即付
pay on return返回后付款
pay on the installment分期付款
pay order支付命令
pay out还债
pay out支付
pay pause工资冻结
pay period工资支付期
pay pocket工资袋
pay pocket工资
pay premium for early delivery为早日交割而付溢价
pay ready money付现款
pay reciprocal method回收期倒数法
pay reciprocal method偿还期倒数法
pay roll发放的工资额
pay one's score付帐
pay sheet工资单
pay sheet commissioned付款委托书
pay sheet demanded付款请求书
pay slip支付传票
pay status支薪情况
pay taxes according to regulations照章纳税
pay the draft on maturity到期支票照付
pay the interest accrued支付应计利息
pay the interest accrued支付总计利息
pay the penalty缴纳罚金
pay the reckoning付清帐
pay the reckoning付帐
pay the reward支付酬劳奖金
pay the reward offered酬劳奖金
pay to bearer付给持票人
pay to order of...付某人或某指定人
pay up缴清股款等
pay up追涨
pay up付清
pay up a debt还清债务
pay up a debt还债
pay up a share缴付股金
pay warrants支付证明
pay one's way
pay one's way不负债
pay one's way支付应承担的费用
pay with escrow第三方支付
principles on bankers' pay银行家薪酬原则
promise to pay承诺
promise to pay付款
rec'd pay't已收讫 (received payment)
relative capacity to pay相对支付能力
retained pay保留工资
retaining pay保留工资
retirement pay退休金
severance pay派遣费
severance pay离职金
take or pay必付合约
take-or-pay contract必付合约
theory of pay支付论
unable to pay无支付能力的
"user pay" principle"用者自付"原则
vacation pay假期之薪
variable pay浮动薪酬