
Términos sobre el tema El comercio internacional que contienen Application | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
Agreement relating to Application of the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration1962 年关于执行欧洲国际商事仲裁公约的协定 (Paris, 17 December 1962)
application and allotment to shares股份之认购及分配
application fee申请费
application for a missing unregistered postal packet平常函件査单
application for a new-warrant栈单更换或补领申请书
application for a suspension of judgement申请中止执行判决
application for conversion折换申请书
application for import of foreign goods外货进口报单
application for international transferred account telegraph service card国际转帐电报业务凭证申请书
application for leave to enforce申请执行判决 (to issue execution)
application for letter of credit开证申请
application for letter of credit信用证申请书
application for payment付款申请书
application for payment要求补偿
application for re-shipment装申请
application for retiring bill赎票申请书
application for shipment装运申请
application for space舱位申请书
application for taking out samples of goods in bond支取保管样品申请书
application for tonnage due certificate船舶吨税执照申请书
application form申请表
application form空白申请书
application form投保单格式
application form投保单
application instituting proceedings起诉书
application of outward remittance or conversion汇出汇款或折换申请书
application package应用程序包装
application right认购权 (for share)
application rights认购权 (for shares)
application to pass goods through the customs报关单 (notice, report)
application to set aside an award申请撤销仲裁,裁决
application to set aside申请撤销仲裁裁决 (an award)
applications technology satellite应用技术卫星
convention application公约国间的申请
court to which an application for enforcement is made受理执行判决申请的法院
date of application for survey申请检验日
date of application for survey[保]申请检验日期
degressive application of restrictive measures递减使用限制性措施
documentary scope of application of a convention公约在单据上的适用范围
early publication of the application早期公开
form of application申请书格式
free on application自由申请
letter of application申请书
loan application借款申请书
mandatory application of the convention公约的强制适用
marine insurance application水险投保单
marked application form打上记号的申请书
new account application开立账户申请书
on application to. <-> ..承索即寄向... 索取
on application承索即寄
opening to-application ratio开始认价比率
opening-to-application ratio开始认购比率
optional or mandatory application任意性或强制性适用
regional application专利的地区申请
scope of application适用范围
source and application of funds statement资金来源与运用表
specifying reasons application说明理由的诉状
sphere of application适用范围
statement of application of hinds资金运用表
statement of funds and its application资金运用表
statement of resources and application of funds资金来源及运用表
statement of resources and their application资金运用表
statement of source and application of fund资金来源运用表
strictness in application适用严格
United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会
written application书面申请