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Términos sobre el tema Comunicaciones (43553 статей)
"-Mikrofon "-Mikrophon half-inch microphone
"Abhören" der Identität identity interception
"Abhören" von Daten data interception
"Active-Locked" Zustand active-locked state
"Advanced-Communication-Function"/Netzsteuerprogramm advanced communication function/network control program
"angefressener" Druck feathering
"Answer to Paging" answer to paging
"Answer to Paging" answer to a paging message
"Answer to Paging" paging,to answer
"auf Sendung" "on air"
"B"-Kanal "B"-channel
"Basa" automatic railway telephone system
"BC" bearer capability
"BC"-Nachrichtenelement bearer capability information element
"Bearer-Capability"-Nachrichtenelement BC information element
"Bearer-Capability"-Nachrichtenelement bearer capability information element
"Bearer-set-up"-Verfahren bearer setup procedure
"big LEO"-Dienst "big LEO" service
"Blaues Telefon" "Blue Telephone"
"Briefkasten"-Diensteinrichtung mail box type facility