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Términos sobre el tema Metalurgia (40030 статей)
"bakehardening"-Stahl bake-hardenable steel
"end of pipe"-Reinigungsverfahren end-of-pipe cleaning technique
"Feed-forward"-Koppelungsschleife feed-forward loop
"Gash-Gang" gash vein
"Haushalt"-Folie für Hotels und Restaurantbetriebe catering foil
"hot spot" hot face
"hot spot" hot zone
"Luft-Messer" Geometrie air-knife geometry
"Nachpumpen" "after-casting"
"Oxweld" Schweißung oxy-acetylene pressure welding "Oxweld"
"Pop-in"-Bruchwert pop-in fracture value
"Schlackensand" granulated dross
"Schlackensand" slag sand
"Scruff"-Fleck dry streak
"Scruff"-Fleck plate
$ blaubruechigkeit blue brittleness
$ blaubruechigkeit cold and hot brittleness
$ stahlgussradstern cast steel wheel centre
$ stosslasche fishplate
$ wagenachse aletree