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Términos sobre el tema Finanzas (32506 статей)
"bad bank" aggregator bank
"bad bank" asset management vehicle
"bad bank" bad bank
"bad bank" defeasance structure
"bad bank" hive-off structure
"club deal" Club deal
"crowding in" crowding-in
"duration" modificata modified duration
"duty-free shop" duty-free shop
"duty-free shop" tax-free shop
"Fiore spagnolo" "Spanish flower"
"future" sulle sterline sterling future
"l'ultima parola" the final say
"l'ultima parola" the last word
"mercificazione" delle attività finanziarie "commodization" of financial claims
"modus operandi" della politica monetaria unica modus operandi of the single monetary policy
"on special" "on special"
"Pacchetto Delors" "Delors package"
"pietra tombale" tombstone
"positive carry" "positive carry"