
   Chino Inglés
Términos sobre el tema Electrónica de audio (50 статей)
省电的 power-saving
锂电池 lithium battery
合适的 appropriate
我们想从贵公司购买2 000根USB 数据线,可以推荐5种吗? We'd like to buy 2,000 USB cables from your company. Can you recommend me 5 kinds of them?
大赚一笔 make a killing
第一页中你看到的这款收音机非常受中国老年人的欢迎 The radio you see on the first page is very popular with old people in China
耳机 earpiece
耳机 headset
为开发好的代码,你必须熟悉那台将会运行你的系统的机器,必须熟悉怎样使用其操作系统 To develop good codes, you must know the machine on which your system will run and how to use its operating system
机型 model
显然还需要一个麦克风和一个声卡 Obviously, you need a microphone and a sound card
摄像头 came
充满电的 fully-charged
但是高清要占用更多的记忆空间,因此需要新型的数字影碟 But high definition takes up more memory, so a new kind of DVD was needed
效能 performance
光盘 CD
录音笔里的电池是锂电池,可以随时充电使用 The internal battery of the recorder pen is a lithium battery which can be charged and used anytime
你是否检查了电源插头并按了播放键呢? Did you check the power plug and press the play button?
你能告诉我VCD 播放机和 DVD 播放机的区别吗? Could you tell me the difference between VCD players and DVD players?
照相机,摄影机 came