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Términos sobre el tema Política (5599 статей)
absolute majority of its component members absolute Mehrheit der Mitglieder
absolute majority of the votes cast absolute Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen
absolute rent absolute Rente
absolute surplus value absoluter Mehrwert
abstract labor abstrakte Arbeit
abuse of process Umgehung eines Verfahrens
abuse of process Verfahrensmissbrauch
academic qualification akademischer Grad
acceleratory stress Beschleunigungseffekt
accept for testing zur Prüfung zulassen
accept the request dem Antrag stattgeben
acceptance of works Abnahme des Baus
access Zugang
access to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentiality der Schutz der finanziellen Interessen der Gemeinschaft
access to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentiality der Schutz des Einzelnen und der Privatsphäre
access to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentiality der Schutz des Geschäfts- und Industriegeheimnisses
access to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentiality der Zugang zu einem Ratsdokument darf nicht gewährt werden, wenn durch die Verbreitung des Dokuments folgendes verletzt werden könnte: der Schutz des öffentlichen Interesses
access to a Council document shall not be granted where its disclosure could undermine the protection of the public interest, the protection of the individual and of privacy, the protection of commercial and industrial secrecy, the protection of the Community's financial interests, the protection of confidentiality die Wahrung der Vertraulichkeit
accession to the EC Beitritt zur Europäischen Gemeinschaft Andrey­ Truhac­hev
accidental form of value einfache Wertform