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пустующий adj.contraintes
inform. vacant (о помещении; not occupied Val_Ships)
relig., latin. Vacat (Vacans, "vacant", сокр. Vac.)
пустовать v
Gruzovik be uninhabited; be unoccupied
génér. be vacant; lie empty (Anglophile); be empty (our table for two is empty — пустует наш столик на двоих В.И.Макаров); lie fallow; be uninhabited; be unoccupied (of land); stand empty (Bullfinch); lie vacant (But the Victorian building has lain vacant ever since, without any sign of works to the interior. 4uzhoj); remain empty (out table for two remains empty — пустует наш столик на двоих Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, agric. of land lie fallow
immob. sit empty (Shame on our city council – you have allowed developers and foreign investors to build ugly monster houses which sit empty for months on end while local young families have no other choice but to leave their hometown and seek more affordable housing elsewhere. ART Vancouver); sit vacant (It’s a big decision to let an investment sit empty after you’ve put hundreds of thousands of dollars into it—or even millions. But it might make financial sense to some, says Kuester. “If it’s sitting, it’s because the owners believe there’s a higher and better use associated with waiting.” The giant building on Broadway that used to house Mountain Equipment Co-op, for example, has sat vacant for several years while owner Jon Stovell waited for the city to come out with its Broadway Plan, which will allow him much more density for the site. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
makar. be tenantless (о здании); be uninhabited (о здании); lie fallow (о земле)
signif. lie waste (в знач. "оставаться покинутым, заброшенным" 4uzhoj)
: 51 phrases, 14 sujets
Américain usage, pas orthographe1
Classement des métiers2
Ressources naturelles et conservation de la faune1