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génér. sit down; cower; curtsy; drop curtseys; squat; bob
argot. pop a squat
inform. take a seat; bob down
| на корточках
 на корточках
génér. on hunker

присесть vcontraintes
Gruzovik sit down; squat; sit down next to (pf of присаживаться); drop curtsies (pf of приседать); take a seat (pf of присаживаться); cower in fright (pf of приседать); curtsy (pf of приседать); drop curtseys (pf of приседать)
génér. cower (in fright); curtsy; drop curtseys; bob; curtesy; sit; curtsey; crouch; drop a curtsey; make a curtsey; take a load off feet; lop down (Taras); hunker (Vadim Rouminsky); scooch down (She scooched down behind a car so that he couldn’t see her. Stregoy); find a seat (It looks like they're about to begin. Why don't we go find a seat. – пойдём, присядем где-нибудь VLZ_58); crouch down (Wakeful dormouse); perch (on something; т.е. легко, ненадолго или на краешек: perch on a chair – присесть на стул • I found a packing case and perched on it. Рина Грант); drop; sit down; have a seat; squat; sit down (on ... – на ...: sit down on a bench — присесть); drop a curtsy
argot. pop a squat (в т.ч. "пообщаться" и "сходить в туалет" trotteville)
austr., argot. take a load off one's feet
idiom. get down ("You better get down here..." – before telling shocking news bellb1rd)
inform. take a seat; bob down (Bob down behind the wall, there's a policeman coming. VLZ_58); duck a curtsy; go to jail (в тюрьму Ремедиос_П)
makar. make a curtsy; squat down
присядьте v
génér. pray be seated
присесть: 61 phrases, 10 sujets
Américain usage, pas orthographe1