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génér. title; appellation; appellative; designation; epithet
brev. nomination
contr. denotation
génér. case name
informat. term
parf. brand
| партии
génér. gang
| составленное из
 составлен из
math. is composed of
| первых букв
 первая буква
makar. initial letter
| фамилий
génér. family name
| ее
génér. hers
| лидеров
génér. chief
Явлинский Болдырев Лукин
- seuls les mots individuels ont été trouvés (il se peut qu'il n'y ait pas de traduction pour certaines entrées du thésaurus dans le dictionnaire bilingue)

название ncontraintes
génér. title (of a book, film, etc.); appellation; appellative; designation; epithet; name (Shaggylon); ackers; denomination; moniker (Honda's CR-V moniker stands for Comfortable Recreational Vehicle); denominating; qualification; name (of a city, place, organization, etc.)
argot. tag
biol. namatophilous
bouddh. mtshan
brev. nomination
contr. denotation
Droit de la Mer;droit m. title
case name; style (an official or legal title: the partnership traded under the style of Storr and Mortimer. NOED Alexander Demidov)
informat. term; caption
ling. naming unit
makar. name (лекарственного средства)
math. description; noun
micr. caption (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image)
parf. brand
peu fr. capitulary
progr. entitling (ssn); reference (отношения ssn); title (контент: игры, тексты, сериалы MichaelBurov)
ressourc. publication title
sakh. subject
techn. long name; callout (FixControl)
téléc. entitlement (oleg.vigodsky)
vulg. handle
названия n
milit., aviat. names
Название партии: 5 phrases, 3 sujets
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