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verb [vɜ:b] ncontraintes
génér. глагол
informat. имя команды; глагольная форма; команда; операция (например: HTTP-операция – HTTP verb)
ling. сказуемое (Alex_Odeychuk)
micr. команда (A user interface element in a Web Parts application that an end user can click to perform actions such as closing, minimizing, restoring, editing, or deleting a Web Parts control. Developers can also add custom verbs to controls. Web Parts verbs are based on the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPartVerb class)
ordin. слово команды
progr. оператор (Alex_Odeychuk); оператор обработки данных (Verbs are used in the procedure division for data processing. Alex_Odeychuk)
réseaux. способ вызова действия (контроллера Alex_Odeychuk)
techn. имя оператора
verbs n
médias. словесные средства (языка программирования)
verb [vɜ:b] adj.
génér. глагольный
 Anglais glossaire
verb [vɜ:b] abbr.
abrév., gramm. v; vb
litt. A verb "does" the subject's action in a sentence. For example, "She ate the apple" - ate is the verb. In English language verbs can take various tenses – for instance, past, present, or future.
verb. n
allem. verbessert (improved, revised Vosoni)
VERB [vɜ:b] abbr.
abrév. verbatim
Verb: to: 26 phrases, 9 sujets