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OAM ncontraintes
génér. Группа агентов и посредников (страхование Organismo degli Agenti e dei Mediatori moonlike)
OAM abbr.
médic. пероральный гипогликемический препарат ПГП, пероральный сахароснижающий препарат (oral antihyperglycemic medication ivanraskum)
progr. модель доступа к объектам (см. object access model ssn); МДО (ssn)
réseaux. администрирование и обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации; формат административных данных OAM
 Anglais glossaire
OAM abbr.
abrév. Order of Australia Medal; Outcomes And Measurement; Operations, Administration and Management (cell, ATM); Operations, Administration, and Maintenance; Medal of the Order of Australia (Chicho)
abrév., astr. Office of Aerospace Medicine
abrév., aviat. Oamaru, New Zealand
abrév., informat. Object Access Model; Object Attribute Memory; Operation Administration And Maintenance; Operation And Maintenance; object access method; operations administration and maintenance; Office Activity Methodology
abrév., micr. Operations Account Manager (vlad-and-slav)
abrév., milit. Office of Acquisitions Management; Office of Air and Marine (DHS)
abrév., médec. Office of Aviation Medicine
abrév., médias. Outdoor Advertising Magazine
abrév., médic. Opticians Association Of Michigan
abrév., progr., informat. Optical Authoring Manager
abrév., réseaux. operations, administration and maintenance
abrév., sciences. objective analysis model
abrév., électr. operand addressing mode; operation, administration and maintenance (system); operations and maintenance; optical amplitude modulation; optoacoustic modulator; oscillator activity monitor
OAM: 41 phrases, 2 sujets