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Termes contenant допускать к работе | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
milit., jargon.допускать к особо секретной работеcosmicise
prod.допускать к работеadmit to (Yeldar Azanbayev)
soins.допускать к работеadmit to work (MichaelBurov)
prod.допускать к работеlet work (Yeldar Azanbayev)
prod.допускать к работеallow work to be started (Yeldar Azanbayev)
constr.к производству работ допускаются сварщики, имеющие удостоверениеOnly certificated welders are allowed to work
génér.не допускать к работеdisqualify from working (On a serious note, Keys is obviously misogynist scum but I can't see any reason why that would disqualify him from working for Murdoch. But if he loses the case, Mr Brennan risks having to pay the bank's costs, which would make him bankrupt and would disqualify him from working as a barrister. ...would in no way disqualify him from working in a smithy. Alexander Demidov)
génér.не допускать к работеbar from working (Education [2011] EWHC 3256 (Admin) was a teacher who challenged the Secretary of State's decision to bar him from working with children. | Authority (ISA) subsequently decided to bar him from working with children. | Oliver Wellings, defending, said the carers' governing body would probably bar him from working. | to forgo a payment that would have seen him claim up to $78m in order to bar him from working for any rival drug company for six years. | Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust, will appeal against the General Medical Council's decision to bar him from working in the medical profession. BBC Alexander Demidov)
не допускать к работе по наймуdebar from employment
génér.отстранять от работы или не допускать к работеsuspend or disqualify (Alexander Demidov)