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   Langues chinoises
Termes pour sujet Électronique contenant 选择 | Toutes les formes | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
Langues chinoisesAnglais
上行数据选择up data selection
不安全写选择write select unsafe
业务逻辑选择/交互管理程序service logic selection/interaction manager
中子速度机械选择mechanical neutron velocity selector
中继线选择器设备trunk selector set
串行扩展端口速度选择serial extended port speed select
事务处理路由选择transaction routing
事务处理路由选择程序transaction routing routine
互补金属氧化物半导体选择性多晶硅氧化CMOS-selective polysilicon oxidation
人局呼叫选择IC option
选择slave select
代码选择指示code selection indication
优先级选择priority selection table
优先级选择表扩充priority selection table extension
传动选择drive select
传输模式选择transmission mode selector
低压选择外延沟槽隔离low-pressure selective epitaxial trench isolation
低电平选择low level selector
低空搜索选择方案low altitude search option
低通选择滤波器low-pass selective filter
保护的无选择动作unselective protection operation
选择开关channel selector switch
信令连接控制部分路由选择SCCP routing
信令链路选择signaling link selection code
信令链路选择signaling link selector
信息选择通知selective notification of information
信息存储、选择与检索information storage, selection and retrieval
信息路由选择message routing
信息路由选择过程message routing process
信道选择滤波器channel selection filter
信道分配与路由选择数据channel allocation and routing data
选择性电镀工艺photoselective plating process
光信兀选择模块optical cell selection module
全向方位选择omnibearing selector
公共路由选择信道common routing channel
内部路由选择网络internal routing network
选择write select
分布式系统特许选择distributed system licensing option
分级域间路由选择class inter-domain routing
列地址选择column address select
初始选择地址与命令寄存器initial selection address and command register
初始选择控制块initial selection control block
前向改向路由选择forward deflection routing
功能选择functional selector
加-比较-选择装置add-compare-select unit
动态信道选择dynamic channel selection
动态应用选择dynamic application selection
动目标选择selection of moving target
区段信息组选择zone field selection
十通道群选择:堆内测量用ten position path group selector
协议类型选择protocol type selection
单波长选择single wavelength selector
单脉冲选择系统single pulse selection system
选择card select number
反射模式选择reflection mode selector
反符合选择anticoincidence selector
发端相关路由选择origin dependent routing
发送路由选择消息send routing message
同步辐射诱导选择性外延生长synchrotron radiation induced selective epitaxial growth
呼叫路由选择系统call routing system
响度集中器交换选择loudness-concentrator switching selector
圆柱偏转选择cylindrical deflector selector
垂直通道选择vertical channel selection
域间政策路由选择inter-domain policy routing
增益选择电话机gain selective telephone set
备用选择back-up-time step
备用输人选择器电路spare input selector circuit
备用输出选择器电路spare output selector circuit
外部时钟选择external clock select
选择方案引信装置multiple option fuse assembly
多信道选择滤波器multichannel selective filter
多列选择multiple column selector
多协议路由选择功能multiprotocol routing function
多用途选择路由multiple use selective routing
多磁头选择multiple head select
多行选择驱动multi-line selection drive
多路访问顺序选择multiple access sequential selection
多通道选择multi-channel option
多通道/多选择multiple channel/multiple choice
多速率最轻负荷分组路由选择multi-rate least loaded routing with packing
多速率最轻负荷路由选择multi-rate least loaded routing
多重选择约束非线性二进制程序设计问题nonlinear binary programming problem with multiple-choice constrains
媒体选择指南media selection guide
子系统选择subsystem option block
子通道选择subchannel select
字体选择逻辑font selection logic
字段选择命令寄存器field select command register
存储选择memory select
存储选择寄存器memory select register
存储体选择bank select
存储器选择memory select
存储器数据路由选择memory data routing
存储地址选择寄存器storage address select register
安全路由选择技术secure routing technology
时器选择timer option
定时选择timing selector
实验项目选择技术experimental project selection technique
寄存选择器栅极register finder grid
寄存器存储区选择register bank select
封闭用户群选择与确认响应CUG selection and validation response
封闭用户群选择与确认请求CUG selection and validation request
射线偏转选择beam-deflection selector
局部选择local selector
工况选择mode selection
带宽选择开关bandwidth switch
干线和中继线路由选择trunk and junction routing
并行选择多路信息检索法multiple information retrieval by parallel selection
广播与选择网络broadcast and select network
开关选择switch selection
微尘选择取样器size selective dust sampler
总线选择bus selector
成对选择三进制代码paired select ternary
手动或自动选择装置hand or automatic selector station
手动-自动选择器开关hand-off-automatic selector switch
手控选择键盘manual select keyboard
扩充的分时选择time-sharing option extended
折衷选择分析trade-off analysis
拒收-选择拒收协议reject-selective reject protocol
拨号出口属性选择dial out port attribute selector
指令选择instruction select
振幅选择amplitude selection
换向角选择commutation angle selector
接口选择interface select
接需拨号路由选择dial-on-demand routing
接需拨号路由选择demand dialing routing
掩模选择寄存器mask option register
掩蔽选择热氧化masked and selective thermal oxidation
描述符选择寄存器descriptor selection register
描述符选择计数器descriptor selection counter
插塞选择plug selector
搜索终端选择search terminal option
摩托罗拉自动路由选择系统Motorola automatic routing system
操作数选择operand select gate
收发机自动选择系统automatic system for selection of receiver and transmitter
改向路由选择deflection routing
故障相选择探测器fault-phase selection detector
数字选择发送器digital selector emitter
数字选择呼叫终端digital selective calling terminal
数字选择呼叫digital selective-calling
数字选择呼叫系统digital selection calling system
数字式选择读出select read numerically
数字输人门选择digital input gate option
数据选择与存储缓冲器data selection and storage buffer
数据选择标准data selection criteria
数据选择链接data selection link
数据信令速率选择data signaling rate selection
数据密度选择data density select
数据库选择data base select
数据扫描与路由选择data scanning and routing
数据输人/输出选择data input/output select
数据通信输出选择data communications output selector
数据速率选择data rate select
方式选择开关mode selection switch
无条件选择unconditional selection
无磁头选择信号no head selection
无级别域间路由选择classless inter-domain routing
日历时间路由选择time of day routing
最低平均成本信号选择minimum average cost signal selection
最低成本路由选择lowest cost routing
最低成本路由选择least cdst routing
最大负荷路由选择most loaded routing
最小二乘方阈值选择least square threshold selection method
最小自由容量路由选择minimum free capacity routing
最小路由选择minimal routing number
最轻负荷改向路由选择least load deflection routing
最轻负荷路由选择least loaded routing
最轻负载优先多播路由选择least-loaded-first multicast routing
有效重要数据选择significant data selection
服务选择网关service selection gateway
机器可读目录选择传送selective dissemination of MARC
材料选择choice of materials
条件寄存器选择condition register select
条件码选择condition code select
极性选择polarity selector
桩型选择pile type selection
选择mode selection
模式选择mode selection
模拟选择模型simulation option model
模拟终端选择单元analog terminal selection unit
正常模选择normal mode selection
正确选择概率probability of correct selection
正规选择regular selector
步进选择stepping switch
步进选择step-by-step switch
步进式选择step ping selector
选择寄存器segment selection register
比例因子选择信息scale factor select information
波型选择开关mode selection switch
波束偏转选择beam-deflection selector
波段选择开关wave changer
波段选择band setting
波段选择傅里叶分析band selectable Fourier analysis
波道选择channel switch
波长选择性交叉连接wavelength selective cross-connect
波长选择星形耦合器wavelength selective star coupler
波长优化路由选择wavelength optimized routing
波长信道选择wavelength channel selector
波长路由选择网络wavelength routing network
波长路由选择节点wavelength routing node
测试人口选择test access selector
测试实例选择test case selection
测试接人选择test access selector
测试方法选择testing method select
测试模式选择test mode select
海军自动广播、处理与路由选择系统navy automatic broadcasting, processing and routing system
海军通信处理与路由选择系统naval communications processing and routing system
选择寄存器source selection register
滞后选择呼叫late-choice call
滞后选择呼叫计数器late-choice call meter
现场电报自动路由选择telegraph automatic routing in the field
现行信息选择current information selection
用户选择单兀subscriber selection unit
用户信道选择subscriber channel selector
电化学选择electrochemical selectivity
电压选择voltage select
电子选择测光方式electro selective patter metering
电子束诱生选择性蚀刻与淀积electron beam induced selective etching and deposition
电报自动路由选择设备telegraph automatic routing equipment
电流重合选择coincident-current selection
电源与系统选择装置power supply and system selector unit
画面选择装置selected vision
着手选择信号proceed to select signal
着手选择协议proceed to select protocol
磁带数据选择tape data selector
磁带文件项目的选择打印selective printing of items from tape
磁盘选择disk selection
离子选择性电极ion selective electrode
离子选择性电渗析ion-selective electrodialysis
离子能量选择ion energy selector
离子轰击增强选择性蚀刻ion bombardment enhanced selective etching
粒子种类选择及能量控制器species selector and energy controller
窄带选择性伏特计narrow-band selective voltmeter
符合选择coincidence selector
等响曲线选择电路loudness contour selector
线性选择存储器linear select memory
线路控制选择line control selection table
绝对选择保护系统absolutely selective protection system
缓冲选择通道buffered selector channel
缓冲器芯片选择buffer chip select
缺省选择default option
网络管理选择network management option
网络终端选择network terminal selection
网络路由选择中心network routing center
网络路由选择矢量network routing vector
选择单元group selection unit
选择寄存器group selection register
选择网络group selection network
联机选择性信息分发selective dissemination of information on-line
脉冲选择pulse selection
脉冲持续时间选择pulse duration selector
膜的选择membrane selectivity
自适应信息选择adaptive information selector
自适应多媒体通信路由选择adaptive multimedia communications routing
自适应路由选择策略adaptive routing strategy
航天选择器终端space selector terminal
航线选择计划route selection program
节目可选择电视机democratic television
芯片选择线chip select line
芯片选择输出chip select output
虚拟因特网协议路由选择virtual Internet protocol routing
虚拟网络路由选择模块virtual network routing module
行程序选择line program selector
表示方向选择select presentation direction
被乘数选择multiplicand select gate
被动选择slave select
视在选择apparent selectivity
视频业务选择video services selector
计算机交叉选择装置computer cross-select unit
计算机应用研究、模拟和选择computerized application search evaluation and selection
设备生产率选择installation productivity option
设备生产率选择/扩充installation productivity option/extended
调幅选择干涉测量分光计interferometric spectrometer with selection by amplitude of modulation
质量选择离子束mass selected ion beam
资源预留路由选择routing with resource reservation
超晶格选择掺杂异质结构晶体管superlattice selectively doped heterostructure transistor
超自对准选择生长基区晶体管super self-aligned selectively grown base transistor
超高速缓冲存储器选择线cache select line
距离选择range selector
车辆路由选择问题vehicle routing problem
转接开关选择transit switch selector
转接时延选择transit delay selection
转接时延选择与指示transit delay selection and indication
转接路由选择transit routing domain
转移条件选择jump condition selector
输人选择input selector
输人/输出选择input/output selector
输出选择output select table
迂回来路选择alternative routing from
连续动态信选择continuous dynamic channel selection
逆序计数与取样选择count back order and sample select
选择作用discriminative performance
选择侵蚀selective erosion
选择selective channel
选择信道字select channel word
选择功能choice function
选择区域外延selective-area epitaxy
选择区域扩散selected area diffusion
选择区域汽相外延selected area vapor phase epitaxy
选择区域沟道效应对比度图形selective area channeling contrast pattern
选择区域电子沟道效应图形selected area electron channeling pattern
选择区域电子衍射图形selected area electron diffraction pattern
选择区域衍射selected area diffraction
选择区域衍射图形selected area diffraction pattern
选择单元select unit
选择反向间隔select reverse spacing
选择反应剥离lift-off using selective reaction method
选择吸收preferential absorption
选择吸收率differential absorption ratio
选择呼叫系统selective calling system
选择和执行命令select and execute command
选择phase selector
选择器按钮selector push button
选择器文件通道selector file channel
选择器检验装置selector checkout unit
选择器通道仿真装置selector channel emulation unit
选择器通道执行程序selector channel executive
选择图形重现select graphic rendition
选择地址与提供输出信号select address and provide output signal
选择外延发射极窗口技术selective epitaxy emitter window technology
选择外延发射极窗口晶体管selective epitaxy emitter window transistor
选择外延基极晶体管selective epitaxy base transistor
选择外延平面工艺selective epitaxial planar process
选择外延晶体管selective epitaxy transistor
选择外延沟槽隔离selective epitaxial trench isolation
选择外延隔离selective epitaxial isolation
选择字符定位select character orientation
选择寄存器select register
选择寻呼通信系统selective paging communications system
选择寻址存储器selective-addressing memory
选择属性权限选项selected properties rights option
选择属性选项selected properties option
选择随意布线discretionary wiring method
选择布线discretionary wiring method
选择应答selection acknowledge
选择选路开关select switch
选择开关select or switch
选择式分集selective diversity
选择式分集组合selective diversity combining
选择影像selected vision
选择性保护discriminating protection
选择性保护装置selective protection
选择性保护discrimination protection
选择性信令selective signaling
选择性信息分发selective dissemination of information
选择性光热解作用selective photothermolysis
选择性光热解激光器selective photothermolysis laser
选择性光电效应selective photoeffect
选择性动作selective operation
选择性动目标指示器selective moving target indicator
选择性反应离子蚀刻selective reactive ion etching
选择性吸收剂selective absorber
选择性吸附selective adsorption
选择性吸附体selective absorber
选择性呼叫前转selective call forwarding
选择性外延再生长selective epitaxial regrowth
选择性外延生长selective epitaxial growth
选择性多晶硅与外延单晶硅生长技术selective poly-and epitaxial-silicon growth technique
选择性多晶硅氧化技术selective polysilicon oxidation technology
选择性多晶硅淀积selective polysilicon deposition
选择性寻址selectively addressing
选择性广播互联selective broadcast interconnection
选择性战术信息访问selective access to tactical information
选择性扩散selective diffusion
选择性抹除selective erasing
选择性拒收selective reject
选择性携带selective carryover
选择性放射selective emission
选择性数据处理selective data processing
选择性数据管理系统selective data management system
选择性文件检索selective file retrieval
选择性无电镀金属淀积selective electroless metal deposition
选择性服务系统selective service system
选择性模衰耗噪声selective mode attenuation noise
选择性注人集电区selectively implanted collector
选择性液相外延selective liquid phase epitaxy
选择性深度转换电子穆斯堡尔能谱分析法depth-selective conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy
选择性渗透隔膜permselective diaphragm
选择性滤波器selective filter
选择性激励光纤杂质发光selectively excited fiber impurity luminescence
选择性电压对比度selective voltage contrast
选择性电极selective electrode
选择性硅栅氧化物涂层技术selective oxide coating of silicon gate
选择性硅淀积selective silicon deposition
选择性离子注人集电区工艺selectively ion-implanted collector process
选择性耦合器selective coupler
选择性自动控制automatic selectivity control
选择性自动监视selective automatic monitoring
选择性自顶向底算法selective top-to-bottom algorithm
选择性表面掺杂selective surface doping
选择性角转换电子穆斯堡尔能谱分析法angular-selective conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy
选择性辐射控制结晶法selective radiation controlled crystallization method
选择性逐一信息自动请求重发message-by-message selective ARQ
选择性重复电子束扫描selective repeat electron beam scanning
选择性重复-自动请求重发selective repeat-automatic repeat request
选择性金属有机物化学汽相淀积selective metalorganic chemical vapor deposition
选择性金属有机物汽相外延selective metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
选择性钨化学汽相淀积selective chemical vapor deposition of tungsten
选择性钨多层平面工艺selective tungsten multiple-level planar process
选择性铌离子蚀刻工艺selective niobium ion etching process
选择性铌蚀刻工艺selective niobium etching process
选择性铌阳极氧化工艺selective niobium anodization process
选择性阳极处理selective anodizing
选择性顺序selectivity order
选择打印selective printing
选择指令命令;信号selection command
选择控制单元selection control element
选择掩埋脊型波导selectively buried ridge waveguide
选择掺杂selectively doped
选择掺杂单异质结结构selectively doped single-heterojunction structure
选择掺杂双异质结结构selectively doped double-heterojunction structure
选择掺杂双异质结场效应晶体管selectively doped double heterojunction field-effect transistor
选择掺杂异质结晶体管selectively doped heterojunction transistor
选择掺杂异质结构selectively doped heterostructure
选择掺杂异质结构场效应晶体管selectively doped heterostructure field-effect transistor
选择掺杂异质结构晶体管selectively doped heterostructure transistor
选择放大器selective amplifier
选择文件命令select file command
选择时钟模式select clock mode
选择时间select time
选择控制selection board
选择查询命令selective interrogation command
选择氧化工艺selective oxidation process
选择水平间隔select horizontal spacing
选择测试试验优化程序selected test optimization program
选择清除累加器selectivity clear accumulator
选择特性selective characteristic
选择selectivity factor
选择电平测量仪selective level measuring set
选择电平计量仪selective level meter
选择电路备用selective circuit reservation
选择确认selection acknowledge
选择笔可检测的selector-pen detectable
选择系数selectivity factor
选择纵向间隔select vertical spacing
选择结束end of selection
选择给料器selective feeder
选择编码法select coding method
选择腐蚀selective etching
选择蚀刻selective etching
选择行间距select line spacing
选择补偿控制器selectively compensated collector
选择表示方向select presentation direction
选择观测selected vision
选择规则selection rule
选择识别特征selective identification feature
选择识别特征/敌我识别selective identification feature/identification friend-or-foe
选择调制干涉分光计selective modulation interferometric spectrometer
对数据的选择、调和或编辑selection, coordination or arrangement
选择信号输人select in
选择信号输出select out
选择连续discretionary wiring method
选择通道输人总线selective channel input bus
选择采集信息与管理系统selected acquisition information and management system
选择错误selection error
选择频率select frequency
通用寄存器选择general roister selection
通用总线选择超时UNIBUS select time out
通路选择继电器path selection relay
通路选择继电器驱动器path selection relay driver
通路传输选择path transmission selection
通道选择寄存器channel select register
通道选择振荡器channel select oscillator
通道内选择滤波器in-channel select filter
速度选择光抽运泵浦velocity selective optical pumping
逻辑合成与模块选择logic synthesis and module selection
量程选择开关range switch
量程选择开关range selector
队列选择线queue select line
阳离子选择电极cation-selective electrode
阴离子选择电极anion-selective electrode
限域横向选择外延生长confined lateral selective epitaxial growth
选择准则set selection criterion
集中选择三孔元件存储器three-hole element memory with integrated selection
集中路由选择指示器collective routing indicator
集电区选择离子注人selective collector implant
集线选择line concentration switch
选择性外延生长non-selective epitaxial growth
选择性携带non-selective carryover
选择性逐一信息自动请求重发message-by-message nonselective ARQ
面向应用的封装选择application-oriented package selection
页面格式选择page format selection
顺序操作电传打字机通用选择sequentially operated teletypewriter universal selector
预定标器选择prescaler select
频分复用信道选择器模块FDM-channel selector module
频率选择性面frequency selective surface
频率选择滤波器frequency-selective filter
频谱选择spectral selection
频道选择channel select
频闪相位选择电压对比度stroboscopic phase selective voltage contrast
驱动选择drive select
选择性蚀刻系统high-selectivity etch system
高位地址选择high address selection
高效路由选择high performance routing
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