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   Langues chinoises
Termes pour sujet Titres contenant 票据 | Toutes les formes | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
Langues chinoisesAnglais
一般票据结算general clearing
三等商业票据third class commercial paper
上下限浮动利率票据mini-max floating rate note
不动产/房地产估值票据real estate appreciation note
不可赎回票据non-callable notes
不可转让的无息票据non-manufacturing non-interest bearing note
不定期浮动利率票据undated floating rate notes
不承付票据non-accepted bill
不能兑现的票据dishonored bill
不记名票据demand draft
不记名票据bill of bearer
与上市股票挂钩的票据listed equity linked instrument
专人票据bill payable to a specified person only
中期票据medium term note
中期票据median term notes
中长期应收票据收购业务forfait finance
临时过渡性票据bridging over bill
为补偿亏损而发行的票据deficiency bill
票据master note
买卖商业票据的生意trade bill trade
二等票据secondary class paper
二等票据second class paper
二等商业票据second class commercial paper
交叉指数票据cross index basis notes
交换票据in clearing
交易票据trading paper
交易商票据dealer paper
交易商商业票据dealer commercial paper
交易承兑票据trade acceptance
从账面到票据book to bill
付税票据revenue anticipation note
代收票据佣金commission for collecting bill
代理票据agency bill
以应收票据抵押note receivable as collateral
企业短期票据enterprise short-term note
优先票据senior notes
优等票据first class paper
优等银行票据fine banknote
优良票据fine paper
优良商业票据fine commercial bill
优质票据gilt-edged bill
优质票据出票人prime paper maker
伪造票据forged instrument
伪造票据forged certificate
伪造票据forged bill
伪造可转让票据forgery of negotiable instrument
住宅项目票据housing project note
作为担保物的票据bill deposited as collateral security
依赖于商业票据市场的投资银行investment bank relied on commercial paper market
保底浮动利率票据drop-lock floating-rate note
信托担保票据collateral trust notes
信用票据clean bill (CB)
信用等价票据credit token
信贷关联票据credit linked note
倒填日期票据antedated bill
债券票据notes over bonds
债券票据bond note
债券/浮动利率等值票据定价法bond/ FRN equivalence pricing
债券/浮息等值票据bond/FRN equivalence
债务票据bill of debts
债务票据debit memorandum
债务票据debt paper
债务票据bill for debt
先期交税票据tax anticipation bill
先期贷款中所开票据pre-finance bill
免税票据tax-free instrument
免税商业票据tax-exempt commercial paper
免除票据/汇票的责任exchange of liability on the bill
兑换钱币的票据coin note
全球票据发行安排global note facility
全球性票据global note
公众收人票据public income notes (上市公司发行的无担保短期债券)
公债投资人成长票据treasury investors growth receipt
公司间内部票据intercompany notes
共享升值收益的中期票据shared appreciation note
关联收益期权票据linked yield option notes
典当票据pawn ticket
内部票据pig on pork
再筹资金票据refinance bill
利率递增式可赎回票据step-up callable note
到期票据登记簿maturity tickler
到期分次承兑票据汇票bill at usance
到期单据支票due bill check
到期应付票据账簿/款账册bill payable maturity book
到期未付的票据overdue bill
北京票据结算中心Bill Clearing Center of Beijing
区间股票关联票据range equity linked instrument
单据贴现本票documentary discount note
即付票据delivery versus payment
即期票据sight bill of exchange
原始票据ordinary bill
原始票据利率initial note rate
参与混合选择票据可互换证券Participating Hybrid Option Note Exchangeable Securities
参与混合选择票据可互换证券participating hybrid option note exchangeable security
双签名票据two-named paper
双重指数票据dual index notes
发行浮动利率票据floating rate note issue
可交割的票据deliverable bill
可再次贴现票据eligible paper for rediscount
可再次贴现的票据eligible bill for rediscounting
可变利率票据variable rate note
可变利率即期票据variable rate demand note
可延期票据extendable notes
可换可赎票据convertible redeemable note
可流通票据的相互承认reciprocal recognition of negotiable instrument
可疑的金融票据dubious financial instruments
可转换票据convertible note
可转换可赎回票据convertible redeemable note
可转浮动利率票据convertible floating-rate note
可转让票据straddle paper
可转让票据negotiable instrument law
可转让的证券/票据transferable instrument
各自连带票据joint and several promissory note
合伙人应付票据partner's notes payable
合成浮息票据synthetic floating rate note
合格的票据approved bill
合格银行票据利率eligible bank bill rate
合法票据美国联邦储备银行接受的再兑现的票据eligible bill
同城票据local bill
同域票据结算local clearing
售出外国票据foreign bill sold
售出带有回购条件的票据bill sold on condition of repurchase
商业票据merchantile paper
商业票据trading certificate
商业票据commercial note
商业票据交换commercial paper exchange
商业票据交易commercial paper exchange
商业票据市场note market
商业票据户名commercial paper name
商业票据期货commercial paper futures
商业票据融资机制commercial paper funding facility
商业票据融资机制美联储创建commercial paper funding facility
商业票据贴现公司commercial credit and discount company
商业票据贴现率discount rate of commercial bill
商业押汇票据documentary commercial bill
商品票据特指有货权凭证的单据commodity paper
商品票据折扣率commodity rate
回购票据申请书application for retirement of bill
外国票据exotic bills
银行外国票据foreign item
外国银行票据foreign agency bill
指定支付地点的外地支付票据addressed bill
外币票据foreign money bill
外汇基金票据foreign exchange fund bill
外汇基金票据计划exchange fund bills programme
外贴现票据domiciled bill of exchange
多成分票据贷款multiple component facility
多种分期票据multi-tranche notes
多种货币票据融资multicurrency note facility
头等票据first class paper
头等票据first class bill
头等商业票据first class commercial paper
存款票据deposit note
定息票据fixed rate note
定期票据term sight bill
定点支付的票据domiciled bill
封顶浮动利率票据capped floating-rate note
将要到期的票据maturing note
小额票据small note
已付票据discharged bill
已兑付票据accepted draft
已兑付票据accepted bill
已承兑票据通知advice of bill accepted
已收贴现票据bill received discounted
已背书的应付票据账户endorsed notes payable a/c
已贴现可流通的票据discounted negotiable instrument
市场付款票据bill payable in market
市政票据municipal note
带指定期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity
带有利息条款票据interest clause bill
幅度票据range notes
年度票据期限为12个月的国库券year biU
应付票据note payable (NP)
应付票据payable bill
应付票据normal note payable
应付票据应计利息accrued interest on notes payable
应付票据贴现note payable discounted
应付外币票据foreign currency bill payable
应付本币票据home currency bill payable
应付现款票据bill payable in cash
应在银行付款的票据note payable at bank
应收票据receivable note
应收票据与应收承兑换汇票的贴现discounting note and acceptance receivable
应收外币票据foreign currency bill receivable
应收本币票据home currency bill receivable
应收股东票据note receivable from stock-holders
应收长期票据long term note receivable
应通过票据支付payable through drafts
当地票据fan principle
待付票据note payable
息票国库券收据coupon treasury receipt
扣掉费用的票据non-par item
承兑票据bill accepted
承兑票据acceptance register
承销票据发行便利underwritten note issuance facility
折扣票据discount note
折扣票据discount a bill
抵押票据collateral surety
抵押担保票据mortgage-backed certificate
押汇票据bill drawn on a letter of credit
担保票据secured note
担保票据bill of security
担保贴现票据bill discounted with collateral security
拒付票据dishonored note account
拒付的票据dishonoured note
拖欠票据delinquent note
拖欠票据defaulted paper
持票人票据document to bearer
指令票据order instrument
指令式票据document to order
指数摊销票据index amortizing notes
指示票据instrument to order
按高于法定或正常贴现利率买人的票据shaving a note
提高伦敦银行同业贷款利率获利能力的票据LIBOR-enhanced accrual note
支付票据meet a bill
支付票据bill for payment
支付到期票据meet a bill at maturity
收回票据retirement of bill
收益曲线票据yield curve notes
效益指数票据performance index paper
票据new certificate
无价值票据non-value bill
无名票据bearer paper
无抬头的银行票据bankers dean bill
无期浮动利率票据undated floating rate notes
无法变现的票据illiquid paper
无法收款的应收票据uncollectible notes receivable
无追索权票据non-recourse note
票据old certificate
最佳商业票据prime paper
有上下限的浮动利率票据collared floating-rate note
有利率上限的浮动利率票据capped floating-rate note
有息票据interest bearing note
有抬头票据note to order
有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
未付款票据unpaid bill
未清算票据/支票effects not cleared
本金保护与股权联系票据principal-protected and equity-linked note
杀价买人的票据shaving a note
标普500指数次级票据SPINs (Standard & Poor's 500 Index Subordinated Notes 的缩写)
根据信用证开汇票drawing under credit
次等票据secondary class paper
次级票据subordinated note
次级可交换浮动利率票据subordinated exchangeable variable-rate note
次级可转换票据convertible subordinate note
次要票据second class paper
欧洲票据European bill
欧洲票据发行融资Euronote facility
欧洲中期票据Euro median-term note
欧洲商业票据European commercial note
欧洲商业票据Euro commercial paper
欧洲美元浮动利率票据Euro-dollar floating rate note
欧洲银行票据清算交易中心Euroclear operation Center
永久性浮动利率票据perpetual FRNs (floating rate note)
流动收益期权票据liquid yield option notes
流通票据commercial paper
浮动即期票据variable rate demand note
清理到期票据clean up due bill
清算票据in clearing
港元金融票据Hong Kong dollar financial instrument
滚动利率票据rolling rate note
澳大利亚无风险股价指数票据Australia stock price riskless indexed notes
灵活转换票据flip flop note
牛市票据bull note
特惠票据preferential bill
特种票据结算special clearance
现付票据note of demand
现付票据documentary payment bill
现付押汇票据documentary promissory bill
现金票据cash items department
票据作抵押证券bill on deposit
用应收票据担保note receivable as collateral
申请票据贴现request for discounting of bill
电子交易票据electronic transactions bill
看涨股票关联票据bull equity linked instrument
看跌浮动利率票据bear floater
看跌股票关联票据bear equity linked instrument
真实票据bona fide bill
真实票据理论real bill doctrine
短期票据发行机构short-term note issuance facility
票据credit instrument
票据上的间接关系人remote party
票据交付delivery of bill
票据交换paper exchange
票据交换代理机构clearing agency
票据交换所bank clearing house
票据交换所会员银行member bank of the clearing house
票据交易中的各方parties of bill
票据交易商paper dealer
票据付款地点place of payment
票据代理权draft authority
票据兑付acceptance of bill
票据兑付公司accepting house
票据兑现cashing note
票据出票地点place of issue
票据协议note agreement
票据印花税stamp duty on bills of exchange
票据发行和支付代理协议note issuing and paying agency agreement
票据发行融资note issuance facility
票据发行计划note issuance programme
票据发行银行note issuing bank
票据变更alteration of bill
票据变现cashing note
票据bill clerk
票据商号commercial paper house
票据回收retirement of bill
票据套利bill arbitrage
票据实物交割physical delivery of instrument
票据密集结算paper intensive settlement
票据展期renewal of bills and notes
票据当事人parties of bill
票据投资一种票据的求偿权或信用支持的投资paper investment
票据抬头order of bill
票据抬头人payee of bill
票据抵补cover for a draft
票据担保bill as security
票据损失paper loss
票据损益paper gain or loss
票据提示presentation of bill
票据支付payment of a note
票据支付期安排assortment of usances
票据收益paper gain
票据收购协议note purchase agreement
票据更新renewal of bills and notes
票据替代货币note in substitution for currency
票据替换货币note substitution for currency
票据期货note futures
票据注明的付款场所domiciliation of an instrument
票据清算协会clearing house association
票据清算时间clearing hours
票据灭失loss of bill
票据生意bill business
票据登记册bill book
票据登记卡bill register card
票据的参加承兑人acceptor by intervention
票据的票面金额account of bill
票据票面face of instrument
票据签发issue of bill
票据管理人bUl clerk
票据结算bill clearing
票据结算clearing of bills
票据结算paper clearing
票据结算bill account
票据结算业务clearing service
票据结算制度paper clearing system
票据结算所决算表clearing sheet
票据结算所决算表clearing house proof
票据结算所报表clearing house statement
票据结算行代理clearing house agent
票据结算行代理到期票据clearing house due bills
票据结算行保证金clearing house margin
票据结算行到期票据clearing house items
票据结算行服务clearing house service
票据结算行贷款证明clearing house loan certificate
票据结算额out clearing
票据背面的转让记载transfer entry
票据融资paper financing
票据融资bill finance
票据行为act of bill
票据记名order of bill
票据账目bills account
票据账簿bill book
票据货币currency of a bill
票据贴现discounting of bills
票据贴现discount a bill
票据贴现公司bill discounting company
票据贴现及汇票抵押贷款委托申请request for discounting of bill and loan on bill
票据贴现市场bill discount market
票据贴现所得款项proceeds of discount on bill
票据贴现期限term of discount
票据贴现贷款bill discount loan
票据资本capital of bill
票据转期renewal of bills and notes
票据轮换bill roll
票据通融人accommodation party
票据部门bill department
票据金额amount of instrument
票据金额amount of bill
票据附页allonge rider
票据验证document verification
票据高于债券收益利差notes over bonds spread
票据高于债券的收益利差notes over bonds
私人票据贴现private discount
税收预期票据tax note
税款预付票据tax anticipation note
空头票据pig on pork
符合条件的贴现票据paper eligible for discount
签发票据issuance of notes
结构化票据structured notes
统一可转让票据Uniform Negotiable Instrument Act
统一商业票据托收规则Uniform Rules for the Collection of Commercial Paper
联储商业票据综合指数Federal Reserve commercial paper composite
联储的票据Federal Reserve note
联邦基金票据Fed Fund Bill
股利票据发行scrip issue
股本关联票据equity linked note
股本关联票据equity linked instrument
股权票据equity notes
股权合约票据equity contract note
股权幅度票据equity range notes
股权承诺票据equity commitment note
股票票据stock note
股票关联票据equity linked note
股票关联票据equity linked instrument
股票存托数据share depository data
股票指数票据equity index note
股票指数关联票据equity index-linked note
股票收据stock receipt
自偿票据self-liquidating paper
自动票据结算操作系统ACH operator
自动清偿票据self-liquidating bill
艮卩付票据delivery versus payment
英镑票据sterling bill
虚假票据fictitious paper
虚假票据false bill
融资票据finance bill
融通票据pig on pork
融通票据accommodation paper
融通票据第三者为受益人担保的票据accommodation note
行业股票分类数据data of sector stocks
被拒付的票据note dishonored
被拒付的应收票据note receivable protested
见票付款票据bill at sight
见票即付票据delivery versus payment
规定的票据prescribed instrument
认可的票据approved bill
议付票据bill for negotiation
记名票据order bill
财务票据financial instrument
货币幅度票据currency range notes
购人外币票据foreign currency bill bought
购人的本币票据home currency bill bought
贴现票据discharge bill
贴现票据bills discounted (BD)
贴现商业票据discounting commercial note
贴现的票据discounted bill
贷款票据loan note
资产抵押商业票据一种短期担保证券品种assets backed commercial paper
资产担保商业票据asset backed commercial paper
资本票据capital note
跟单托收票据documentary bill for collection
跨期票据straddle paper
转付票据pay through note
过期票据pass due note
过期票据post-due bill
过期票据overdue note/paper
过期未付的贴现票据bill discount overdue
远期票据post-date instrument
远期票据价格long rate
远期付款交单票据long D/P collection
违约票据defaulted paper
逆向浮动利率票据inverse floating rate note
选择性票据flip flop note
选择性浮动利率票据flip flop floating rate notes
通融票据accommodation party
遗失票据lost instrument
金融票据financial notes
金融票单据financial documents
销售方次级票据seller's subordinated note
长期票据long dated bill/paper
长期固定利率票据long-term fixed rate debt
长期固定利率债券/票据long-term fixed-rate notes
附有条款的票据claused bill
限制股票变化幅度的关联票据range equity linked instrument
限制范围的股票关联票据range equity linked instrument
集中票据清算central clearing
非优惠票据non-prime bill
非承销的欧元商业票据non-underwriting Euro commercial paper
非流通票据non-negotiable instrument
项目票据project note
预先缴税票据tax anticipation note
预期债券票据bond anticipation note
预期收人票据revenue anticipation note
领子浮动利率票据collared floating-rate note
飘浮式票据balloon note
高利票据usurious instrument
黄金关联票据gold-linked note
Afficher les 500 premières phrases.