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Langues chinoisesAnglais
工程civil engineering The planning, design, construction, and maintenance of fixed structures and ground facilities for industry, transportation, use and control of water or occupancy (对那些用于工业、交通、使用和控制水或占用水的固定结构和地面设施的规划、设计、建设以及维护。)
地中海Mediterranean wood A plant formation found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly lowgrowing, xerophilous evergreen trees and shrubs. It results mainly from the deterioration of the original vegetation by grazing and burning (在地中海地区发现的植物形式,主要由低矮的、适旱的常绿乔木和灌木组成,这是由于放牧和燃烧引起的原始植被恶化所造成。)
有保残的矮林coppice with standards A traditional system of woodland management whereby timber trees are grown above a coppiced woodland. It is used in particular as a method of exploiting oakwoods, in which all the trees except a rather open network of tall, well-formed oaks - the standards at about fifty per hectare - are felled, leaving plenty of space for hazels and other underwood to grow and be coppiced at intervals of ten to fifteen years (林地管理的统系统,其中可用作木材的树木生长在矮林上。特别可用作采伐橡树林的方法:除了相当开阔而网状分布的良构的高橡木(每公顷大约50棵树木)外,所有的树都被砍倒,留下大量空间给榛树和其他的矮树生长,以便以10到15年的时间间隔形成矮林。)
制品wood product No definition needed (无需定义。)
forest product
timber A wood, especially when regarded as a construction material (甲木,特别是视为结构材料。)
材 "废料"制品wood waste
材废料wood waste Waste which is left over after the processing of raw timber (原木加工结束后遗留的废料。)
材林timber forest Forest whose trees are all in the adult stage and have reached the reproductive period (森林中的树木都在成熟阶段,并已达到的繁殖期。)
材生产链timber producing chain All interrelated steps of the lumber manufacturing process including tree felling, the removal of tops, branches and bark, the piling and sawing of logs, and the transportation and loading of finished boards or other products (木材生产过程的相关步骤,包括砍伐树根、树枝和树皮,锯原木打桩以及运输和装载成品板或其他产品的负荷。)
材防腐wood preservation The use of chemicals to prevent or retard the decay of wood, especially by fungi or insects; widely used preservatives include creosote, pitch, sodium fluoride and tar; especially used on wood having contact with the ground (使用化学品防止或延缓尤其是由真菌或昆虫所造成的木材腐朽;广泛使用的防腐剂包括杂酚油、沥青、焦油和氟化钠,特别是在与地面接触的木材中使用。)
charcoal A porous solid product containing 85-98% carbon and produced by heating carbonaceous materials such as cellulose, wood or peat at 500-600 C° in the absence of air (一种多孔的固体含有85-98%的碳,在空气中用500-600 C°高温加热含碳物质例如纤维素、木头或煤而产生。)
搬运wood hauling The process of removing forest produce, particularly timber, fuelwood and bamboos, from its place of growth to some permanent or major delivery point, either for further transport or further manufacture, i.e. secondary conversion, or both (森林产品(尤其指木材、薪材和竹子)从其生长地到主要传递点、以备进一步的运输或制造,即二次转换,或两者兼而有之的移动过程。)
栽培arboriculture The planting and care of woody plants, especially trees (树木类植物,特别是树的植种和照料 。)
沙巴拉群落灌Chapparal shrub
shrub A woody perennial plant, smaller than a tree, with several major branches arising from near the base of the main stem (多年生长的草本植物,比树小,枝干是从树的靠根的主干长出来的)
地带maquis A low evergreen shrub formation, usually found on siliceous soils in the Mediterranean lands where winter rainfall and summer drought are the characteristic climate features. It consists of a profusion of aromatic species, such as lavender, myrtle, oleander and rosemary and often includes abundant spiny shrubs. It has been suggested that the maquis is a secondary vegetation, occupying the lands cleared of their natural evergreen oak forests by human activity (低矮常绿灌木的形成物,通常在有着冬季降水、夏季干旱气候特点地中海中的硅质土地上建立。包括丰富的诸如薰衣草、香桃木、夹竹桃和迷迭香的芳香物种,并且往往包含丰富的多刺灌木。有建议称灌木地带是次要的植被,居于被人类活动清楚地天然常绿栎林的地位。)
清理bush clearing The removal of brush using mechanical means, either by cutting manually or by using machinery for crushing, rolling, flailing, or chipping it, or by chemical means or a combination of these (使用机械方法清除灌木,或者用手工或者通过使用机械碾碎、滚压、挤压或切碎灌木,或者通过化学方法或者使用这些方法的组合。)
火灾保险树fire insurance tree
用树围隔的田地或草地bocage The wooded countryside characteristic of northern France, with small irregular-shaped fields and many hedges and copses. In the French language the word bocage refers both to the hedge itself and to a landscape consisting of hedges. Bocage landscapes usually have a slightly rolling landform, and are found mainly in maritime climates. Being a small-scale, enclosed landscape, the bocage offers much variations in biotopes, with habitats for birds, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles and butterflies (法国北部的丛林农村的特点,小而不规则,并有许多树篱和灌木。在法语中,bocage既指树篱本身又指由树篱组成的景观。Bocage景观通常是稍微弯曲的地貌,主要在海上气候的地区出现。作为一个小规模的、封闭的景观,bocage为不同的群落提供了栖息地,有鸟类、小型哺乳动物、两栖动物、爬行动物和蝴蝶等。)
矮灌brushwood Woody vegetation including shrubs and scrub trees of non-commercial height and form, often seen in the initial stages of succession following a disturbance. Brush often grows in very dense thickets that are impenetrable to wild animals and serve to suppress the growth of more desirable crop trees. However, brush can also serve an important function as desirable habitat for a range or bird, animal, and invertebrate species, and often provides a good source of browse and cover for larger wildlife. It adds structural diversity within the forest and is important in riparian zones. It is also termed scrub (木本植被,包括非商业用的高度和形式的灌木丛和树木,多见于被干扰之后的初始阶段。灌木丛通常生长在茂密的树丛里,野生动物很难将其摧折,并且抑制其他树木生长。然而,灌木丛有一个重要的用途就是作为鸟类、动物和无脊椎动物物种的理想栖息地,而且经常可以给动物们作为草食,并且可以覆盖较大的野生动物。它增加了在森林结构的多样性,在沿岸地很重要。它也被称为矮树丛。)
落叶deciduous wood
cork The thick light porous outer bark of the cork oak, used widely as an insulator and for stoppers for bottles, casks, etc. (轻质多孔的厚栎木树皮,被广泛用作绝缘体、瓶塞和桶塞等。)