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   Langues chinoises
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Langues chinoisesAnglais
上游失效指示upstream failure indication
下一记录指示next record pointer
下溢指示underflow indicator
井斜指示drift indicator
文结束指示EOM indicator
内存指示presence bit
冲突指示congestion indicator
净荷类型指示payload type indicator
出错指示系统error-indicating system
初启事务序列指示initiate-transaction-sequence indicator
删除方式指示delete-mode indicator
匹配记录指示matching recorder indicator
双边闭合用户群呼叫指示bilateral closed user group call indicator
变更指示change bar
告警指示alarm indicator
呼叫指示line lamp
命令指示command pointer
地址指示address indicating group
地址指示组分配address indicating group allocation
地址已识别指示符/帧复制指示符address recognized indicator/frame copied indicator
地址已识别指示符/帧复制指示符address recognized indicator/ frame copied indicator
复用段告警指示信号multiplex sections alarm indication signal
外部指示external indicator
寄存器指示register pointer
指示frame pointer
帧结束指示frame end delimiter
帧起始指示frame start delimiter
平均接收信号强度指示mean received signal strength indication
开关指示switch indicator
开始括号链组指示begin bracket indicator
当前状态指示currency status indicator
当前组指示current-group indicator
当前组指示current-group indicator
彩色指示信号sense signal
投标指示bid indicator
报警指示信号alarm indication signal
拆线清除指示clear indicator
指导显示tutorial display
指示原语indication primitive
指示变量indicator variable
指示display console
SDT 指示start data-traffic indicator (SDT indicator)
指示器台display console
指示pointer array
指示字地址pointer address
指示性文摘indicative abstract
换向命令指示change direction command indicator
换向请求指示change-direction-request indicator
接收命令键AC指示AC indicator (accept-command-key indicator)
接收序列出错指示accept-sequence-error indicator
控制电源指示control supply indicator
数字指示figure indicator
数据报不能传递指示datagram nondelivery indication
数据结束指示end of data indicator
方向转向指示arm indicator
显式前向冲突指示explicit forward congestion indication
显式拥塞指示explicit congestion notification
显示指令display instruction
标记指示flag indicator
栈底指示bottom-of-stack pointer
栈顶指示top-of-stack pointer
校验指示check indicator
检查 检验,校验指示check indicator
检査指示check indicator
检验指示指令check indicator instruction
测试指示test indicator
消息指示message indicator
消息等待指示message waiting indication
清除指示clear indication packet
溢出指示overflow pointer
状态指示指紧急终端状态status indication
目的地址代码指示destination code indicator
相干移动目标指示coherent moving target indicator
移动单元路由选择指示mobile unit routing indicator
指示null indicator
空闲话线指示idle-line indicator
符号检查指示sign check indicator
管理事件指示协议management event notification protocol
编译指示语句compiler-directing statement
编译指示语句compile-directing statement
自动复制指示autoduplication indicator
自动复制指示autodup indicator
莫尔斯码指示Morse code indicator
被叫识别请求指示called line identification request indicator
设置和测试顺序号指示set-and-test sequence number indicators
转接时延选择和指示transit delay selection and indication
输入/输出中断指示input/output interrupt indicator
远端差错指示remote error indication
远端缺陷指示remote defect indication
逆向指示backward indicator bit
选用路由选择指示alternative routing indicator
通道指示channel indicator
逻辑探头指示logic probe indicator
重新启动指示restart-indication packet
闭合用户组呼叫指示closed user group call indicator
集体路由指示collective routing indicator
零值指示null indicator
领域当前指示realm currency indicator