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   Langues chinoises
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一体式integrated assembly
万向节十字架trunnion block
中国上海汽车工业公司Shanghai Automobile Industry Corporation
上海汽车工业集团公司Shanghai Auto Industry Corporation (Group)
统计研究对象的不同类型heterogeneous population
不足转向total understeer
不足转向overall understeer
管道相连的分支交叉形供给管路cross-feed line
公司世界全球world headquarters
中速区域网络线mid speed CAN-Bus
中间拉杆如门锁按钮拉杆及传动件bell crank arm
变速器中间轴layshaft assembly
手动变速器中间轴countershaft assembly
串行线漫游器serial bus traveller
主减速器fin al-drive assembly
主减速器壳axle carrier assembly
主要部件major unit
主要main assembly
传动作用角total angle of transmission
传动装置drive assembly
伺服机构例如,自动变速器中使制动带动作的液压操纵伺服机构servo assembly
CAN 低速线控制器区域网络差动物理信号负端总线CANL/CAN low
低速一级数据线class-1 bus (bus-low)
低速线low busbus-low
低速控制器区域网络线low speed CAN-Bus
倍增multiplicative global
偏离控制bias control assembly
允许负荷gross allowable load
车辆允许total permissible weight
车辆允许最大permissible total weight
允许质量allowable gross weight
气体燃料发动机充气口inflation opening
盘播放机disc player assy
公司全球world headquarters
公共汽车central bus station
内外倾前轮外倾角加主销内倾角的总角度inclined angle
内部网线常作CAN BUS 的子网LiN BUS
刀具切削力total force exerted by the tool
刀具扭矩total torque exerted by the tool
sub assembly
分离轴承参阅 release bearing carrier assemblyrelease bearing assembly
分离轴承成外壳bearing housing-release
柴油机分配式喷油distributor pump assembly
分配泵distributor pump assembly
列车combination gross vehicle weight
制动主缸总泵brake master control unit
制动功率比颗粒物质排放量brake specific total particulate matter
制动器指制动器非转动部件总成brake assembly
制动瓦由制动瓦和制动衬块组成的部件shoes assembly of brakes
制动系统间隙无效行程brake slack
制动蹄lined shoe assembly
制造和装设计design for manufacture and assembly
前桥荷重gross from axle rating
前灯front lamp unit
前照灯headlamp assembly
前轴额定质量载荷gross axle weight rating front
通用汽车公司北美North American Operations
通用汽车公司北美North America Operations
万向节十字轴装有轴承的十字轴cross assembly
万向节十字轴装有轴承的十字轴cross assemble
单向超越离合器free-wheeling unit
单活塞one-chamber brake cylinder
印制电路printed circuit assembly
厂定标称最大manufacturer's maximum total weight
同步器synchronized assembly
三轴汽车后双并装车轴rear bogie
后桥荷重gross rear axle rating
后轴rear-axle assembly
摩托车后轴驱动装置axle drive assy
周转reservation unit
在册汽车car in stock
在用汽车vehicles in use
车身地板floor assembly
垃圾车保有量,车队trash-collection fleet
外围接口数据线peripheral interface data buses
赛车外置弹簧-减振器outboard spring-and-damper assembly
发动机进排气装置多管汇multiple-pipe manifold
发动机进排气装置多管汇multiple-pipe header
发动机进排气装置多管汇multiple-pipe collector
汽车大修用机器与设备的remanufacturing machinery
零部件编号subdivisible assembly
就车修底盘不从底盘上取下总成的修理in-chassis overhaul
局域互联网线LiN BUS
带变速器的发动机engine-gearbox unit
带变速器的发动机engine-transmission unit
带变速器的发动机engine-transmission assembly
带变速器的发动机engine-gearbox assembly
带各种附件的发动机engine pack
带喷油器的节气门体central injection unit
带快速反应紧急锁紧装置的三点式2 型安全带type 2 seat belt assembly with vehicle sensitive type retractor
带框架的座垫座椅下部seat bottom assembly
带滚子的保持架rollers and cage
带离合器压盘的壳clutch cover and plate assembly
带离合器和变速器的发动机unit-power plant
干发动机不带进气排气歧管和任何附件,但带气缸盖罩、机油盘和曲轴传动带、盘等partial engine assy
干发动机不带进气排气歧管和任何附件,但带气缸盖罩、机油盘和曲轴传动带、盘等partial engine assembly
平均吨位average total tonnage
客运平均客位average total seats
年度成本annual total costs
年度费用annual total costs
弹簧行程total spring travel
弹簧到正常最大承载位置时的汽车包括簧载和非簧载重量spring capacity at ground
悬架弹簧和减振器spring-and-damper assembly
悬架弹簧滑柱带弹簧和减振器spring strut
悬架弹簧滑柱spring strut
悬架弹簧滑柱spring leg (spring strut)
参数识别缩写怠速运转时间total idle run time
由几个零件组成的部件不平衡度cumulative unbalance
汽车不足转向量overall understeer
交通total traffic volume
生产产量overall production
传动变速total ratio
传动比overall multiplication
传动系统传动比overall ratio
传动比total transmission ratio
转向系统传动比total steering ratio
传动比total drive ratio
传动比overall gear ratio
传输矩阵overall transfer matrix
综合方案overall project
汽车声学体声学评价overall acoustic assessment
体平面布置general layout
汽车体舒适性overall comfort
作用力total effort
齿轮作用弧total arc of transmission
使用期寿命finite life
使用期限gross life
使用期限entire life
供给输送total feed rate
保修费制造厂用于质量保证费用cumulative warranty cost
修正补偿total correction
发动机充量total charge
公司main office
共同质量牵引车带挂车的最大总质量gross combination mass
共同质量牵引车带挂车的最大总质量gross combination weight
共同质量gross combination weight rating
共同质量gross combination mass
综合准确overall accuracy
减速total reduction
减速小,少,压overall reduction
切削层横截面积total cross-sectional area of the cut
制动力total brake forcepower
SAE 制动功率马力SAE gross bhp
制动时间total braking time
车辆制动距离total braking distance
前束total toe
前束角total toe-in angle
前束角total toe angle
办事处home office
发动机输出功率gross performance
发动机输出功率gross output
功率gross output
输出功率overall power
发动机不带附件时的功率gross horsepower
普通,一般功能general function
混合气加浓率系数total enrichment factor
变形total deformation
全部变形overall deformation
综合可靠性overall reliability
含碳量total carbon
声学噪声级overall noise level
综合噪声级global noise level
布置general arrangement
工作,纲要,索引key diagram
装配assembling drawing
圈数total number of coils
声压度overall sound pressure level
声压级overall sound-pressure level
综合声级global sound level
定员total passenger places
客位数total passenger places
客位日total bus-seat-day
容积排气容积与燃烧室容积之和cylinder volume
total width
overall vehicle width
寿命使用期terminal life
外形尺寸overall dimension
工作容量total output
布置master layout
布置平面general layout
布置设计工程package engineer
平均general average
平面设计site plan
电源开关main supply switch
in kit form
部件装配图package drawing
成互换修理法unit replacement method of reconditioning
成互换修理法unit exchange repairing method
成件semi-knock down
成件semi knock down
成修理unit repair
成修理repair of assemblies
成修理厂unit repair plant
成大修配件和材料assembly overhaul package
成大修车间unit overhaul shop
成换修法method of repair with assembly replacement
成更换修理assembly exchange repairing
成本费用total cost
成的部分part of assembly
成维修service in assembly
成部分part of assembly
成零件part of assembly
持续时间total period
损耗total loss
损耗率total-loss factor
损耗系overall loss factor
排放物overall emission
排量total piston displacement
发动机排量工作容积total displacement
发动机排量工作容积total capacity
综合控制系统total control system
点火系统提前角total advance angle
放大overall multiplication
放大倍数total multiplication
实际效率total efficiency
发动机效率overall efficiency
额,和total sum
total quantity
发动机有效制动功率发动机不带附件gross brake horsepower
发动机有效制动功率gross bhp
发动机有效功率reflective summed horsepower
有机物被提取部分total organic extract fraction
车辆检査general inspection
水头gross head
油耗与惯性重量比total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight
master cylinder
供给,输送total flow rate
消耗total flow
炭量柴油机排气中元素炭和有机碳含量总和total carbon
点火系统点火提前角total ignition angletiming
点火提前角total advance
燃油容量燃油箱和副燃油箱总容量total fuel capacity
燃油消耗与惯性试验质量之比total fuel consumption divided by inertia test weight
牵引质量gross train mass
生产率能力total power
生产率能力total output
电流joint current
total allowance
汽车综合的乘员舒适性overall passenger comfort
全面的校正修正global correction
机油碱值total base number
碳氢化合物值total hydrocarbons
空燃比overall air/fuel ratio
进排气歧管弯头温度header temperature
综合系数overall coefficient
线传送bus transfer
线关断bus off
线冲突bus contention
线存取bus access
线正接地bus positive
线电气中心bus electrical centre
线缓冲器bus buffer
线负接地bus negative
电子学线路系统bus system
线配置bus configuration
overall energy
综合,合成节距resultant pitch
行驶英里数total mileagemiles
行程total kilometrage
行程total trip length
行程total kilometres
行程载重量total trip vehicle-km capacity
行驶里程total kilometres
压力计master gauge
chief Executive Officer
final assy
装厂assy plant
装厂assembly plant
装图assembly diagram
装测试检验final-assembly inspection
装线conveyor line
装草图package drawing
裕量gross tolerance
计行驶千米公里total kilometrage
诊断通信链路total diagnostic communication link
过失,严重误差gross error
无线电谐波失真total harmonic distortion
谐波失真total harmonic wave distortion
车辆满载后laden weight
车辆gross weight
full weight (gross weight)
汽车量等级范围gross-weight range
排放有害物量规定weight regulation
质量overall mass
质量total weight
质量otal weight
质量designed total mass
质量与有效载质量之比gross weight-to-payload
费用支出,消耗total expense
车吨位日total seat-days
车吨位日total vehicle-ton
车吨位日total truck-tonnage-day
车日total vehicle-days
动力total torque
转向器转动圈数No.of turns lock to lock
total load
载质gross load
输出功率overall output
输出功率total power
输出功率total output
输出率total feed rate
车辆运行成本费用total operating cost
速比overall gear ratio
公司head office
润滑油酸值total acid number
otal weight
gross weight
overall mass
full weight (gross weight)
重合度total contact ratio
和,数,额total amount
销售量overall sales
total requirement
悬架静态变形压缩,挠曲total static deflection
预算费用total estimated cost
total height
成套的成大修用备件、器械和材料assembly overhaul package
挂车gross trailer weight
挂车重量包括自重及载重gross trailer weight
挂车包括自重及载重trailer weight
挂车额定质量gross trailer weight rating
指示器累加,全部读数total indicator reading
按汽车惯性重量计油耗total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight
挠性元件由弹性材料制成的传动轴中间传动元件总成flexible member assembly
损坏前的工作时数hours to failure
换档机构gearshift unit
货车支承非驱动supporting bogie
货车支承非驱动supporting-axle assembly
数字式数据线digital data bus
整体integral assembly
车辆整备质量与质量之比ratio, curb weight-to-total weight
交流发电机整流器rectifier assembly
整车布置vehicle general layout
智能化交通系统数据线ITS data bus
智能式乘员气体发生器advanced passenger inflator
智能式驾驶人气体发生器advanced driver inflator
智能数据线多媒体intelligent data bus multimedia
车辆最大maximum total weight
车辆最大maximum gross weight
车辆最大maximum total mass
轮胎最大使用宽度maximum overall width in service
车辆最大允许质量maximum authorized total mass
车辆最大允许质量maximum authorized total weight
最大允许质量maximum authorised total weight
最大允许质量load limit
最大设计质量maximum design total mass
最高档速比overall top gear ratio
服务美国大型维修企业中管理维修、配件、钣喷service director
标称厂定最大maximum manufacturer's total weight
标称厂定最大质量maximum manufacturer's total mass
模块式燃油泵module fuel pump assembly
转向系统横拉杆thru rod assy
横梁cross beam assembly
进气歧管manifold runner
排气系统歧管汇集气manifold pipe
安全气囊气体发生器inflator assembly
气缸容积工作容积+燃烧室容积total cylinder volume
condensed table
车列车gross train weight
汽车overall width of vehicle
汽车central station
弹簧到正常全承载位置时的汽车簧载质spring capacity at pad
汽车auto assembly
汽车装配图automobile assembly drawing
汽车overall vehicle length
汽车overall length of vehicle
汽车额定重量weight rating of gross vehicle
汽车overall vehicle height
货车汽车列车货车与挂车total lorry and trailer weight
汽车列车货车与挂车total truck and trailer weight
货车汽车列车total weight of road train
汽车列车牵引车带挂车gross combination combined weight
汽车列车最大maximum weight of a road train
汽车列车最大maximum road-train weight
汽车列车标称厂定最大质量重量maximum manufacturer's weight of a road train
汽车列车验定指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量combination test weight
汽车列车验定重量指无载荷的牵引车和挂车的空车质量加上额定载质量gross combination test weight
汽车的基本尺寸general proportions of car
汽车额定质量中的后轴载荷gross vehicle weight, rear
汽车额定重量rating of gross vehicle
活塞连杆piston/conrod assembly
照明系统light assembly
组件lamp assembly
灯光开关master lighting switch
灯光开关master lighting controlswitch
灯光开关main light switch
牵引装置hitch assembly
在一特定的滚动轴承内的全部球ball complement
生产production total
电动机功率total power of motor
电子调速分配泵electronically governed distributor pump assembly
电源开关battery main switch
电源开关battery master switch
电源开关main power cutoff
电源开关battery isolator control
电源开关battery isolator switch
电源开关battery cutoff
未上漆和修饰的white assembly
符合低排放车辆2阶段标准、装载后重达 8500磅的轻型货车an LEV II light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of 3751 pounds to a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds
累计里程的仪表summation meter
网关数据线gateway data bus
赛车舱内弹簧减振器inboard spring and damper assembly
节气门air-throttle assembly
节气门体th rottie-carrier assembly
节气门体throttle assembly
节气门控制throttle control assembly
营销sales & marketing headquarter
行驶里程计表distance totalizer
衬块盘式制动器的制动衬片总成。pad assembly
参数识别缩写NOx 警告模式被激活下发动机运转时间total run time by the engine while NOx warning mode is activated
财务chief finance officer
货车拥有量集中地truck pool
车体的长度overall length of carrier
三轮摩托车车厢packing box assembly
车桥轴荷gross from axle rating
车身布置general layout of body
车身body assy
车身body assembly
车身前部body front assembly
车轮wheel with tire
车轮制动器motor wheel brake assembly
车轮弹簧伸缩量wheel travel
底盘/传动系统车轮驱动最终传动装置wheel-drive assembly
车轮驱动最终传动装置wheel-drive assembly
车辆total vehicle width
车辆负载gross vehicle load
车辆装载后loaded vehicle weight
车辆质量常指:车辆最大总质量=整备质量+最大载质量gross vehicle massweight
车辆weight of entire vehicle
车辆total vehicle length
车辆total vehicle height
车辆全部制动力与重之比equivalent braking force
车辆整备质量与车辆质量之比ratio, vehicle kerb weight-to-total weight of vehicle
车辆整备质量与车辆质量之比ratio, vehicle curb weight-to-total weight of vehicle
车辆最大质量gross vehicle weight
车辆最大允许额定质量gross vehicle weight rating
车辆维修周转reversible unit
车辆额定质量指:车辆整备质量+最大载质量gross vehicle weight rating
转向器圈数total turns of steering gear
转向盘圈数total turns of steering wheel
转向盘圈数total number of steering wheel turns
转向盘steering-wheel assembly
转向盘转动圈数steering-wheel turns lock-to-lock
转向系统传动比overall steering reduction
转向系统传动比overall steering ratio
货车转向车桥steering bogie
转子发动机转子组件rotor kit
转子rotor assy
转矩/最大质量比torque/maximum total mass ratio
轮胎噪声total tire noise
轮胎宽度tire overall width
轮胎tire assembly
轮胎接地面积gross tire contact area
软管两端装有管接头hose assembly
车桥axle assy
货车车桥axle assembly
轴承bearing assembly
汽车轴额定最大gross axle weight rating
轴额定gross axle weight rating
车辆载质量与质量之比load factor
配件发动机partial engine assy
配件发动机partial engine assembly
车身锁扣striker assembly
动轴前桥驱动车,包括两个等速万向节和一根驱动轴axle shaft assy
货车驱动桥powered bogie
货车驱动桥drive bogie
货车驱动桥power-axle assembly
货车驱动桥power bogie
驱动桥drive-axle assembly
驱动轴axle shaft assy指前轮驱动轴总成axle assy
驾驶人门开关driver door switch assembly
鼓式制动器drum-brake assembly
鼓式制动器底板foundation drum brake assembly
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