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北海东海槽区项目Eastern Trough Area Project
中大西洋区理事会Mid-Atlantic Area Council
全球海底质及地球物理分析和研究global ocean floor geology and geophysics analysis and research
美国北极区石油作业者协会Arctic Petroleum Operator Association
南太平洋South Pacific Area
联合国南太平洋区矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in the South Pacific Area
发射式海底震记录仪pop-up bottom seismic recorder
国际中海科学调查委员会International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea
国际海底形命名委员会International Commission on the Nomenclature of Ocean Bottom Features
国际近海与极工程学会International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering
国际近海与极工程师协会International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
美国亚哥海洋协调委员会San Diego Oceanic Coordinating Committee
下控制的井下安全阀subsurface controlled subsurface safety valve
意大利中海近海会议和展览Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition
区大气水线regional meteoric water line
区天气weather of area
球海洋技术geomarine technology
美国球深层取样联合海洋学研究院所Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling
磁海流计geomagnetic electrokinetograph
磁电动测流仪geomagnetic electrokinetograph
质长距离侧向声呐geological long range inclined asdic
按地面距离算出的飞机速度ground speed
震海啸警报系统seismic sea wave warning system
面化学品注入组件总成surface chemical injection package
面导航系统land navigation system
面控制法ground control led approach
面效应船ground effect vehicle
面效应试验船ground effect research machine
面气温surface air temperature
面观测站surface observation station
面记录式陀螺仪surface recording gyro
面记录式陀螺仪定向surface recording gyro orientation
面采油树控制装置surface tree control unit
塔斯曼洋底大电磁勘探项目Tasman Project of Seafloor Magnetotelluric Exploration
美国形勘测系统bottom topography survey system
气候weather of area
美国斯库里区峡谷礁作业者委员会Scurry Area Canyon Reef Operators Committee
作业Arctic services
活动岛mobile Arctic island
移动式钻井结构arctic mobile drilling structure
水上飞机基seaplane base
浮式供应基floating supply base
海上飞机修理基seaplane repair base
海军基naval base
海岸基接收检査设备shore base acceptance checkout equipment
海底bottom contour
海底球物理分析和研究geophysical ocean floor analysis and research
海底貌咨询委员会Advisory Committee for Undersea Feature
海底貌图bottom contour chart
海底震仪ocean sub-bottom seismometer
海底震仪ocean bottom seismograph
海底震测量系统seafloor earthquake measurement system
海底震调查ocean-bottom-seismic survey
海洋球物勘测marine geophysical survey
美国地质调査局海洋质处Office of Marine Geology
海洋质委员会Marine Geology Panel
海洋质学与地球物理学marine geology and geophysics
国际地科联海洋质学委员会Commission on Marine Geology
海洋质调查局Marine Geology Survey Bureau
海洋4分量震学marine four-component seismology
海湾区近海天气观测网gulf offshore weather observing network
深海球物理和海洋学研究站Geophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research
电子理坐标导航electronic geographic coordinate navigation
空军基air force base
美国质调查局一国际海洋勘探十年U.S Geological Survey-International Decade of Ocean Exploration
国家海洋与大气局美国海岸与大测量United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
表拆卸组件near-surface disconnect package
近海力学与极工程专题讨论会Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium
美国近海力学与极工程处Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Division
返回基return to base
领航陆数据系统pilot land data system