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Termes pour sujet Technologie contenant 合理 | Toutes les formes | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
Langues chinoisesAnglais
合理利率unreasonable interest rate
合理削坡unreasonable cutting slope
合理布局irrational location
合理布置irrational layout
合理库存irrational stock of goods
合理的勘探工程布置unreasonable arrangement of exploratory engineering
合理的工具变量illegitimate instrumental variable
合理的整地inadequate soil tillage
合理的规章制度unreasonable rules and regulation
合理要求unreasonable requirement
合理误差unreasonable error
合理误差irrational error
合理运输占总装车数百分率percent of wagon loading of irrational transport to total wagon loadings accomplished
合理需求unreasonable demand
不整合层理irregular bedding
个体合理individual rationality
中介耦合理intermediate-coupling theory
代理贸易合同commission contract
企业管理合同business management contract
储量比例或布局不合理unreasonable reserve ratio or distribution
光学数字混合处理系统hybrid optical -digital processing system
光学数字混合处理系统hybrid optic -digital processing system
全国主要物资合理运输rational transport flow diagram for major prod ucts in the country
全国房地产经理联合协会National Association of Cooperate Real Estate Executives
全面规划、合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout
公平合理just and reasonable
公平合理fair and square
共价结合理covalent binding theory
农药综合治理integrated pesticide management
勘探程度不合理的原因reason leading unreasonable exploratory degree
化合体积原理combining-volumes principle
化合原理combination principle
单次合理检验single reasonable check
可以合理做到的最低水平as low as reasonably achievable
各种流域排水工程整理综合规划comprehensive program of catchment sewerage
合力管理cooperative control
合同主方或其代理人awarding agency
合同执行的监理contract administration
合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
合同管理contract supervision
合同管理人contracts manager
合同管理人contract manager
合同管理制contract management system
合同管理范围contract management range
合同经理contract manager
合并处理merge application
合流式交通管理traffic control of combined system
合流排水处理combined disposal of sewerage
合理good faith
合理上涨justified raise
合理井深rational well depth
合理井距rational spacing between wells
合理价值证书certificated of reasonable value
合理价格fair value
合理估价fair valuation
合理余量justified margin
合理使用intelligent use
合理修枝proper pruning
合理reasonable value
合理假设reasonable assumption
合理分析reasonableness analysis
合理分析推理分析rational analysis
合理分配equitable distribution
合理利用准则reasonable use rule
合理利用理论reasonable use theory
合理削坡reasonable cutting slope
合理rational work
合理化方法streamlined method
合理化方法rationalization method
合理化规定streamlined specifications
合理化铺沥青路面rationalized making of bituminous paving
合理单位rational unit
合理单位rationalized unit
合理单位系统rationalized system
合理危险性equitable risk
合理可行尽量低原则as low as reasonable achievable principle
合理图像reasonable image
合理地砍伐sanitation felling
合理工资fair wage
合理布局proper redistribution
合理开发rational exploitation
合理开工日期reasonable starting date
合理当量rational equivalent weight
合理性分析rationality analysis
合理性检测reasonableness test
合理性检测reasonableness check
合理性检验表reasonableness check table
合理性能rational behaviour
合理性能rational behavior
合理性选择proper selection
合理房租just and fair rent
合理房租reasonable rent
合理报酬just compensation
合理报酬reasonable reward
合理报酬fair returns
合理择伐作业proper selection method
合理描绘等高线logical contouring
合理描绘等高线logic contouring
合理改良树种properly improved strain of tree
合理放牧conservative grazing
合理施工rational construction
合理施药proper application
合理时间路径树reasonable time path tree
合理机械化rational mechanization
合理条件reasonable condition
合理楔接proper wedge graft
合理港址suitable port site
合理用水reasonable use of water
合理的估价fair valuation
合理的可比性reasonable comparability
合理的最小试样体积reasonable minimum volume of sample
合理的轧制制度rational rolling schedule
合理盆栽试验pot incubation test properly
合理磨损reas on able wear and tear
合理线路设计proper alignment
合理logical beauty
合理logic beauty
合理耕作rational tillage
合理营养adequate nutrition
合理补偿just compensation
合理评估法reasonable evaluation process
合理调遣reasonable dispatch
合理谱系栽培法proper pedigree culture
合理负担reasonable distribution of burden
合理负担equitable distribution of burden
合理质量reasonable quality
合理边缘矩阵appropriate edge matrix
合理运输rational traffic
合理运输线路rational traffic routes
合理运输线路rational traffic lines
合理连续作业properly deterioration indicator
合理reasonable mixing ratio
合理配合比rational mix proportioning
合理配合比reasonable mixing ratio
合理配合比rational mix design
车的合理配载full and down of vehicle
合理采样数rational sampling number
合理队形optimum formation
合理预见reasonably foreseen
合金处理钢alloy-treated steel
合金纹理轧辊alloyed grain roll
商业代理合同commission contract
啮合原理theory of engagement
国际大地测量学与地球物理联合会International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
国际理论和应用化学联合会International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry
国际货运代理人联合会International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association
土木工程设计情报综合处理体系integrated civil engineering systems
地下水合理利用rational utilization of groundwater
地下水合理开采rational mining of groundwater
地球物理综合异常图synthetical anomaly map of geophysics
地球物理综合异常图synthetic anomaly map of geophysics
地理不整合geographic unconformity
地质与地球物理综合调查geological and geophysical comprehensive survey
地质与地球物理综合调查geologic and geophysical comprehensive survey
坡面不合理加载unreasonable loading on wall face
基本建设项目经济合理性审计audit of economic reasonableness of capital construction project
声响处理合适的会堂acoustically satisfactory auditorium
处理合同争议handle contractual disputes
处理过的合金钢alloy treated steel
处理集合机processing ensemble
合理论价格theoretical prices on a composite basis
合理论价格theoretic prices on a composite basis
复合固化机理dual cure mechanism
复合层理mixed bedding
复合式处理系统一厌氧塘和滴滤池hybrid treatment system anaerobic pond and trickling filter
复合式生物处理系统hybrid biological treatment system
复合机理recombination mechanism
复合污水土地处理系统complex land treatment system of wastewater
复合管理multiple control
复理石组合flysch association
多合处理integral treatment
实报实销加管理费合同fee plus expense agreement
实报实销加管理费合同cost-plus fee agreement
工业合理重安排proper redistribution of industry
工业用水合理性评价rationality assessment of water consumption in industry
工业部门结构合理rational structure of industrial sectors
工程师联合理事会Engineers Joint Council
帕累托合理Pareto rationality
并合原理combination principle
废水综合处理厂integrated wastewater treatment plant
废水综合处理设施joint wastewater treating facility
愈合节理healed joint
批准代理人签订的合同ratification of agent's contract
技术合理主义technological rationalism
技术合理technical rationalization
技术经济指标合理technological economic indicator justice
技术经济指标合理technologic economic indicator justice
拟定合理的项目generate sound project
排程序合理optimum coding
控制点合理安排economy of control
整合层理conformable bedding
施工合同管理administration of the construction contract
施工合同管理administration of construction contract
施工管理合同construction management contract
施工管理合约construction management contract
施工阶段一施工合同执行的管理construction phase-administration of the construction contract
旅客列车合理开车范围reasonable departure time range of passenger trains
合理的替代方案no reasonable alternatives (废物处置)
无理合同unconscionable contract
无理对合irrational involution
普郎特尔混合长理论Prandtl's theory of mixing length
暴雨水综合管理comprehensive stormwater management
有机界的合理organic fitness
有理对合rational involution
有理对合性代数rational involutorial algebra
槽合成矿理论geosyncline-platform theory for metallogenesis
模型合理化论证validation of the model
模型合理性论证validation of the model
正合序列公理sequence axiom
正合性公理exactness axiom
比例混合原理proportioning principle
氧化混凝联合处理combination treatment of oxidation and coagulation
水井合理深度rational depth of well
水合光泽处理hydration polishing
水合封闭处理sealing by hydration
水污染综合治理integrated treatment of water pollution
水的不合理使用unreasonable use of water
水管理综合体water management complex
水质水量综合管理integrated management of water quality and quantity
水质综合管理comprehensive water quality management
水质综合管理规划comprehensive water quality management planning
水资源综合管理integrated water resource management
污水综合处理integrated wastewater treatment
污水综合处理integrated sewage treatment
污水综合处理厂integrated wastewater treatment plant
污水综合管理comprehensive wastewater management
污水综合管理规划办法comprehensive wastewater management planning process
流域综合治理comprehensive reclamation of river basin
海关合作理会税则商品分类目录Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature
液态污水综合处理系统integrated system of liquid effluent treatment
混凝土理论配合比theoretical mix of concrete
混凝土理论配合比theoretic mix of concrete
混凝土配合比理论theory of proportioning
混合下水道污水处理系统combined sewer wastewater treatment system
混合处理hybrid processing (法)
混合处理dual disposal
混合处理combination treatment
混合处理法dual disposal method
混合处理法combination treatment method
混合料挑选机理mix selection mechanism
混合生化处理mixed biochemical treatment
混合生化处理mixed biochemic treatment
混合纹理mixed grain
溶剂防毡合整理法solvent anti-felt finishing
滤水管合理长度rational length of water filtering sections
滤水管合理长度rational filter length
热处理的合金钢heat-treated alloy steel
热处理铝合金heat-treatable aluminium alloy
热处理铝合金heat-treatable aluminum alloy
物理化学结合水physico-chemical bound water
物理状态混合物physical mixture
物理状态混合物physical mix
环境污染综合治理integrated control of environmental pollution
环境污染综合治理integrated control of environment pollution
理想化合系数stoichiometric coefficient
理想气体混合物perfect gaseous mixture
理想混合perfect mixing
理查逊锡砷银锌合金Richardson's alloy
理论混合物stoichiometrical mixture
理论混合物stoichiometric mixture
生态环境综合治理all-round improvement in the eco-environment
监理合同supervision contract
碳氢化合物废物泥浆燃烧处理法slurry-burning process for hydrocarbon waste
碳氢化合物改质处理燃料电池hydrocarbon reforming cell
移动式混合砂处理装置portable sand conditioning unit
粉尘综合治理tacking dust pollution
紧合公理axiom of aggregation
紧密结合处理机tightly-coupled processor
紧密耦合多处理机tightly coupled multiprocessor
纹理合成texture synthesis
合理combination theory
合理论【数combinatorial theory
组合形变热处理combined thermomechanical treatment
组合等温处理combined isothermal treatment
组合结构原理unit construction principle
经济合理剥采比break-even stripping ratio
经济合理原则principle of rationalization in economy
经济合理原则principle of economic rationality
经济合理economic justification
经济合理economic reasonableness
经济合理economic feasibility
经济组织合理economic organization rationalization
经营管理合理managerial and operational rationalization
结合型经理integrated manager
结合机理bonding mechanism
结构合理主义派structural rationalism
结构合理主义派structural rationalism
维格纳合理近似Wigner's rational approximation
综合二级武士处理后出水synthetical secondary wastewater effluent
综合二级武士处理后出水synthetic secondary wastewater effluent
综合农业污染管理系统integrated system for the management of agri cultural pollution
综合利用循环处理过程integrated reuse-recycle treatment process
综合处理joint treatment
综合处理comprehensive treatment
综合处理integrated treatment
综合处理comprehensive approach
综合处理系统total treatment system
综合多目标水管理系统integrated multipurpose water control system
综合性动物地理区comprehensive faunal province
综合数据处理integrated data processing (法)
综合数据处理中心integrated data processing centre
综合数据处理文件integrated data handling file
综合数据处理法integrated data processing
综合数据管理系统integrated data management system
综合整理composite trim
综合污水处理厂integrated wastewater treatment plant
综合治理comprehensive harnessing
综合治理措施comprehensive improvement measure
综合环境原理principle of holocoenotic environment
综合生活污水处理池combined domestic sewage treatment plant
综合电子信息处理机integrated electronic processor
综合的材料处理integrated material handling
综合管理total management
企业综合管理技术industrial engineering
综合管理方法integrated management method
综合船舶管理系统integrated vessel management system
缔合水理论hydrone theory
缝合劈理stylolitic cleavage
群体合理group rationality
耐处理化合物refractory compound
合理coupled wave theory
联合出口代理人joint export agent
联合国技术援助理事会United Nations Technical Assistance Board
联合国技术援助管理处United Nations Technical Assistance Administration
联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of the United Nations Environment programme
联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of the United Nations Environment program
联合国经济社会理事会United Nation Economic and Social Council
联合处理joint treatment
联合处理combination treatment
联合处理工艺combined process
联合好氧处理工艺combined aerobic treatment process
联合废水处理combined disposal of sewerage
联合废水处理设施combined sewage disposal facility
联合式交通管理traffic control of combined system
联合强度理论combining strength criterion
联合机理association mechanism
联合污水处理combined wastewater treatment
联合管理combined regulation
聚合处理机polymerization processor
胶合板层间的纹理交叉cross core
能源管理合同energy management contract
自然界的合理natural fitness
虫害综合治理integrated pest management
褶合定理faltung theorem
设备合理使用年限useful life of equipment
证明管理费的合理使用justify control cost
谈判代理人合格证certification of bargaining agent
货物合理流向图rational material flow chart
货物运输合理rationalization of goods transport
资源合理利用ratio use of resources
车站合理布置rational layout of station
追认代理人所订合同ratification of agent's contract
逐级合理利用热能realizable utilization of heat energy stage by stage
造价合理计定cost estimate and determine reasonably
道路建设的经济和社会合理economic and social justification for road development
配合比理论theory of proportioning
铁屑流化床预处理—催化氧化—混凝沉淀组合工艺combined iron shaving fluidized bed pretreatment-catalytic oxidation-coagulating sedimentation process
铁路物资合同制供应管理railway material contracting supply management
铝合金涂漆前铬酸盐浸渍处理洛酸盐浸渍处理pylumin process
长期建筑合同会计处理long-term construction contract accounting
闭合定理closure theorem
合理论语言set-theoretical language
合理论语言set-theoretic language
集合的公理axiom of aggregation
雨水与污水的混合处理二元处理dual disposal
非热处理合金non-heat treated alloy
非理想混合流动imperfect mixing flow