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Termes pour sujet Général contenant total worth | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement | dans l'ordre spécifié seulement
by total worthпо стоимостному объёму (This window shows all the player's names, stock holdings, cash, and total worth, sorted by total worth. Alexander Demidov)
in terms of total worthв стоимостном объёме (This report evaluates the market in terms of total worth and breaks it down according to product category segments and distribution channels, some of which ... Alexander Demidov)
total worthстоимостный объём (for the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) found that a massive £814 million was spent last year, generating sales in total worth £9 billion. | Texas ranked #1 in total $ worth Alexander Demidov)
total worthстоимостная ёмкость (The total worth of the market in Asia is estimated at $800billion (£487billion) while the legitimate UK market is worth just £84billion, according to ... Alexander Demidov)
total worth of salesстоимостный объём продаж (The total worth of sales of residential property in the US to foreign buyers for the year ending March 2011 was $82 billion, up from the $66 ... Alexander Demidov)
worth in total up toобщей стоимостью не более (Some investors bought a type of insurance against that happening. Those payouts could be worth in total up to $3.2bn, only a small fraction of ... BBC Alexander Demidov)