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Termes pour sujet Microsoft contenant snap | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement
certificates snap-inоснастка диспетчера сертификатов (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to manage certificate stores for users, computers, and services)
certificates snap-inОснастка диспетчера сертификатов
certification authority snap-inоснастка центра сертификации (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to configure and manage certification authorities Rori)
End Snap-insзавершение работы оснасток (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Failover Cluster Management snap-inоснастка управления отказоустойчивым кластером (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 operating system)
failover cluster management snap-inоснастка управления отказоустойчивым кластером (ssn)
Failover Cluster Manager snap-inоснастка диспетчера отказоустойчивости кластеров (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. Rori)
failover cluster snap-inоснастка отказоустойчивого кластера (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster. Rori)
Online Responder snap-inоснастка сетевого ответчика (A snap-in that allows you to configure and manage revocation configurations and Online Responder Arrays to support public key infrastructure (PKI) clients in diverse environments. Rori)
RD Licensing Diagnoser Snap-inОснастка "Средство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столов" (Windows 8 ssn)
Snap Glueпривязать и приклеить (Office System 2010 Rori)
snap-inоснастка (A type of tool that you can add to a console supported by Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A stand-alone snap-in can be added by itself; an extension snap-in can be added only to extend the function of another snap-in)
snap-in consoleконсоль оснастки (microsoft.com bojana)
snap-in console start pageначальная страница консоли оснастки
snap-in nodeузел оснастки (ssn)
snap-in root nodeкорневой узел оснастки (The top node in any snap-in, whether stand-alone or extension)
snap-in start pageначальная страница оснастки
Snap modeкомпактный режим (Reduced screen mode in Bing apps. Not in use in UI yet, but it could appear in UI or UA messages eventually)
snap pointточка прикрепления (A location (both interval and non-interval) where the position of the content comes to rest after the user has completed their interaction. Rori)
snap resolutionшаг дискретизации (" In animation, specifies the regular intervals on the timeline at which you can set a keyframe. This interval rate is called "snap resolution" because it refers to where on the timeline the playhead and keyframes can be "snapped".")
snap toисходное положение в диалоговом окне (Windows 7 Rori)
standalone snap-inизолированная оснастка (A snap-in that can by itself comprise a snap-in console)
Toggle Snapвключить или отключить привязку (Office System 2016 Rori)
Windows Deployment Services MMC snap-inОснастка консоли управления MMC службами развёртывания Windows (microsoft.com bojana)