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Termes pour sujet Microsoft contenant bit | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement
A logical disk has the dirty bit set.Логический диск имеет установленный "грязный" бит (Windows 8 Rori)
ActiveX kill bitбит аннулирования ActiveX (A registry value that contains the CLSID of all controls that are vunerable to security flaws)
application compatibility bitбит совместимости приложений (Windows 8.1 ssn)
application compatibility bitразряд совместимости приложений (Windows Server 2003 R2 ssn)
64-bit64-разрядный (Of, pertaining to, or descriptive of the amount of data -64 bits, or 8 bytes- that certain computer systems or programs can process at one time)
8-bit color8-разрядный цвет (A display setting that holds up to 256 specific color entries. Any color palette attached to a picture is by definition an 8-bit palette)
128-bit encryption128-битовое шифрование (A high level of encryption that uses a 128-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key)
40-bit encryption40-битовое шифрование (A low level of encryption that uses a 40-bit key to scramble the contents of a file or data packet to make the data unreadable without the decryption key)
bit-for-bitс точностью до бита (ssn)
32 bit machine32-разрядный компьютер (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
32-bit machine32-разрядный компьютер (A computer that works with data in groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors)
bit maskбитовая маска (A numeric value intended for a bit-by-bit value comparison with other numeric values, typically to flag options in parameter or return values. Usually this comparison is done with bitwise logical operators, such as And and Or in Visual Basic, && and || in C++)
8-bit memory device8-битное устройство памяти (Windows 8.1 ssn)
bit patternбитовый шаблон (A combination of bits, often used to indicate the possible unique combinations of a specific number of bits. For example, a 3-bit pattern allows 8 possible combinations and an 8-bit pattern allows 256 combinations)
bit rateскорость (The speed at which binary digits are transmitted)
bit-rate throttlingрегулирование скорости (The ability to slow down the rate at which files can be downloaded)
bit rate throttling featureкомпонент регулирования скорости (ssn)
bit specificationкачество цветопередачи (The number of colors or levels of gray that can be displayed at one time. The amount or memory in the computer's graphics controller card controls the display. An 8-bit controller can display 256 colors or levels of gray; a 16-bit controller, 64,000 colors; and a 24-bit controller, 16.8 million colors)
128-bit SSL encryption128-битовое SSL-шифрование (An encryption level used for SSL. The number refers to the length of the key, so the higher the number, the more difficult the encryption is to break)
bit-wise comparisonпобитовое сравнение (A bit-by-bit comparison of identically positioned bits in two numeric expressions)
broadcast bitбит широковещательного сообщения (A one-bit field value in the flags field of the DHCP packet sent by the client to provide a hint to the DHCP server and to the relay agents to broadcast any messages sent to the client)
constant bit rateпостоянная скорость
dirty bitгрязный" бит" (A bit used to mark modified data in a cache so that the modifications may be carried over to primary memory)
dirty bit"грязный" бит (A bit used to mark modified data in a cache so that the modifications may be carried over to primary memory. Rori)
high bitстарший бит (The most significant bit in a byte)
Logical Disk Dirty Bit CheckПроверка логического диска на "грязный" бит (Windows 8 Rori)
Logical Disk Dirty Bit SetУстановлен бит "грязного" логического диска (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
multiple bit rateс несколькими скоростями (A characteristic of a data stream in which the same content is encoded at several different bit rates in oder to optimize content delivery)
parity bitбит чётности (In asynchronous communications, an extra bit used in checking for errors in groups of data bits transferred within or between computer systems. In modem-to-modem communications, a parity bit is often used to check the accuracy with which each character is transmitted)
parity bitчётность
secure bitбит безопасности (The bit in a key message used to notify the supplicant and authenticator when a key exchange is complete and a link is considered secure. The bit is set to 0 (not secure) or 1 (secure))
sign bitзнаковый бит (The most significant, or leftmost, bit of a number field, usually set to 1 if the number is negative)
the bit rate throttling feature has been disabledКомпонент регулирования скорости отключён (IIS Media Services 4.0)
Unsigned 64-bit integer64-разрядное целое число без знака (SQL Server 2012 Rori)