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Termes pour sujet Jargon militaire contenant at | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement
at the readyв состоянии боевой готовности (hizman)
at the rendezvousв точке встречи (4uzhoj)
be done at the rangeотстреляться (After we're done at the range for the day, we'll learn to field strip, clean and reassemble our firearms. 4uzhoj)
blast away atработать по (3 B1 Centauro tank destroyers moved up the road towards the city and began blasting away at enemy tanks stationed at the cities entrances, while Strykers came up from behind and deployed troops out into the field, and began heading into the combat zone. 4uzhoj)
carry an order out at the gallopрезво выполнить приказ (raf)
have someone at bayизматывать (Bobrovska)
have someone at bayне давать передышки противнику (Bobrovska)
have someone at bayпостоянно беспокоить (Bobrovska)
Pig looking at a wristwatchсолдат, имеющий вид плохо соображающего человека (Beforeyouaccuseme)
Pig looking at a wristwatch"тормоз" (Beforeyouaccuseme)
rifle at alert positionвинтовка "к бою"