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Termes pour sujet Pétrole / pétrole contenant tax | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement
AnglaisLangues chinoises
additional profits tax附加利润税
additional tax附力口税
after-tax net profit税后净利
annual sales tax年销售税金
assessable to tax应征税
carbon tax烟尘排放税
city planning tax城市建设税
consolidated industry and commerce tax工商统一税
construction tax建筑税
corporate tax法人税
customs tax关税
deferred tax延付税款
effective tax rate实际关税税率
export tax rebate出口退税
farmland use tax耕地占用税
flat tax rate统一税率
franchise tax专许税
graded tax级差税
heavy tax重税
income tax credit所得税抵免
income tax rate所得税税率
indirect business tax间接工商税
investment tax投资税
licence tax执照费
net operation profit after tax税后净营业利润
notice of tax payment交税通知书
petroleum tax石油税
pre-tax income税前收益
pre-tax profit税前利润
preferential tax terms税务优惠条件
product tax产品税
profit and tax amount利税额
profit and tax investment ratio投资利税率
profit tax所得税
progressive tax rate递增税率
provision for income tax备付所得税
regressive tax rate递减税率
repaying loan after paying tax税后还贷
resources tax资源税
special tax特种营业税
supplementary tax附力口税
tax adjustment税收调整
tax authorities税务当局
tax bearing ratio税负率
tax credit税额减免
tax deferred annuity递延税收年金
tax evasion偷漏税
tax evasion避税
tax incentive for investment投资税收优惠
tax item税目
tax liability应纳税款
tax on products产品税
tax payable应交税额
tax preference税收优惠
tax reform税制改革
tax regulation税则
tax relief减税
tax relief减免税
tax system税制