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Termes pour sujet Économie contenant note | Toutes les formes | correspondances exactes uniquement
AnglaisLangues chinoises
a backed note已背书的票据
a backed note装船单
a berth note订舱单
a boat note卸货接受单
a boat note渡货单
a boat note交货记录
a bought and sold note买卖契约
a bought and sold note买卖报告书
a bought note代买货物报告书
a bought note买货单
a cart note应税货搬运单
a concluding note结论
a fit note for circulation可周围使用的银行券
a foot note脚注
a foot note附注
a forged bank note假钞
a guidance note指导性说明
a maker of promissory note期票出票人
a note after sight见票后付款期票
a note book票据本
a note book笔记本
a note case钱包
a note case钱夹
a note receivable as collateral应收抵押票
a note receivable as collateral以应收票据担保
a note thus discounted or transferred by endorsement经背书贴现或转让票据
a promissory note本票借据
a promissory note期票
a received note收入票据
a request note申请单
a short-dated note短期票据
a short-term note短期票据
a transfer note汇票
a verification note验单
account note账目
accrued interest on note payable应计期票利息
accrued interest on note payable应付未付证券利息
advance note预支票据 (船员在航行中因预支薪水交给船主的票据)
advance on a promisory note期票贷款
air consignment note空运托运车
American Bank Note美钞
an allotment note分付请求书
an endorsed note已背书票据
an imitated note伪造纸币
an overdue note过期票据
bank note钞票
bank note银行券
bank note银行承兑券
bank note银行承兑票据
bank note银行钞票
bank noteB/N 纸币
bank note duty钞票发行税
bank note duty兑换券发行税
boarding note渡货单
bond-anticipation note预期债券票据
broker's contract note经纪代签合约单
cartage note搬运费单
compound interest note复利券
consignment note发货通知单
consignment note托运货单
contract note契约
contract note合同
contract note买卖股息通知
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note1931年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 (Geneva, 19 March, 1931)
convertible bank treasury note可兑换政府纸币
convertible subordinate note次级可转换债券
counterfeit bank note假钞票
country strategy note UNDP国家战略文件简写为CSN, 联合国开发计划署
cover note保险暂保单
cover note承保条
cover note投保证明
covering note保险说明
credit note贷款通知书【清单】
credit note赊欠凭证
credit note贷方报单
credit note除欠凭证
credit note贷记通知书
damage note货损通知单
dealing in foreign note and coin外国货币和硬币定期、选择权、证券交易 (future, option, securities)
debit note借方收款票
debit note借款通知单
debit note借方报单
debit note索款通知
debit note账单
debit note借据
declaration on consignment note货物运单申明事件
deferred payment of interest on note receivable应收票据上的延期利息收入
defiled bank note亏损钞票
defiled bank note污损银行券
delivery note提货单
delivery note交货清单
demand note交费通知单
demand promisory note即期本票
dispatch note邮包发运单
dispatch note包裹单
dividends payment of interest on note receivable应收票据上的延期利息收入
dock weight note码头重量单
dock weight note码头磅重单
documentary promisory note跟单期票
draft on note payable to bearer凭票即付的汇票
Each note used in the shop bears a notation indicating that the shop is privately owned在商店中使用的每一种票据上均有一个标志,用以说明该店是私营的
emergency note临时兑换券
Enclosed is a debit note on which the charges are billed随函寄去借方通知,各项费用均已列明
endorsed note receivable应收已背书票据
entry for a renewal note票据到期以新票据抵偿的分录
entry for note receivable transactions应收票据交易的分录
exchange contract note汇兑预约书
exchange of note换文
failure to give note未通知
Federal Reserve Bank Note联邦准备银行券
federal reserve note联邦储备兑换券
fiduciary note保证准备发行的纸币
fixture note租船契约
fixture note租船契约备忘录
floating rate note浮动利率本票
foreign note外国票据
foreign note外国银票
forged note伪造单据
forged note假钞票
forgery of money note伪造钞票
fractional note纸辅币
freight booking note订运单
gold note金券
goods received note收货票
guaranteed note保付票据
guidance note指导性说明
inconvertible note不兑现纸币
inland note国内普通票据
inscribed note记名股票
instrument note仪表说明
irrevocable adj., nonnegotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note不可撤销、不可转让的无息期票
jerque note查讫结算单
judgement note裁决支付债务通知书
key note要旨
key note主旨
labour note劳动券
late note过期通知
legal-tender note法币券
make a note of记下
make a note of把… 记下来
material received note收料凭证
mortgage note抵押借据
National Bank Note联邦注册银行券
National Bank Note联邦立案银行券
note at sight见票后付款期票
note broker证券经纪人
note dishonoured已拒付的票据
note in circulation流通中纸
note issue钞票发行
note-issue monopoly货币发行垄断制
note journal票据分类簿
note of allowance批准书
note of dishonoured退票通知
note of dishonoured已拒付的票据
note of hand付款单
note of protest拒付通知书
note of protest抗议照令
note of register票据登记本
note of transmittal送文说明
note on the debt债务的说明
note payable account应付票据账
note payable to banks应付银行的票据
note receivable discounted贴现应收票据
note receivable from officers, stockholders and employees应向负责人、股东及雇员收款的票据
note receivable protested拒付应付票据
note receivable protested拒付应收票据
note receivable trade应收销货票据
note receivable-past due过期应收票据
note register票据登记本
note renewal票据转期
note teller银行票据员
note to order须签名
overdue bill or note过期汇票或票据
payment of note支付票据的款项
please note and return请注意回示
Please note that our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable and sight L/C请注意我们的付款条件是保兑的、不可撤消的、见票即付的信用证
Please note that the quality of the initial export represents the repute of our firm请注意,首批岀口商品的质量代表公司的声誉
Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price务请注意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周
Please note that these two clauses are mutually inconsistent请注意这两个条款是互相矛盾的
Please note that we suggest modifications to the agreement请注意我方建议对本协议作出修改
postal note邮汇单
prefatory note序言
privilege of note issue发行钞票的特权
promising note票据
promising note期票
promissory note期〔本〕票
promissory note普通票据
promissory note made out to bearer来人票据
promissory note on demand应付即期本票
promissory note on demand即期本票
receiving note收货单 (通知)
refuse the note拒绝银行券的发行
revenue anticipation note税收提前使用票据 (一种由市政当局发行的短期债券,其还款来源为预期今后可征收的某项税收)
revenue anticipation note税收预期票据
risk note保险凭单
sale note售货单 (确认书)
shave a note杀价买进期票
shipping note装运通知
shipping note装船通知 (S/N)
short-term note短期票据
small note小额钞票
small note小票
subsidiary note纸辅币
subsidiary note辅币
take a note of记下
take a note of把… 记下来
take note of注意 (到)
tax anticipation note税收预期票据
technical note工程符号
technical note技术说明【备忘录】
the foot-note to financial statements资产负债表脚注
the note circulation通行纸币
the note circulation钞票流通
the privilege of note issue发行钞票的特权
the promissory note payable on demand应付即期本票
the seizure note缉获私运货物单
The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February第 310 号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月
The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July第14号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份
treasury note英镑
treasury note美国中期公债
treasury note钞票
We note that they have extended their scope of business, and set up an export department我们注意到他们已扩大了业务范围,并设立了出口部
We note your remarks concerning the quality of the manufactures我方注意到你方关于产品质量的看法
We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功
You may note that we are able to satisfy your requirement for steel你方可能已注意到我们完全有能力满足你方对钢材的需要