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A lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator彳艮多职业女性穿平跟鞋步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋
How to vulcanize in the shoe making process?在制鞋过程中如何硫化呢?
In fact, wedge heels range from low to high; it's the shape and the length of the heel that classify it as a wedge实际上,坡跟鞋也有高跟和低跟之分,我们只是按照鞋跟的形状和长度定义其是否为坡跟
In my shoe manufacturing factory, we only use cold sticking method to adhere the shoe在我的制鞋工厂,我们只用冷粘法来粘鞋
In the past years, the company has worked to collect a whole variety of traditional shoe designs and created some new designs过去几年来,公司在收集有民俗风格的鞋式样时,还设计了一些具有时代气息的款式
One of your favorite shoe styles is the open-toed sandal in order to display your snazzy toe rings你最爱的鞋子风格是露趾凉鞋,它能将你时髦的趾环展示出来
She loves wearing platform shoes, some kind of clothing that people notice her in她喜欢穿松糕鞋,那样能让别人注意到她的鞋子
Short period, high quality and low cost of dies are premier conditions on which enterprises participate in market competition模具的短周期、高质量和低成本是企业参与市场竞争的先决条件
Sneakers and other canvas shoes can get pretty smelly, especially if you wear them without socks in the summertime运动鞋和帆布鞋会有很大的味道,特别是当你夏天光脚穿鞋的时候
This gives her feet a little more room so her shoes don't start to pinch late in the day这让她的双脚有了多余的活动空间,到傍晚的时候就不会感到夹痛
This plug-in provides a framework that helps you develop extensible coloring arid apply a set of the most common rules该插件提供了一种框架,帮助您开发可扩展的着色方案,并应用一系列最常见的规则
With this approach I then set about wrapping my foot in tracing paper, and then binding it up in masking tape and then drawing various geometries onto and over the form of my foot通过这种方法,我用描图纸包裹自己的脚,然后用胶带黏合,再根据脚的形状画上各种几何图形
Your pumps are short in back heigh你的高跟鞋后跟高度不够